- Editor's Introductionix
- Pronunciation of Sanskrit and Tibetanxv
Part One: Awakening the Heart
- 1. A Glimpse of Wakefulness3
- 2. Love, Vision, and Warriorship12
- 3. Doubt and Delight20
Part Two: Buddha Nature
- 4. Enlightened Genes31
- 5. Basic Goodness40
Part Three: Preparing the Ground
- 6. Cultivating Wholsomeness51
- 7. Expanding YourPractice54
- 8. Cutting Ego Fixation60
- 9. Awakening Your Enlightened Genes69
- 10. The Spiritual Friend78
Part Four: Making a Commitment
- 11. Indestructible Wakefulness89
- 12. Planting the Moon of Bodhi in Your Heart97
- 13. Cultivating a Mahayana Mentality99
- 14. The Seven Mahayana Exercises104
- 15. Taking the Bodhisattva Vow107
- 16. Becoming a Bodhisattva116
- 17. Joining Prundity and Vastness121
Part Five: Emptiness and Compassion
- 18. Emptiness129
- 19. Discovering a World beyond Ego134
- 20. Emptiness and the Middle Way142
- 21. Realizing the Emptiness of Ordinary Reality149
- 22. Experiencing Reality in Its Fullest Sense159
- 23. Contempating Emptiness171
- 24. Awakening Unfabricated Perception180
Part Six: Bodhisattva Activity
- 25. Paramitas: Techniques of Nongrasping193
- 26. Applying Emptiness to Everyday Life203
- 27. Generosity206
- 28. Discipline214
- 29. Patience229
- 30. Exertion238
- 31. Meditation249
- 32. Prajna256
Part Seven: Mind Training and Slogan Practice
- 33. Introduction to Mind Training273
- 34. Undermining Aggression282
- 35. Point One: The Preliminaries, Which Are a Basis for Dharma Practice289
- 36. Point Two: Resting in Ultimate Bodhicitta291
- 37. Point Two: Training in Relative Bodhicitta302
- 38. Point Three: Transformation of Bad Circumstances into the Path of
Enlightenment317 - 39.Point Four: Showing the Utilization of Practice in One's Whole Life338
- 40. Point Five: Evaluation of Mind Training347
- 41. Point Six: Disciplines of Mind Training357
- 42. Point Seven: Guidelines of Mind Training368
- 43. Additional Mind-Training Instructions378
Part Eight: The Bodhisattva's Journey
- 44. The Paths and Bhumis383
- 45. Very Joyful: The First Bhumi389
- 46. The Second through Tenth Bhumis397
- 47. Complete Radiance: The Eleventh Bhumi420
- Appendix 1: Never Forget the Hinayana433
- Appendix 2: The Practice of Oryoki435
- Appendix 3: The Heart Sutra437
- Appendix 4: Prajna Dialogues439
- Appendix 5: Forty-Six Ways in Which a Bodhisattva Fails443
- Appendix 6: The Root Text of the Seven Points of Mind Training447
- Appendix 7: Outline of Teachings451
- Glossary469
- Sources483
- Resources493
- About the Author495
- Credits501
- Index503