- Forewordvii
- Translator's Introductionix
- Prefacexiii
- Helpful Advice for Good Times and Bad
- I. Prophecies of Hidden Lands3
- 2. Recognizing Our Good Fortune19
- 3· The General Preliminaries30
- The Special Preliminaries: The Analytic Meditation of a Pandita
- 4· The Foundation: Karma, Cause, and Result45
- 5· The Importance of Mind62
- 6. Appearances and Mind78
- 7· Looking at the Mind94
- 8. A Summary of the Analytic Meditation of a Pandita107
- The Resting Meditation of a Kusulu
- 9· Devotion and Stability113
- 10. Getting Right Down to Meditation121
- II. The Benefits ofthe Kusulu's Meditation133
- 12. Distinguishing Mind and Awareness154
- Following Through in Our Lives
- 13. Taking the Situations of Our Lives as the Path169
- 14. Taking Joy and Sorrow as the Path175
- 15. Taking Pain and Illness as the Path179
- 16. Taking Afflictions and Emotions as the Path182
- 17. Taking the Bardo as the Path199
- 18. Closing Words210
- Appendix: The Texts of Khenpo Gangshar215
- The Concise Mind Instructions Called Naturally Liberating Whatever You Meet217
- Naturally Liberating Whatever You Meet: Instructions to Guide You on the
Profound Path221
- Bibliography234
- Index235