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Mangala Shri Bhuti
PO Box 4088
Boulder, CO 80306
+ 112 West 2nd Street, Howell, NJ 07731, USA
+ 2634 SE 12th Ave., Portland, OR 97202
+ Intamnies, 24620 Tursac, France
+ University of Leipzig
Institute of Indology and Central Asian
Studies Internal PF: 132501
04081 Leipzig
+ 520 West 150th Street, NY, NY 10031
+ Department of Religious Studies, PO Box 400126, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4126
+ Religious Studies Department, Santa Clara University, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053-0035
+ 451 College St., #309
New Haven, CT 06511-8906
+ Thubten Norbu Ling Tibetan Buddhist Center
1807 2nd St #35
Santa Fe, NM 87505
+ UMA Institute for Tibetan Studies
7330 Harris Mountain Lane
Dyke VA 22935-1008 USA
2006-1816 Haro St
Vancouver BC V6G 2Y7
+ Center for General Education, China Medical University
No.91 Hsueh-Shih Road,Taichung, Taiwan 40402, R.O.C
+ 2217 Oil Well Rd.
Decorah, Ia. 52101
+ Roger R. Jackson<br />
John W. Nason Professor of Asian Studies and Religion<br />
Carleton College<br />
One North College Street<br />
Northfield, MN 55057
+ CLA 122
Illinois Wesleyan University
Bloomington, IL 61702-2900
+ 304 Aberdare Road,Montreal Quebec H3P 3K3,Canada
#2206, 402 Bartow Avenue
Kennesaw, Georgia 30144-5591