- Acknowledgementsi
- Abbreviationsvi
- Introduction1
- Chapter One: The Nature of the Tathāgatagarbha14
- Chapter Two: Tathāgatagarbha and the Two Mahāyāna Traditions47
- Chapter Three: The Anūnatvāpūrṇatvanirdeśa-parivarta70
- Chapter Four: The Main Themes and a Structural Analysis of the AAN88
- Chapter Five: The Notion of "No Increase and No Decrease" in Mahāyāna
- Chapter Six: The AAN and the Tathāgatagarbhasūtra142
- Chapter Seven: The AAN and the Śrīmālāsiṃhanādasūtra153
- Chapter Eight: The AAN and the Aṅgulimālyasūtra161
- Chapter Nine: The AAN and the Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra168
- Chapter Ten: Other Sūtras on the Tathāgatagarbha Teaching176
- Chapter Eleven: The Problems of Dating the Sūtras180
- Chapter Twelve: The AAN and the Ratnagotravibhāga185
- Chapter Thirteen: The AAN and the Dasheng fajie wuchabie lun202
- Chapter Fourteen: The AAN and the Dasheng qixin lun209
- Chapter Fifteen: The AAN and the Foxing lun239
- Conclusion255
- Appendix I: English translation of the Foshuo buzeng bujian jing264
- Appendix II: Bodhiruci, the Translator of the AAN282
- Bibliography306