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A list of all pages that have property "Gloss-def" with value "The four or six sections of tantras.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/A Gathering of Brilliant Moons/Glossary  + (The four elements of a complete act: ground, intention, application, and completion.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Profound Inner Principles/Glossary  + (The four establishments in mindfulness (drThe four establishments in mindfulness (dran pa nye bar bzhag pa bzhi); four correct relinquishments (yang dag par spong ba bzhi); four feet of miraculous powers (rdzu 'phrul gyi rkang bzhi); five faculties (dbang po lnga); five strengths (stobs lnga); seven branches of awakening (byang chub kyi yan lag bdun); and eightfold path of noble ones ('phags lam yan lag brgyad). See Hopkins 1983, 205–6. yan lag brgyad). See Hopkins 1983, 205–6.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Life of Gampopa/Glossary  + (The four generosities are: Giving material goods such as food and alms, giving loving-kindness, giving refuge from fear, and sharing the Dharma teachings.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Finding Rest in the Nature of the Mind/Glossary  + (The four great Madhyamika arguments used tThe four great Madhyamika arguments used to prove that phenomena are without intrinsic being. The first is the so-called diamond splinters argument. This addresses the question of causes and shows that it is impossible for phenomena to arise produced from themselves, from something else, from both self and other or uncaused. The second argument deals with effects and demonstrates that it is impossible for effects, whether existent or nonexistent, to be produced. The third examines both cause and effect together and refutes the production from any of the four alternatives. The fourth investigates the nature of phenomena and is divided in two separate arguments: the argument of dependent arising and the argument of neither one nor many. and the argument of neither one nor many.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Introduction to the Middle Way/Glossary  + (The four great Madhyamika arguments used tThe four great Madhyamika arguments used to prove that phenomena are without intrinsic being. The first is the so-called diamond splinters argument. This addresses the question of causes and shows that it is impossible for phenomena to arise produced from themselves, from something else, from both self and other or uncaused. The second argument deals with effects and demonstrates that it is impossible for effects, whether existent or nonexistent, to be produced. The third examines both cause and effect together and refutes the production from any of the four alternatives. The fourth investigates the nature of phenomena and is divided in two separate arguments: the argument of dependent arising and the argument of neither one nor many. and the argument of neither one nor many.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism/Glossary  + (The four groups of conflicting emotions arising from the ramification of dispositions grounded in ignorance. Cf. the discussion in Longcenpa, ''Treasury of Spiritual and Philosophical Systems'', (p. 37). 55)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism/Glossary  + (The four guardians of Yangleshö who confroThe four guardians of Yangleshö who confronted [[Padmasambhava]] at Chumik Cangcup in Nepal. Their names are Dorje Yacin (''rdo-rje ya-byin''), the daughter of a Māra demon; Decen Decin (''bde-can de-byin''), the daughter of Rāhu; Secin (''bse-byin''), the daughter of a Tsen spirit; and Phakcin (''phag-byin''), the daughter of a nāga spirit. See, e.g., Jikme Lingpa, ''Vajrakīla according to the Tradition of the Tantra'', (p. 460). 481e Tradition of the Tantra'', (p. 460). 481)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Treasury of Precious Qualities: Book One (2001)/Glossary  + (The four highest states of samsaric existeThe four highest states of samsaric existence. They correspond to the four formless absorptions, that is, the four meditative absorptions devoid of attributes. They are called: (1) Infinite Space (''nam mkha' mtha' yas'') (2) Infinite Consciousness (''rnam shes mtha' yas''); (3) Utter Nothingness (''ci yang med pa''); and (4) Neither Existence nor Nonexistence (''yod min med min''). They are devoid of location and are characterized by the absence of perception.haracterized by the absence of perception.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Great Image/Glossary  + (The four highest states of samsaric existence.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Life of Gampopa/Glossary  + (The four immeasurables are: Loving kindness, the desire to see all beings happy; compassion, the desire to see all beings free from suffering; joy in the joy of others; equanimity, caring equally for all beings without partiality.