
From Buddha-Nature

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KeyTerm Definition Link
Key Terms/AA AA AA - Abhisamayālaṃkāra
Key Terms/AAvivṛti AAvivṛti AAvivṛti - Abhisamayālaṃkāravivṛti
Key Terms/AAvṛtti AAvṛtti AAvṛtti - Abhisamayālaṃkāravṛtti
Key Terms/AAĀ AAĀ AAĀ - Abhisamayālaṃkārālokā
Key Terms/AK AK AK - Abhidharmakośakārikā
Key Terms/AKBh AKBh AKBh - Abhidharmakośabhāṣya
Key Terms/AKVy AKVy AKVy - Abhidharmakośavyākhyā
Key Terms/AkṣN AkṣN AkṣN - Akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra
Key Terms/AMS AMS AMS - Aṅgulimālīyasūtra
Key Terms/AOH AOH AOH - Acta Orientalia (Budapest)
Key Terms/AP AP AP - Asian Philosophy
Key Terms/ARIRIAB ARIRIAB ARIRIAB - Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University
Key Terms/AS AS AS - Asiatische Studien
Key Terms/AU AU AU - Amṛtakaṇikodyotanibandha
Key Terms/Aṣṭa Aṣṭa Aṣṭa - Aṣṭasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā
Key Terms/BA BA BA - The Blue Annals
Key Terms/BA (Tib) BA (Tib) BA (Tib) - Deb ther sngon po
Key Terms/BCA BCA BCA - Bodhicaryāvatāra
Key Terms/BCAP BCAP BCAP - Bodhicaryāvatārapañjikā
Key Terms/BCRD BCRD BCRD - The Buddhist Canons Research Database a project of the American Institute of Buddhist Studies (AIBS) and the Columbia University Center for Buddhist Studies (CCBS)
Key Terms/BDRC BDRC BDRC - Buddhist Digital Resource Center
Key Terms/BEFEO BEFEO BEFEO - Bulletin d'École Française d'Extrême-Orient
Key Terms/BhK I BhK I BhK I - Bhāvanākrama I
Key Terms/BHSD BHSD BHSD - Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, Vol. 2
Key Terms/BHSG BHSG BHSG - Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, Vol. 1
Key Terms/Bobh Bobh Bobh - Bodhisattvabhūmi
Key Terms/BPPB BPPB BPPB - Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica
Key Terms/BSOAS BSOAS BSOAS - Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
Key Terms/CAJ CAJ CAJ - Central Asiatic Journal
Key Terms/Caturmudrā Caturmudrā Caturmudrā - Caturmudrāviniścaya
Key Terms/CNRS CNRS CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Key Terms/CSS CSS CSS - Catuḥstavasamāsārtha
Key Terms/CŚT CŚT CŚT - Bodhisattvayogācāracatuḥśatakaṭīkā
Key Terms/DhDhS DhDhS DhDhS - Dharmadhātustava
Key Terms/DhDhV DhDhV DhDhV - Dharmadharmatāvibhāga
Key Terms/DIR DIR DIR - Dhāraṇīśvararājasūtra
Key Terms/DNZ DNZ [[DNZ - The Treasury of Precious Instructions Cataloging Project: Tsadra Foundation's Treasury of Precious Instructions cataloging project includes the full text of all eighteen volumes of the Shechen Publications edition of Jamgon Kongtrul's gdams ngag rin po che'i mdzod.]]
Key Terms/DohaPañj DohaPañj DohaPañj - Dohakośapañjikā
Key Terms/DSBC DSBC DSBC - Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon, a project of the University of the West
Key Terms/EA EA EA - Etudes Asiatiques
Key Terms/GCBS GCBS GCBS - Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies
Key Terms/GRETL GRETL GRETL - Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages
Key Terms/GV GV GV - Gaṇḍavyūha
Key Terms/HJAS HJAS HJAS - Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
Key Terms/HL HL HL - Himalayan Linguistics
Key Terms/HR HR HR - History of Religions
Key Terms/HV HV HV - Hevajra-tantra-rāja-nāma
Key Terms/IA IA IA - Indian Antiquary
Key Terms/IAIC IAIC IAIC - International Academy of Indian Culture
Key Terms/IATS IATS IATS - International Association for Tibetan Studies
Key Terms/IBK IBK IBK - Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies
Key Terms/IGI IGI IGI - The Imperial Gazetteer of India
Key Terms/IHQ IHQ IHQ - Indian Historical Quarterly
Key Terms/ISCRL ISCRL ISCRL - Indian Studies in Honor of Charles R. Lanman
Key Terms/IsMEO IsMEO IsMEO - Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente
Key Terms/JA JA JA - Journal Asiatique
Key Terms/JAAR JAAR JAAR - Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Key Terms/JAOS JAOS JAOS - Journal of the American Oriental Society
Key Terms/JASB JASB JASB - Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal
Key Terms/JBTS JBTS JBTS - Journal of the Buddhist Text Society of India
Key Terms/JIABS JIABS JIABS - Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
Key Terms/JIBS JIBS JIBS - Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies
Key Terms/JIP JIP JIP - Journal of Indian Philosophy
Key Terms/JNA JNA JNA - Jñānaśrīmitranibandhāvalī
