The Buddha Nature: Death and Eternal Soul in Buddhism

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The Buddha Nature: Death and Eternal Soul in Buddhism

This text consists of edited transcripts from a 1996 interview which Dr. Peter Michel conducted with the Dalai Lama in German and was later translated into English. It is unclear if the translation is accurate and should be read carefully with a critical eye as it may not represent the opinion of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Foreword by Vaclav Havel.

From the Back Cover: Buddha Nature is a very complex topic in Tibetan Buddhism. Not many books deal with this topic and an even smaller number present this concept in perspective to Christian ideas of self, immortality, and eternal soul.

For the first time, the Dalai Lama presents views concerning the Self in Buddhism. In the process, he explains how Buddhist teachings differentiate the person and the eternal soul. At the same time, he explains his ideas of Nirvana. A fascinating synthesis of individuality and universality arises, one that could only be formed by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama.

An inspiring book that encourages religious and spiritual dialogue.

Citation Dalai Lama, 14th, and Peter Michel. The Buddha Nature: Death and Eternal Soul in Buddhism. Woodside, CA: Bluestar Communications, 1997.

  • Acknowledgement7
  • Foreword11
  • Preface15
  • I. Buddha Nature21
  • II. The Clear Light Mind27
  • III. Self and Non-Self35
  • IV. Buddhahood41
  • V. Individuality and Universality57
  • VI. Mind and Body63
  • VII. Buddhist Meditation69
  • VIII. Talk in Salzburg75