
From Buddha-Nature

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Peter Skilling: Which Pāli Sūtras Should be Translated into Tibetan?  +
Philosophy, Grammar, and Indology: Essays in Honour of Professor Gustav Roth  +
Plants in Early Buddhism and the Far Eastern Idea of the Buddha-Nature of Grasses and Trees  +
Poetic Thought, the Intelligent Universe, and the Mystery of Self: The Tantric Synthesis of rDzogs Chen in Fourteenth Century Tibet  +
Potprecha Cholvijarn: On Book Recommendations for Learning More about the Sammā Arahaṃ Tradition  +
Potprecha Cholvijarn: On How Other Theravāda Scholars and Masters View the Sammā Arahaṃ Interpretation of Self  +
Potprecha Cholvijarn: On How the Dhammakāya Is Conceived of in the Sammā Arahaṃ Tradition  +
Potprecha Cholvijarn: On the Background to the Nibbāna as Self or Not-Self Debate  +
Potprecha Cholvijarn: On the Canonical Basis for Nibbāna as Self in the Sammā Arahaṃ Meditation Tradition  +
Potprecha Cholvijarn: On the Concepts and Relationship between Āyatana, Nibbāna, and Dhammakāya  +
Potprecha Cholvijarn: On the Difference between an Arahant and a Buddha in the Sammā Arahaṃ Tradition  +
Potprecha Cholvijarn: On the Inspiration behind His Study of Self & Non-Self Debates in the Thai Theravāda Tradition  +
Potprecha Cholvijarn: On the Prominence of Thai Proponents of the Nibbāna-as-Self Perspective  +
Potprecha Cholvijarn: On the Prospect of the Idea of Nibbāna as Self Becoming More Widespread in Thai Buddhism  +
Potprecha Cholvijarn: On the Rational-Philosophical vs. Experiential-Mystical Aspects of the Thai Theravāda Tradition  +
Potprecha Cholvijarn: On the Sammā Arahaṃ Meditation Tradition and the Concept of Dhammakāya  +
Potprecha Cholvijarn: On the Teachings of Achan Man, Achan Maha Boowa, and His Teacher, Achan Sermchai  +
Prajñāpāramitā, Indian "gzhan stong pas", and the Beginning of Tibetan gzhan stong  +
Presenting Japanese Buddhism to the West: Orientalism, Occidentalism, and the Columbian Exposition  +