- Forewordix
- Translator’s Introductionxi
- The Excellent Path to Liberation1
- I. General Guidance on How to Listen to the Teachings
- II. Specific Guidance on How to Listen to the Teachings
- The Necklace That Delights Fortunate Disciples13
- Introductory Verses15
- The Introduction19
- The Main Text27
- I. The Foundation, Arriving at Certainty Through the View28
- Nonexistence28
- A Single Nature104
- Pervasive Insubstantial Evenness127
- Spontaneous Presence156
- II. The Spiritual Path, How to Cultivate Experience in Meditation216
- III. The Conduct That Accompanies the View and Meditation225
- IV. The Final Result, Arrival at the Stage of Eternal Liberation241
- I. The Foundation, Arriving at Certainty Through the View28
- Acknowledgments257
- Appendix: The Excellent Path of Devotion259
- An autobiography by Sera Khandro
- Index299
Dakini Sukha Vajra, widely known as Sera Khandro, wrote this commentary of an account by the great Dudjom Lingpa of visions he had of enlightened beings and the teachings he received from them regarding our perception of reality.
This book contains four Tibetan texts in translation. First, The Excellent Path to Liberation explains how to give our attention to the teachings, and how to ground our spiritual practice in harmonious relationships with others and the world at large. Second, Dudjom Lingpa’s account of his visionary journey, Enlightenment without Meditation, teaches by example that as practitioners we should ask ourselves sincere questions concerning our perception of reality, and that we should not be content with superficial answers.
In the third book, Sera Khandro’s commentary, she presents Dudjom Lingpa’s work within two frameworks. She first clarifies the view on which the spiritual path is founded, the path of meditation; the ensuing conduct that reflects and enriches meditative experience; and the path’s result—awakening and enlightenment. Next she illuminates the subtleties of the great perfection view, the four tantric bonds: nonexistence, a single nature, pervasive insubstantial evenness, and spontaneous presence.
Source: Shambhala Publications
Citation | Zangpo, Ngawang (Hugh Leslie Thompson), trans. Refining Our Perception of Reality: Sera Khandro's Commentary on Dudjom Lingpa's Account of His Visionary Journey. Boston: Snow Lion Publications, 2013. |
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- sera mkha' 'gro. rang bzhin rdzogs pa chen po ma bsgom sangs rgyas kyi zin bris dpal ldan bla ma'i zhal rgyun nag 'gros su bkod pa tshig don rab gsal skal ldan dgyes pa'i mgul rgyan. In gter chos bdud 'joms gling pa. The Collected Treasure Text of bdud-'joms-gling-pa. sprul pa'i gter chen bdud 'joms gling pa'i zab gter gsang ba'i chos sde, Vol. 21: 19-338. Thimphu, Bhutan: Lama Kuenzang Wangdue, 2004.
- sera mkha' 'gro. rang rnam tshigs bcad ma ku su la'i nyams byung gi gtam. In gsung 'bum kun bzang bde skyong dbang mo, Vol. 1: 548-568. Chengdu: si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2009.