- Foreword by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpochexi
- General Editor's Prefacexiii
- Translator's Introduction1
- Technical Notes27
- 1. A String of Pearls: A Collection of Dharma Lectures
Gampopa (1079–1153)31 - 2. The Unrivaled Instructions of Shang Rinpoché: The Preliminaries and Main Practice of the Great Meditation of Mahāmudrā
Shönu Lha (late thirteenth century)65 - 3. The Ultimate Supreme Path of the Mahāmudrā
Lama Shang (1123–93)83 - 4. A Record of Mahāmudrā lnstructions
Drukchen Pema Karpo (1527–92)135 - 5. Instructions for the Mahāmudrā Innate Union
Karmapa Rangjung Dorjé (1284–1339)153 - 6. Prayer for the Definitive Meaning, the Mahāmudrā
Karmapa Rangjung Dorjé (1284–1339)169 - 7. Oral Transmission of the Supreme Siddhas: A Commentary on Prayer for the Definitive Meaning, the Mahāmudrā
Situ Tenpai Nyinjé (1700–1777)175 - 8. The Bright Torch: The Perfect Illumination of the True Meaning of the Mahāmudrā, the Essence of All the Dharma
Tselé Natsok Rangdröl (b. 1608)289 - 9. The Quintessence of Nectar: Instructions for the Practice of the Six Dharmas
of Nāropa
Shamarpa Chökyi Wangchuk (1584–1630)333 - 10. The Single Viewpoint: A Root Text
Sherap Jungné (1187–1241)373- I. The Hundred and Fifty Vajra Teachings373
- II. The Forty-Seven Supplements to the Hundred and Fifty Vajra Teachings390
- III. The Four Main Points of the Dharma of the Single Viewpoint395
- IV. The Structural Analysis that Classifies the Sequence of the Seven Chapters398
- 11. Light Rays from the Jewel of the Excellent Teaching: A General Presentation on the Points of Secret Mantra
Dakpo Tashi Namgyal (1512–87)401- Selected topics: The way in which the Teacher appeared, 402. The Buddha's teaching, 408. The tantras in general, 426. The lower tantras, 447. Highest yoga tantra, 460. Empowerment rites, 467. Commitments and vows, 492. The two stages in general, 498. Generation stage, 507. Completion stage, 550. The yoga of channels, winds, and drops, 555. The illusory body, 565. The bardo and transference, 572. Mahãmudrā, 576. Union, 582. Conduct that enhances the path, 586. Results of practice, 598.
- 1. A String of Pearls: A Collection of Dharma Lectures
- Table of Tibetan Transliteration621
- Notes627
- Glossary701
- Bibliography725
- Index749
- About the Contributors765