Verse I.148

From Buddha-Nature

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Ratnagotravibhāga Root Verse I.148

Verse I.148 Variations

प्रकृतेरविकारित्वात् कल्याणत्वाद्विशुद्धितः
हेममण्डलकौपम्यं तथतायामुदाहृतम्
prakṛteravikāritvāt kalyāṇatvādviśuddhitaḥ
hemamaṇḍalakaupamyaṃ tathatāyāmudāhṛtam
E. H. Johnston as input by the University of the West.[1]
Because of being changeless by nature,
Because of being excellent, and because of being pure,
Suchness is illustrated
By the analogy of a piece of gold.
En raison de sa nature immuable,
Vertueuse et parfaitement pure,
L’ainsité est comparable
À une forme en or.

RGVV Commentary on Verse I.148