Create Book: Deity, Mantra and Wisdom

From Buddha-Nature

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  • The pagename for this person may not be the same as the name you want to display. Use both fields carefully. Find page for this person on this site and paste in here.
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Book Excerpt Pages

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Use the following template for adding a book excerpt button on the left:

|link=/index.php/LINK TO WIKI PAGE
|image=IMAGE URL
|label=Book Excerpt
|label-right=<i class="ml-1 fal fa-arrow-up rotate45"></i>

Book Essay Markup OKInclude here the full length (original content) essay about this book. It may describe part of the table of contents or in other ways introduce the audience to the work.
Table of Contents Markup OKInclude here the table of contents for this book. In order to make it consistently formatted, please use the following syntax:
  • Use bullets to denote a new item, and the outline depth (e.g. 2 bullets for a level two item, 3 bullets for level three, etc.)
  • Use {{ i | LIST ITEM NAME | PAGE NUMBER }} after the bullet(s) to create your item.
  • Example:
* {{i|Preface|7}}
* {{i|Acknowledgements|8}}
* {{i|Technical Note: My Use of the Asterisk|10}}
* {{i|I A Study and Annotated Translation of the Tathagatagarbhasātra|11}}
** {{i|A General Study and Text-historical Considerations|12}}
*** {{i|1 Textual History and Structure of the TGS|16}}
  • Keep in mind, the bullets will NOT appear, instead make sure to use whatever list numberering you want (1, A, i, a, I, etc.) inside the ITEM NAME area. See example above.
"Quotes" Tab Select yes if you would like to add a quotes tab to the book page. Contents of that tab can be added to text area below. To fetch ALL quotes from the DRL, paste in the tag {{GetBookQuotes}}. If you would just like to insert a quote manually, you can use the {{ Blockquote }} template to format it properly, in the format: {{ Blockquote | QUOTE TEXT HERE | QUOTE SOURCE HERE }}.
Publisher Logo No MarkupIf you have a publisher link on this page, you may need to include a publisher logo here. The main publishers will have logos automatically loaded but for the rest, please provide a file pagename.
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