Verse II.33
Verse II.33 Variations
आर्यैश्च सूतिकामध्यस्थित बालार्कबिम्बवत्
āryaiśca sūtikāmadhyasthita bālārkabimbavat
Just as those born blind [have never seen] form.
Even noble ones [see it only] as an infant [would glimpse]
The orb of the sun while lying in the house of a new mother.
- De même que les aveugles de naissance ne voient pas les formes,
- Les êtres puérils ne l’ont jamais vue. Les êtres sublimes eux-mêmes
- Sont pareils à des nourrissons qui entrevoient la forme du soleil
- Depuis la chambre où ils viennent de naître.
RGVV Commentary on Verse II.33
Full Tibetan Commentary
Full English Commentary
Full Sanskrit Commentary
Full Chinese Commentary
Other English translations[edit]
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Commentaries on this verse[edit]
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- Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Unicode Input
- Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Unicode Input
- Brunnhölzl, Karl. When the Clouds Part: The Uttaratantra and its Meditative Tradition as a Bridge between Sūtra and Tantra. Boston: Snow Lion Publications, an imprint of Shambhala Publications, 2014.