- Forewordvii
- Prefacexiii
- Translators' Notexv
- Introduction1
- I. Śrī-Mālā as a Text1
- Literary History1
- Historical Setting of the Text1
- The Title of the Scripture4
- The Text in Asian Countries5
- Importance in India5
- Importance in China9
- Importance in Japan13
- Importance in Tibet16
- The Structure of the Śrī-Mālā17
- Chapter Divisions17
- Synopsis of the Scripture21
- II. Classification of Persons24
- The Characters in the Śrī-Mālā24
- Persons on Stages26
- Stages of the "Bodies Made of Mind"29
- The Last Three Bodhisattva Stages33
- Stages of the Lady Bodhisattva35
- III. Doctrine of Śrī-Mālā37
- Vehicle and Nirvāṇa37
- One Vehicle37
- Nirvāṇa and Enlightenment39
- Tathagatagarbha42
- The Tathāgatagarbha Theory and Scriptures42
- Synonyms and Alternate References to the Tathāgatagarbha44
- Universality of Tathāgatagarbha46
- Voidness Knowledge of the Tathāgatagarbha48
- Tathāgatagarbha and Ālayavijñāna52
- The Lion's Roar of Queen Śrīmālā57
- Prologue59
- Chapter One60
- Eliminating All Doubts60
- 1. Praises of the Infinite Merit of the Tathāgata60
- 2. Ten Great Vows64
- Eliminating All Doubts60
- Chapter Two67
- Deciding the Cause67
- 3. Three All-inclusive Aspirations67
- 4. Embrace of the Illustrious Doctrine68
- (a. Teaching in the Scope of the Great Aspirations)69
- (b. Teaching the Far-ranging Meaning)72
- (c. Teaching the Great Meaning)74
- Deciding the Cause67
- Chapter Three78
- Clarifying the Final Meaning78
- 5. One Vehicle78
- (re Vehicles of Disciples and the Self-Enlightened)78
- (re Arhats and Pratyekabuddhas)80
- ("Attended with Remainder" and "Not Final Meaning")83
- ("Final Meaning" and "One Vehicle")89
- 6. The Boundless Noble Truths95
- 7. The Tathāgatagarbha96
- 8-9. The Dharmakāya and the Meaning of Voidness98
- 10. The One Truth100
- 11-12. The One Refuge and Wayward Stage100
- 13. Intrinsic Purity of the Mind104
- 5. One Vehicle78
- Clarifying the Final Meaning78
- Chapter Four107
- Entering the One Vehicle Path107
- 14. The True Son of the Tathāgata107
- 15. The Lion's Roar of Queen Śrīmālā109
- Entering the One Vehicle Path107
- Epilogue111
- Appendix I. The Chinese Section Titles of Śrī-Mālā and Japanese Diagram
Analyses of Four Classical Commentaries115 - Appendix II. Works Cited in Chi-tsang's Commentary125
- Glossary131
- Bibliography133
Index 139