- Prefacexi
- List of Abbreviationsxv
- Part I: Introduction1
- Chapter One: Approaches to Enlightenment3
- The Great Perfection3
- Simultaneous and Gradual11
- Chapter Two: Jigme Lingpa21
- The Life and Education of Jigme Lingpa21
- Jigme Lingpa's Works25
- Chapter Three: The Longchen Nyingtig31
- 1. Treasure Texts31
- 2. Revelation, Writing, and Publishing34
- 3. The Contents of the Longchen Nyingtig40
- Part II: Simultaneous and Gradual49
- Chapter Four: Immanence and Distinction51
- 1. Key Concepts of the Seminal Heart51
- 2. Immanence54
- 3. Distinction56
- 4. Reconciling Immanence with Distinction: The Buddha Nature63
- Chapter Five: The Simultaneous Approach71
- 1. Criticism of Causal Practice71
- 2. Criticism of Inferior Approaches76
- 3. The Rejection of Stages in Realization91
- Chapter Six: The Gradual Approach93
- 1. Graduated Practice within the Longchen Nyingtig93
- 2. Levels of Realization106
- Chapter Seven: Interpretation and Reconciliation115
- 1. Simultaneous and Gradual Realization: The Levels of Ability115
- 2. The Manifestation of Enlightenment: The Khyung Bird124
- Chapter Eight: Conclusions129
- Part III: Translations133
- Technical note on the translations135
- Treasure Texts
- 1. The Great Perfection Tantra of the Expanse of Samantabhadra's Wisdom
(YLG)137 - 2. The Subsequent Tantra of Great Perfection Instruction (GP)148
- 3. Experiencing the Enlightened Mind of Samantabhadra (KGN)155
- 4. Distinguishing the Three Essential Points of the
Great Perfection (NSB)162
- 1. The Great Perfection Tantra of the Expanse of Samantabhadra's Wisdom
- Pure Visions
- 5. An Aspirational Prayer for the Ground, Path, and Result(ML)167
- 6. Vajra Verses on the Natural State (DTK)170
- Supporting Texts
- 7. The White Lotus (PK)173
- 8. The Words of the Omniscient One (KZL)208
- 9. The Lion's Roar That Destroys the Deviations of Renunciants
Meditating on the Seminal Heart (SN)225 - 10. Seeing Nakedly the Natural State of the Great Perfection (NCT)235
- Part IV: Critical Editions239
- Technical note on the critical editions241
- 1. rDzogs pa chen po kun tu bzang po ye shes klong gi rgyud243
- 2. Man ngag rdzogs pa chen po rgyud phyi ma251
- 3. Kun tu bzang po'i dgongs nyams255
- 4. rDzogs pa chen po'i gnad gsum shan byed259
- 5. gZhi lam bras bu'i smon lam261
- 6. gNas lugs rdo rje tshig rkang263
- 7. rGyab brten padma dkar po264
- 8. Kun mkhyen zhal lung288
- 9. Gol shor tshar gcod sengge ngar ro300
- 10. rDzogs pa chen po gnas lugs cer mthong307
- Appendix I311
- Appendix II319
- Appendix III321
- Notes325
- Bibliography367
- Index383