Key Terms/JPTS JPTS JPTS - Journal of the Pali Text Society
Key Terms/JRAS JRAS JRAS - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
Key Terms/JRCAS JRCAS JRCAS - Journal of the Royal Central Asiatic Society (London)
Key Terms/JTS JTS JTS - Journal of the Tibet Society
Key Terms/JUPHS JUPHS JUPHS - Journal of the U. P. Historical Society
Key Terms/JñāĀ JñāĀ JñāĀ - Jñānālokālaṃkārasūtra
Key Terms/Kudṛṣṭi Kudṛṣṭi Kudṛṣṭi - Kudṛṣṭisaṅghātana
Key Terms/LAS LAS LAS - Laṅkāvatārasūtra
Key Terms/LTWA LTWA LTWA - Library of Tibetan Works and Archives
Key Terms/MarKau MarKau MarKau - Marmakaumudī
Key Terms/MAv MAv MAv - Madhyamakāvatārabhāṣya
Key Terms/MAV MAV MAV - Madhyāntavibhāga
Key Terms/MAVBh MAVBh MAVBh - Madhyāntavibhāgabhāṣya
Key Terms/MAvT MAvT MAvT - Madhyamakāvatāraṭīkā
Key Terms/MAVT MAVT MAVT - Madhyāntavibhāgaṭīkā
Key Terms/MBhS MBhS MBhS - Mahābherīsūtra
Key Terms/MCB MCB MCB - Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques
Key Terms/MH MH MH - Madhyamakahṛdaya
Key Terms/MMK MMK MMK - Mūlamadhyamakakārikā
Key Terms/MMPS MMPS MMPS - Mahāyānamahāparinirvāṇasūtra
Key Terms/MN MN MN - Majjhimanikāya
Key Terms/MS MS MS - Mahāyānasaṃgraha
Key Terms/MSABh MSABh MSABh - Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkārabhāṣya
Key Terms/MSAVy MSAVy MSAVy - Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra-vyākhyā
Key Terms/MuAlaṃ MuAlaṃ MuAlaṃ - Munimatālaṃkāra
Key Terms/Mvy Mvy Mvy - Mahāvyutpatti
Key Terms/MĀl MĀl MĀl - Madhyamakāloka
Key Terms/NGMPP NGMPP NGMPP - Nepal German Manuscript Preservation Project
Key Terms/OAW OAW OAW - Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Key Terms/Pañcaviṃśati Pañcaviṃśati Pañcaviṃśati - Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā
Key Terms/PañcT PañcT PañcT - Pañcatathāgatamudrāvivaraṇa
Key Terms/PEW PEW PEW - Philosophy East and West
Key Terms/PP PP PP - Prasannapadā
Key Terms/PVAS PVAS PVAS - Pramāṇavārttikālaṃkāraṭīkā Supariśuddhā
Key Terms/PVSV PVSV PVSV - Pramāṇavārttikasvavṛtti
Key Terms/RCAJ RCAJ RCAJ - Royal Central Asiatic Journal
Key Terms/RGV RGV RGV - Ratnagotravibhāga Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra
Key Terms/RGVV RGVV RGVV - Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā
Key Terms/RGVV (tib) RGVV (tib) RGVV (tib) - Nakamura's Tibetan Edition of the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā
Key Terms/RO RO RO - Rocznik Orientalistczy
Key Terms/Saṃcayagāthā Saṃcayagāthā Saṃcayagāthā - Prajñāpāramitāratnaguṇasaṃcayagāthā
Key Terms/SER SER SER - Serie Orientale Roma
Key Terms/SMD SMD SMD - Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanādasūtra
Key Terms/SP SP SP - Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra
Key Terms/SR SR SR - Samādhirājasūtra
Key Terms/SS SS SS - Sūtrasamuccaya
Key Terms/SSaṃgr SSaṃgr SSaṃgr - Sākārasaṃgrahasūtra
Key Terms/SSBh SSBh SSBh - Sūtrasamuccayabhāṣyaratnālokālaṃkāra
Key Terms/SSiddh SSiddh SSiddh - Sākārasiddhiśāstra
Key Terms/SU SU SU - Sārottamā
Key Terms/SUNY SUNY SUNY - State University of New York
Key Terms/SuvPra SuvPra SuvPra - Suvarṇaprabhāsottamasūtra
Key Terms/Taishō Taishō Taishō - Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō, Chinese Tripiṭaka
Key Terms/TGS TGS TGS - Tathāgatagarbhasūtra
Key Terms/TJ TJ TJ - Tarkajvālā
Key Terms/TR TR TR - Tibetan Review
Key Terms/Triṃś Triṃś Triṃś - Triṃśikā
Key Terms/TSP TSP TSP - Tattvasaṃgrahapañjikā
Key Terms/TTJ TTJ TTJ - The Tibet Journal
Key Terms/UPS UPS UPS - Ugraparipṛcchāsūtra
Key Terms/VN VN VN - Vimalakīrtinirdeśa
Key Terms/VV VV VV - Vigrahavyāvartanī
Key Terms/WSTB WSTB WSTB - Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde - Vienna: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien.
Key Terms/WZKM WZKM WZKM - Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes
Key Terms/WZKS WZKS WZKS - Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens
Key Terms/WZKSOA WZKSOA WZKSOA - Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd-und Ostasiens
Key Terms/ZAS ZAS ZAS - Zentralasiatische Studien
Key Terms/ZDMG ZDMG ZDMG - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesselschaft
Key Terms/Śata Śata Śata - Śatasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā
Key Terms/Śikṣ Śikṣ Śikṣ - Śikṣāsamuccaya
Key Terms/ŚP ŚP ŚP - Śata-Piṭaka Series
Key Terms/Ṭippaṇī Ṭippaṇī Ṭippaṇī - Mahāyānottaratantraṭippaṇī