
From Buddha-Nature

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Affirmation in Negation: A Study of the Tathāgatagarbha Theory in the Light of the Bodhisattva Practices;Affirmation in Negation: A Study of the Tathāgatagarbha Theory in the Light of the Bodhisattva Practices;Affirmation in Negation: A Study of the Tathāgatagarbha Theory in the Light of the Bodhisattva Practices  +
All Buddhas and All Living Beings Are Just This One Mind: Teachings of the Buddhas and Zen Ancestors on Buddha Nature, Empty Awareness, and Nonduality—Compiled by Kokyo Henkel  +
All Living Beings Have Buddha-Nature: The Genesis of the Concept of Universal Buddhahood; All Living Beings Have Buddha-Nature: The Genesis of the Concept of Universal Buddhahood; ; false; All Living Beings Have Buddha-Nature: The Genesis of the Concept of Universal Buddhahood  +
An Early Tibetan Survey of Buddhist Literature;An Early Tibetan Survey of Buddhist Literature;An Early Tibetan Survey of Buddhist Literature: The Bstan pa rgyas pa rgyan gyi nyi 'od of Bcom ldan ral gri  +
An English Translation of Fa-Tsang's Commentary on the Awakening of Faith;An English Translation of Fa-Tsang's Commentary on the Awakening of Faith;An English Translation of Fa-Tsang's Commentary on the Awakening of Faith  +
An Introduction to Buddhism (Takasaki);An Introduction to Buddhism (Takasaki);An Introduction to Buddhism  +
An Introduction to Discovering the Buddha Within by H.E. Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche; An Introduction to Discovering the Buddha Within; ; true; An Introduction to Discovering the Buddha Within by H.E. Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche  +
Anne Burchardi: Advice on Navigating the Plethora of Available Buddha-Nature Teachings; Anne Burchardi: Advice on Navigating the Plethora of Available Buddha-Nature Teachings; ; false; Anne Burchardi: Advice on Navigating the Plethora of Available Buddha-Nature Teachings  +
Anne Burchardi: Buddha-Nature in Practice: How the Notion of "Garbha" Can Be Applied to "Being in the World"; Anne Burchardi: Buddha-Nature in Practice: How the Notion of "Garbha" Can Be Applied to "Being in the World"; ; false; Anne Burchardi: Buddha-Nature in Practice: How the Notion of "Garbha" Can Be Applied to "Being in the World"  +
Anne Burchardi: On Her First Encounter with Buddha-Nature Teachings; Anne Burchardi: On Her First Encounter with Buddha-Nature Teachings; ; false; Anne Burchardi: On Her First Encounter with Buddha-Nature Teachings  +
Anne Burchardi: On Her Work Compiling the Commentaries to the Uttaratantra; Anne Burchardi: On Her Work Compiling the Commentaries to the Uttaratantra; ; false; Anne Burchardi: On Her Work Compiling the Commentaries to the Uttaratantra  +
Anne Burchardi: On Turning Hardship into the Path; Anne Burchardi: On Turning Hardship into the Path; ; false; Anne Burchardi: On Turning Hardship into the Path  +
Anne Burchardi: On the Provisional or Definitive Nature of the Buddha-Nature Teachings; Anne Burchardi: On the Provisional or Definitive Nature of the Buddha-Nature Teachings; ; false; Anne Burchardi: On the Provisional or Definitive Nature of the Buddha-Nature Teachings  +
Anne Burchardi: On the Sutra Sources for the Uttaratantra and Her Work on the Dharanishvarajasutra; Anne Burchardi: On the Sutra Sources for the Uttaratantra and Her Work on the Dharanishvarajasutra; ; false; Anne Burchardi: On the Sutra Sources for the Uttaratantra and Her Work on the Dharanishvarajasutra  +
Anne Burchardi: Why the Buddha-Nature Teachings were Taught according to the Uttaratantrashastra; Anne Burchardi: Why the Buddha-Nature Teachings were Taught according to the Uttaratantrashastra; ; false; Anne Burchardi: Why the Buddha-Nature Teachings were Taught according to the Uttaratantrashastra  +
Apophatic and Kataphatic Discourse in Mahāyāna: A Chinese View  +
Appendix F: Inventory List of Manuscripts in Sanskrit, Khotanese, and Kuchean  +
Approaching the Great Perfection;Approaching the Great Perfection;Approaching the Great Perfection: Simultaneous and Gradual Approaches to Dzogchen Practice in Jigme Lingpa's Longchen Nyingtig  +
Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna  +
Awakening the Sleeping Buddha;Awakening the Sleeping Buddha;Awakening the Sleeping Buddha  +