
From Buddha-Nature

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A human existence endowed with the eight freedoms and ten riches.  +
Literally, "center and surrounding," but the term should be understood according to context. Usually a deity along with its surrounding environment.  +
Victorious One. A buddha; one who has conquered the four Maras.  +
The period from catching a fatal sickness until the end of the three dissolution stages.  +
Refers here to the pointing-out instruction for recognizing the nature of mind, repeated for a practitioner at the verge of death by a master or a close dharma friend.  +
The four continents surrounding Mount Sumeru: Superior Body, Jambudvipa, Cow Enjoyment, and Unpleasant Sound. Human beings live on all four continents, but on Unpleasant Sound they are not suitable to practice the buddha dharma.  +
A master in the Dzogchen lineage and root guru of Guru Rinpoche. Shri Singha attained complete realization of the Dzogchen teachings and, along with Guru Rinpoche, was one of the only two masters to fully attain the "empowerment of the display of awareness," through which they could transform the phenomenal world in any way they desired.  +
The path of accumulation, joining, seeing, cultivation, and nonlearning. The five paths over the entire process from beginning dharma practice to complete enlightenment.  +