
From Buddha-Nature

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The experiences of manifest luminosity during the bardo of dying.  +
These are, for example, statues, scriptures, and stupas.  +
The commitments of a vajrayana practitioner. See samaya.  +
The example for this is the dream experience. Sometimes this term has been translated as "one's own projection" or "self-display."  +
The "noble" or "exalted" beings are great masters, bodhisattvas, or arhants who have attained the path of seeing the third of the five paths. Ordinary beings are all others before reaching the path of seeing.  +
One of the last experiences during the bardo of dharmata.  +
The luminosity of the manifest aspect. Compare with ''empty luminosity''.  +
The transmission of teachings, hidden as treasures, to be revealed in the future to destined students by a tertön, treasure-revealer.  +
Guru, yidam, and dakini. The Guru is the root of blessings, the Yidam of accomplishment, and the dakini of activity.  +
''Sutra'' refers to the teachings of both hinayana and mahayana. ''Mantra'' refers to vajrayana.  +
The six transcendent actions of generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, concentration, and discriminating knowledge.  +
One of the Eight Practice Lineages. Literally, "Six Unions," according to the system of Kalachakra.  +
One of the dissolution stages during the bardo of dharmata.  +