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Life of Gampopa/Glossary  + (The four initiations are the four major emThe four initiations are the four major empowerments given within a tantric initiation: (1) the vase empowerment, blessing one's body to become Buddha's body, and planting the seed to realize the nirmanakaya; (2) the secret empowerment, blessing one's speech to become Buddha's speech, and planting the seed to attain the sambhogakaya; (3) the wisdom empowerment, blessing one's mind to become Buddha's mind, and planting the seed to realize the dharmakaya; (4) the precious word empowerment, blessing one's body, speech, and mind to become inseparable from the state of Vajradhara, and planting the seed to realize the svabhavikakaya, the ultimate realization of suchness.aya, the ultimate realization of suchness.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Deity Mantra and Wisdom/Glossary  + (The four joys are a common principle in thThe four joys are a common principle in the teachings on the conceptual completion stage. Though they are listed differently depending on the context, they are often presented as: 1) joy, 2) supreme joy, 3) freedom from joy (or special joy), and 4) coemergent joy. ''The Great Tibetan-Chinese Dictionary'' explains: "Four joys are produced when bodhicitta descends to each of the four cakras. [These four comprise] a realization associated with the yogic heat practice, which involves taking control of the subtle energies. When bodhicitta descends from the crown center, joy is produced; when it descends to the throat center, supreme joy; when it descends to the heart center, freedom from joy; and when it reaches the navel center, coemergent joy." [TD 2562]e navel center, coemergent joy." [TD 2562])
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Rain of Wisdom/Glossary  + (The four joys are associated with the third abhiṣeka: joy (S: ānanda), perfect joy (S: paramānanda), joy of cessation (S: viramānanda), and coemergent joy (S: sahajānanda).)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Mirror of Mindfulness (1989)/Glossary  + (The four kayas and five wisdoms.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Lamp of Mahamudra/Glossary  + (The four kayas and five wisdoms.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Mirror of Mindfulness (1989)/Glossary  + (The four knowledge-holders, masters of theThe four knowledge-holders, masters of the four stages of the tantric path of Mahayoga. The four vidyadhara levels are the Fully Matured, Life-Mastery, Great Seal, and Spontaneously Accomplished (rnam smin, tshe dbang, phyag chen, lhun grub). The Mahayoga equivalent to the ten bodhisattva bhumis. equivalent to the ten bodhisattva bhumis.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism/Glossary  + (The four main students of Zurcungpa Sherap-tra, namely, Kyotön Śākye of Kungbu, Yangkeng Lama of Kyonglung, Len Śākya Zangpo of Chuwar and Datik Cośāk of Nakmore. 346, 640-2, 645, 647)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Music in the Sky/Glossary  + (The four maras are the afflictions, the fiThe four maras are the afflictions, the five aggregates, the children of the gods (devaputra), and the Lord of Death (Yama). The Karmapa explains that in general, "The label 'mara' is given to what blocks a practitioner from attaining awakening or perfect liberation."ttaining awakening or perfect liberation.")
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Treasury of Esoteric Instructions/Glossary  + (The four maṇḍalas are the channels of the The four maṇḍalas are the channels of the body, the channel syllables, the essential constituent nectars (enlightenment mind, drops), and the vital wind of primordial awareness. These are the supports that transform into the four kāyas. The universal ground consciousness, or mind, is supported by these four and transforms into the fifth kāya.e four and transforms into the fifth kāya.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Profound Inner Principles/Glossary  + (The four mental skandhas: feelings, discriThe four mental skandhas: feelings, discriminations, formative forces, and consciousnesses. When paired with forms, they are names-and-forms (ming gzugs, nāmarūpa), the fourth of the twelve links of dependent origination (after ignorance, formative forces, and consciousnesses).e, formative forces, and consciousnesses).)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Profound Inner Principles/Glossary  + (The four mental skandhas—feelings, discriminations, formative forces, and consciousnesses—and the forms skandha.