Rongzom Chokyi Zangpo was an eleventh-century Tibetan translator, author, and exegete of Buddhist literature. Among his translations and commentarial works are important scriptures transmitted as part of the first and second period of Buddhist diffusion in Tibet. He is a seminal figure for the Nyingma, traditionally described as the last translator of the early translation period. His work as a translator and exegete is nevertheless also important to the later translation period and the so-called New Schools of Tibetan Buddhism. His prodigious literary output––including his early and influential commentary on Guhyagarbhatantra and his vociferous defense of Tibet's Dzogchen tradition––affirm his place as the first of the three luminaries of the Nyingma tradition, alongside Longchenpa and Ju Mipam Gyatso. ... read more at
lo chen bai ro dngos byon gangs ri'i ljongs tsam na phul du byung ba'i paN+Di ta chen po rong zom chos kyi bzang pos kyang zab gter 'ga' zhig bzhes par grags kyang bar skabs nas rgyun byung min ma nges/_phyis 'dir rje bla ma mdo sngags gling par mkha' 'gro ma rigs byed rtsal gyi gsang sgrub kyi gzhung ngo mtshar can yang gter du babs pa kho bos kyang skal pa bzang po'i dpyid du nos shing /_rong pa chen po'i rnam par thar pa ni rgya cher yongs su grags pas 'dir smos ma dgos so
Nyingma - The Nyingma, which is often described as the oldest tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, traces its origin to Padmasambhava, who is said to have visited Tibet in the eighth century. Tib. རྙིང་མ་
Dzogchen - Dzogchen is an advanced system of meditation techniques to reveal the innate state of perfection primarily, but not exclusively, espoused by the Nyingma Buddhist tradition and the Tibetan Bön tradition. Skt. महासन्धि Tib. རྫོགས་ཆེན།
gotra - Disposition, lineage, or class; an individual's gotra determines the type of enlightenment one is destined to attain. Skt. गोत्र Tib. རིགས་ Ch. 鍾姓,種性