Esoteric Instructions

From Buddha-Nature
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Esoteric Instructions

This volume, Esoteric Instructions, deals with meditation—specifically tantric meditation. Esoteric Instructions is a collection of intimate records of personal teachings by masters that simplify tantric meditations by providing pertinent examples and very personal and helpful hints to disciples based on the master's own experience. Although originally oral in nature, they have been codified and passed down through specific lineages from teacher to student. (Source: Shambhala Publications)

Citation Harding, Sarah (Kalu Rinpoché Translation Group), trans. The Treasury of Knowledge, Book Eight, Part Four: Esoteric Instructions, A Detailed Presentation of the Process of Meditation in Vajrayāna. By Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Tayé ('jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas). Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2007.

  • Foreword by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoché9
  • Preface13
  • Introduction17
  • The Root Text: Esoteric Instructions:
          A Detailed Presentation of the Process
           of Meditation in Vajrayāna
    • 1. Nyingma63
    • 2. Kadampa97
    • 3. Lamdré113
    • 4. Marpa Kagyu137
    • 5. Shangpa Kagyu233
    • 6. Zhijé and Chöd255
    • 7. Jordruk289
    • 8. Dorjé Sumgyi Nyendrup331
    • 9. Supplement: Śāntigupta339
  • Appendix One: Outline of Book Eight, Part Four:
          Esoteric Instructions
  • Appendix Two: General Contents of Kongtrul’s
          Treasury of Knowledge
  • Abbreviations359
  • Notes363
  • Bibliography of Works Cited by the Author451
  • Reference Bibliography473
  • Index495

  1. The Treasury of Knowledge (Shes bya mdzod). Root text: The Encompassment of All Knoweldge (shes bya kun khyab). Autocommentary: The Infinite Ocean of Knoweldge (shes bya mtha' yas pa'i rgya mtsho).
    1. Text 1: rdo rje rgyal po and thub bstan nyi ma, eds. 3 vols. Beijing: mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1982/1985.
    2. Text 2: 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse, ed. 4 vols. Shechen Monastery, Nepal: snga 'gyur snying ma, n.d.
    3. Text 3: Lotsawa Tony Duff, Padma Karpo Translation Committee, ed. "The Treasury which is an Encyclopedia of Knowledge." Published electronically by PKTC, 2003. PKTC