Verse I.51

From Buddha-Nature

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Ratnagotravibhāga Root Verse I.51

Verse I.51 Variations

दोषागन्तुकतायोगाद् गुणप्रकृतियोगतः
यथा पूर्वं तथा पश्चादविकारित्वधर्मता
doṣāgantukatāyogād guṇaprakṛtiyogataḥ
yathā pūrvaṃ tathā paścādavikāritvadharmatā
E. H. Johnston as input by the University of the West.[1]
Since it is adventitiously associated with flaws
And since it is naturally endowed with qualities,
Its true nature of being changeless
Is the same before as after.
Vu le caractère adventice de ses défauts
Et le caractère naturel de ses qualités,
Telle elle était, telle elle sera
L’essence du réel est immuable.

RGVV Commentary on Verse I.51