Buddha Nature and the Yogācāra Analysis of Mind in The Awakening of Faith

From Buddha-Nature

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Buddha Nature and the Yogācāra Analysis of Mind in The Awakening of Faith
Ven. Dhammadipa (“Island of Dharma”) is ordained in both Theravāda and Mahāyāna traditions and teaches śamatha and vipaśyanā meditation at monasteries and universities worldwide in addition to studying and translating Buddhist texts from Pali, Sanskrit, and Chinese. He spoke with students at RYI on October 6, 2015 about the topic of Buddha-Nature in the text The Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna.

Sources Mentioned

Featuring Ven. Dhammadipa Thero
Creator Rangjung Yeshe Institute
Related Website https://www.ryi.org/
Citation Thero, Ven. Dhammadipa. "Buddha Nature and the Yogācāra Analysis of Mind in The Awakening of Faith." Recorded October 6, 2015 at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Nepal. Audio, 1:43:28. https://soundcloud.com/rangjung-yeshe-institute/ven-dhammadipa-buddha-nature-and-the-yogacara-analysis-of-mind-in-the-awakening-of-faith.