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Wondrous Dance of Illusion/Glossary  + (The four methods or aspects of meaning: (1) the literal mode, in words (tshig gi tshul); (2) the general or outer mode (phyi'i tshul); (3) the hidden mode (sbas pa'i tshul); and (4) the ultimate mode (mthar thug gi tshul).)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Mirror of Mindfulness (1989)/Glossary  + (The four mind-changings. Through these teachings one's mind will turn toward dharma practice.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Uttara Tantra: A Treatise on Buddha Nature/Glossary  + (The four obstacles in reaching complete enThe four obstacles in reaching complete enlightenment are a dislike of the dharma, a strong belief in self, fear of suffering on the path, and lack of motivation to help others, ground, path, and fruition A logical method for describing something used in many Buddhist works. First one describes ṁe causal conditions (ground), then the coming together of these causes towards some goal (path), and finally the result (fruition),(path), and finally the result (fruition),)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism/Glossary  + (The four of radiance are luminosity (''gsaThe four of radiance are luminosity (''gsal-le''), pristine purity (''sing-nge''), intensity (''lhag-ge'') and brilliance (''lhang-nge-ba''). The four of constancy are immovability (''mi-gYo''), unchangeability (''mi-'gyur''), manifest unchangeability (''mngon-par mi-'gyur'') and ability to transform into anything (''cir-yang bsgyur-du btub pa''). Refer to [[Jamgön Kongtrül]], ''lam-rim ye-shes snying-po'i 'grel-pa'', (p. 90a). 279shes snying-po'i 'grel-pa'', (p. 90a). 279)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism/Glossary  + (The four outer contemplations - the progreThe four outer contemplations - the progress of a spiritual warrior (''dpa'-bar- 'gro-ba''), the precious crown (''rin-po-che'i tog''), emanation (''rnam-par rol-pa'') and the basket of plenty (''za-ma-tog''); the four inner contemplations - penetrating all objects (''yul-kun-la 'jug-pa''), manifestation (''mngon-par snang-ba''), the crown-jewel (''gtsug-gi nor-bu'') and arraying the summit of the victory banner (''rgyal-mtshan rtse-mo yongs-su bkod-pa''); and the four secret contemplations - purity of the movement of subtle energies ('' 'gyu-ba dag-pa''), profound appearance (''zab-mo snang-ba''), jewel lamp (''rin-chen sgron-me'') and excellence (''legs-pa''). Refer to Longcenpa, ''Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle'', (p. 28). 137ury of the Supreme Vehicle'', (p. 28). 137)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Treasury of Esoteric Instructions/Glossary  + (The four pulsations are the pulsations of:The four pulsations are the pulsations of: the channels; the syllables (that are channels in the crooked forms of syllables); the drops, enlightenment minds, or nectars (terms used synonymously at various times); and the vital winds. The advance and retreat ('' 'jug ldog'') of these four in and out of the saṃsāra channels of the rasanā and lalanā and the central channel of nirvāṇa is referred to as ''pulsation ('gros)''. When the four pulsations have gone into the central channel and no longer retreat, this is referred to as the ''dissolution of the four pulsations ('gros bzhi thim)''.f the four pulsations ('gros bzhi thim)''.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Uttara Tantra: A Treatise on Buddha Nature/Glossary  + (The four qualities that one achieves with complete enlightenment. Being inconceivable to ordinary persons they are loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity,)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Mahāmudrā and Related Instructions/Glossary  + (The four regions surrounding Mount Meru inThe four regions surrounding Mount Meru in Abhidharma cosmology that together comprise the inhabited universe. The southern continent, Jambudvīpa, originally referred only to India but came to mean the entire known human world. The other continents or worlds, separated from ours by areas of darkness, are said to be inhabited by distinct races of beingso be inhabited by distinct races of beings)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/A Feast of the Nectar of the Supreme Vehicle/Glossary  + (The four results of the Listeners’ VehicleThe four results of the Listeners’ Vehicle—namely, stream enterer, once-returner, nonreturner, and arhat, for each of which there are two kinds: those who have entered their respective level (“candidates,” Tib. ''zhugs pa'') and those who are firmly establishedon it (“graduates,” Tib.''bras la gnas pa''),hence the alternative Tibetan term ''zhugs gnas brgyad''.native Tibetan term ''zhugs gnas brgyad''.