- Foreword by the Seventeenth Karmapa ix
- Series Introduction xi
- Translator’s Introduction xv
- Technical Note xxi
- Part One: The Eight Great Chariots of the Practice Lineage
- 1. The Source of All Blessings, Accomplishments, and Qualities 3
- Part Two: The Eighty-Four Mahāsiddhas
- 2. The Stream of Accomplishment 49
- 3. The Source of Accomplishments 99
- 4. Collecting the Essence Drops of Accomplishment
- 5. A Precious Necklace 165
- Part Three: Mitrayogin’s Empowerments and Authorization Rituals for the Six Deities
- 6. A River of Great Compassion 213
- 7. An Offering Arrangement for the Empowerment Ritual of Noble Avalokiteshvara, “The Glowing Jewel,” together with the Revelation of the Mandala 249
- 8. Authorization Ritual for Lord Mañjughoṣha 257
- 9. A Mine of Blessings: Authorization Ritual for Lord Vajrapāṇi
- 10. Authorization Ritual for Lord Amitāyus 279
- 11. Authorization Ritual for Tārā 289
- 12. Authorization Ritual for Noble Jambhala 295
- 13. Routing the Hordes of Obstacle Makers 305
- Part Four: Mitrayogin’s Instructions on the Practices of the Six Deities
- 14. Vajra Verses on the Graded Path of Avalokiteshvara
- 15. A Stream of Nectar 319
- 16. A Banquet of Nectar 351
- 17. The Luminous Golden Wand of Pith Instructions
- 18. The Wheel of Ornaments of Gnosis That Makes Wisdom Grow 401
- 19. The Spreading Rays of Light That Vanquish the Hordes of Demons 417
- 20. Accomplishing the Immortal Vajra Body 439
- 21. Liberation from the Perilous Path of Samsara 455
- 22. A Shower of Accomplishments 471
- 23. Ocean of Blessings 485
- 24. Sādhana of the Dharma Protector Draklha Gönpo
- Part Five: Mitrayogin’s Mahāmudrā Instructions
- 25. Resting in the Nature of One’s Own Mind 499
- 26. The Quintessence 505
- 27. Correlations between the Root Verses of the Great Seal Text Resting in the Nature of Mind and the Scriptural Sources in the Sutras and Tantras 535
- 28. Notes on Resting in the Nature of Mind
- 29. Nectarous Moonbeams 569
- 30. The Nectarous Light of the Words of the Teacher 573
- 31. A Prayer to the Lineage Teachers of Resting in the Nature of Mind in the Places Associated with Them 589
- 32. A Supplement for the Visualization of the Lineage Teachers in the Guru Yoga 595
- 33. Thirty Verses Expressing Realization 599
- 34. An Explanation of the Words of the Vajra Song Thirty Verses Expressing Realization 605
- 35. Three Essential Introductions: A Pith Instruction That Is Like Distilled Ambrosia
- 36. Cherished Essence: The Most Precious Pith Instruction, Also Called The Three-by-Three Pith Instruction 627
- 37. The Root Vajra Verses of the Pith Instruction on the Three Quintessential Points 635
- 38. Bestowal of the Supreme Blessings 639
- 39. The Chariot of Supreme Accomplishment 643
- 40. An Essential Recitation Text for the Daily Practice of Mitrayogin’s Tradition of the Great Compassionate One’s Direct Instructions 651
- Appendix 655
- Abbreviations 661
- Notes 663
- Bibliography 689
- Index 697