Khöndung Asanga Vajra Rinpoche

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Khöndung Asanga Vajra Rinpoche

His Eminence Khöndung Asanga Vajra Rinpoche is the son of H.E.Khöndung Ani Vajra Sakya Rinpoche, the second son of the Phuntsok Phodrang family and Dagmo Chimey la. He is also the youngest grandson of the His Holiness Jigdal Dagchen Dorjechang Rinpoche and therefore a direct descendant of the unbroken Khön lineage which dates back to 1073. His Eminence is also the grandson of H.E. Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche, a highly realized and accomplished Nyingmapa master on his mother’s side. (Source Accessed Feb 24, 2022)

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