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Profound Inner Principles/Glossary  + (The four root petals are "truly energetic"The four root petals are "truly energetic" (yang dag shugs), "very energetic" (shin tu shugs), "excellent" (shin tu bzang), and "proceeds well" (bzang po 'gro). The sixty terminal petals are grouped in twelve sets, related to the twelve houses. Aries: "great strength" (stobs chen), "great inexhaustibility" (mi zad che ba), "great beauty" (mdzes chen), "great frontal birth" (mdun du skyes pa che ba), and "provision- sign" (brgyags pa'i rtags). Taurus: "provision-part" (brgyags pa'i cha), "provision-water" (brgyags pa'i chu), "provision-intoxication" (brgyags smyo byed), "provisions" (brgyags pa), and "concordant causes of provisions" (brgyags pa'i rgyu mthun). Gemini: "provision-moisture" (brgyags pa'i rlan), "provision-holder" (brgyags pa 'chang ba), "rough" (rtsub pa), "saliva" (kha chu), and "elephant" (glang po). Cancer: "uneasy breath" (dbugs mi bde ba), "rusted" (g.ya' kha 'gro), "bird limb" ('dab chags yan lag), "raptor face" (khra yi gdong pa), and "potbelly" (za phod). Leo: "forceful" (mi bzad pa), "resounding" (sgra sgrogs), "scented" (dri ldan), "striking" (brdegs pa), and "discipline" (brtul ba). Virgo: "melody" (dbyangs), "melodious" (dbyangs skyes), "cloud" (sprin pa), "higher tendons" (chu ba mtho ba), and "sealed dedication" (rgya ltar sngo ba). Libra: "primary trice" (yud tsam gtso bo), "trice born" (yud tsam skyes pa), "back facing" (rgyab tu kha bltas pa), "staff" (dbyug pa), and "smooth staff" (dbyug snyoms). Scorpio: "ancient" (rnying pa), "joint-god" (tshigs kyi lha), "joint of joints" (tshigs kyi tshigs), "joint-measure" (tshigs kyi tshad), and "discipline" (brtul ba). Sagittarius: "joint-abode" (tshigs kyi gnas), "joint-face" (tshigs kyi gdong), "jointlight" (tshigs 'od), "joint-chains" (tshigs kyi lu gu rgyud), and "tamer" (dul byed). Capricorn: "tamed" (dul 'gro), "majestic" (gzi brjid), "stainless taming" (dri med dul ba), "conceited" (bsnyems ma), and "edible tassel" (chun 'phyang lto). Aquarius: "passionate passion" (chags pa chags), "tassel" (chun 'phyang), "half tassel" (chun 'phyang phyed), "bee" (sbrang bu), and "children bestower" (phru gu phru gu ster). Pisces: "migrator" ('gro ba), "leaf " (lo ma), "leaf throat" (lo ma'i mgrin pa), "supreme" (rab mchog ma), and "pellucid" (rab gsal).(rab mchog ma), and "pellucid" (rab gsal).)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Deity Mantra and Wisdom/Glossary  + (The four seals, or mudrās, are a focal poiThe four seals, or mudrās, are a focal point in the meditative tradition of Yoga Tantra. These four are the activity seal of enlightened activity (karma mudrā), pledge seal of enlightened mind (samaya mudrā), dharma seal of enlightened speech (dharma mudrā), and great seal of enlightened form (mahāmudrā). [SG 335] of enlightened form (mahāmudrā). [SG 335])
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Deity Mantra and Wisdom/Glossary  + (The four spheres of perception, from that The four spheres of perception, from that of boundless space up to the peak of existence. In these spheres, there is no coarse form, only clear mental forms. The beings in these realms are free of attachment to form, bur are attached to the state of formlessness. [TD 2503]ed to the state of formlessness. [TD 2503])
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Lotus-Born/Glossary  + (The four stages of attainment of knowledgeThe four stages of attainment of knowledge-holders, masters of the four stages of the tantric path of Mahayoga. The four vidyadhara levels are the maturation, longevity (life mastery), mahamudra, and spontaneous perfection. See also Vidyadhara level of longevity, mahamudra, maturation, and spontaneous perfection.a, maturation, and spontaneous perfection.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Life of Gampopa/Glossary  + (The four steps used to purify and eliminatThe four steps used to purify and eliminate negative karma: (1) the power of confession, where one admits negative actions of body, speech, and mind committed in this life and in all prior lives; (2) the power of regret, where one understands the suffering and negative karma one has created, and sincerely regrets having committed the action; (3) the power of resolution, firmly resolving never to repeat the action again, even at the cost of one's life; (4) the power of reliance, praying to the buddhas and bodhisattvas for help and support in one's effort to abandon all negative's effort to abandon all negative karma.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/In the Presence of Masters/Glossary  + (The four thoughts that turn the mind (fromThe four thoughts that turn the mind (from samsara). These are (1) the preciousness of human birth (in this human life we have an opportunity to practice and attain realization); (2) impermanence (death is real and comes without warning); (3) the pain of samsara (there are six realms of existence, and inescapable suffering occurs within and as a result of each of them); and (4) karma (everything we do produces an effect that we will have to live with, producing happiness or suffering for us in the future).piness or suffering for us in the future).)