Verse I.138 Variations
स्वयंभूत्वं तथाविद्यावासभूम्यावृता जनाः
svayaṃbhūtvaṃ tathāvidyāvāsabhūmyāvṛtā janāḥ
Hidden in the earth due to not knowing [about it],
So those obscured by the ground of the latent tendencies
Of ignorance [do not obtain] the self-arisen.
Sont d’introuvables trésors ignorés, La [sagesse] spontanée des êtres est voilée Par la terre des imprégnations de l’ignorance.
RGVV Commentary on Verse I.138
Full Tibetan Commentary
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Textual sources
Commentaries on this verse
Academic notes
- Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Unicode Input
- Brunnhölzl, Karl. When the Clouds Part: The Uttaratantra and its Meditative Tradition as a Bridge between Sūtra and Tantra. Boston: Snow Lion Publications, an imprint of Shambhala Publications, 2014.