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Blazing Splendor/Glossary  + (The four visions in Dzogchen practice: ''dharmata'' in actuality, increase in experience, culmination of awareness and exhaustion of phenomena. Four stages in Mahamudra practice: one-pointedness, simplicity, one taste, and nonmeditation.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Düdjom Lingpa's Visions of the Great Perfection: Heart of the Great Perfection/Glossary  + (The four visions of direct crossing over practice.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Rain of Wisdom/Glossary  + (The four ways a bodhisattva gathers studenThe four ways a bodhisattva gathers students and spreads the dharma: (1) generosity, providing necessities so that students will be attracted to the dharma; (2) praise, being generous in a pleasing and kind way; (3) acting in accord with local customs, so that students will understand the bodhisattva's actions; and (4) actions that benefit students.ns; and (4) actions that benefit students.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Rain of Wisdom/Glossary  + (The four yogas of mahāmudrā: one-pointedness (T: rtse-gcig), simplicity (T: spros-bral), one taste (T: ro-gcig) , and nonmeditation (T: sgom-med).)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Düdjom Lingpa's Visions of the Great Perfection: Heart of the Great Perfection/Glossary  + (The fourth and final vision on the path ofThe fourth and final vision on the path ofdirect crossing over, in which all phenomena dissolve into the space of awareness. This corresponds to the attainment of the supreme ground of a spontaneously actualized vidyādhara on the mantra path, which surpasses the tenth āryabodhisattva ground, known as the Cloud of Dharma.ttva ground, known as the Cloud of Dharma.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Ornament of Stainless Light/Glossary  + (The fourth chapter of the Condensed Kālacakra dealing with generation-stage practices, and often used torefer to their written form)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/A Lamp to Illuminate the Five Stages/Glossary  + (The fourth of the fifth stages. When thirdThe fourth of the fifth stages. When third-stage illusory body withdraws into illustrative clear light, the illusory body itself disappears, but the remaining clear light becomes the ''actual'' clear light. Its nature is the very subtle mind focused on the ultimate truth of phenomena, and its function is to serve as the substantial cause for the exalted-wisdom dharmakāya.l cause for the exalted-wisdom dharmakāya.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Lamp of Mahamudra/Glossary  + (The fourth of the five paths on which one cultivates and trains in the higher practices of a bodhisattva, especially the eight aspects of the path of noble beings.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/A Feast of the Nectar of the Supreme Vehicle/Glossary  + (The fourth of the five paths, during which a bodhisattva traverses the remaining nine of the ten levels.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Deity Mantra and Wisdom/Glossary  + (The fourth of the five paths; this stage functions as the gateway to liberation, in which one cultivates and familiarizes oneself with the nature that was realized on the path of seeing. [TD 598])
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Perfect or Perfected? Rongtön on Buddha-Nature/Glossary  + (The fourth of the five stages of the path The fourth of the five stages of the path to awakening. After perceiving emptiness directly on the path of seeing, this path consists of deepening that realisation through meditation and through the application of the eightfold ārya path. In this way, one gradually removes the cognitive veils, thereby attaining increasingly higher levels of realization (that is, the second to the tenth bodhisattva grounds). second to the tenth bodhisattva grounds).)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/Lamp of Mahamudra/Glossary  + (The fourth of the four aspects of ascertainment on the path of joining. The highest spiritual attainment within samsaric existence.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Mirror of Mindfulness (1989)/Glossary  + (The fourth of the four divisions of the Instruction Section of Dzogchen according to the arrangement of Shri Singha. ''See'' Appendix.)
  • Tsadra Library Glossary Search/All Gloss Entries/The Mirror of Mindfulness (1989)/Glossary  + (The fourth of the four visions in Dzogchen.)