- Dedicatory verses1
- I. The Merit of Studying and Preaching the Doctrine8
- I A. The Merit of Studying and Preaching in general. (3 b. 1)9
- I Aa. The Merit of Study. (3 b. 2.)9
- I Ab. The Merit of Preaching. (5 a. 1.)11
- I Aba1. Worship of Buddha by Preaching the Doctrine. (5 a. 2.) —I
Abb, Preaching of the Doctrine as superior to Material Gifts.
(5 a. 3.) — I Abc1 Good Memory — a result of expoundIng Scripture.
(5 a. 5.) — I Abd1 Augmentation of Virtue and Attainment of
Enlightenment by Preaching. (5 b. 1.)
- I Aba1. Worship of Buddha by Preaching the Doctrine. (5 a. 2.) —I
- I Ac. The Merit of Study and Preaching taken together. (5 b. 5.)13
- 1 Aca 1 Progress of Spiritual Merit through the Study of the 3 Vehicles.
(5 b. 6.) - 1 Acb 1 Honours of Scholarship. (6 a 2.) - I Ace l Attainment
of Enlightenment by the Study of the Doctrine. (6 b. 1.)
- 1 Aca 1 Progress of Spiritual Merit through the Study of the 3 Vehicles.
- I B. The Special Merit of Studying and Preaching the Mahāyānistic Doctrines.
(6 b. 6.)15- I Ba. Prevalence over the Merit of the Hīnayānist Saints. (7 a. 1.)16
- I Bb. Superiority to every other Kind of Merit in the Path. (7. a. 5.)16
- I Bc. Certainty of Attaining Omniscience. (7 b. 3.)17
- I A. The Merit of Studying and Preaching in general. (3 b. 1)9
- II. General Review of the Litterature of Buddhism. (7. b. 6.)18
- II A. The different Meanings of the word "dharma". (8 a. 1.)18
- II B. Etymology of "dharma" (8 a. 5.)19
- II C. Definition of "dharma" in the sense of "The Doctrine". (9 a. 3.)21
- II D. The various Aspects of the Doctrine. (10 a. 2.)23
- II Da. The Doctrine from the Standpoint of the Result. (10 a. 3.)23
- II Db. The Doctrine as the Means of Realising Nirvāṇa (10 a. 5.)23
- II Dc. The Doctrine In its Iitterary form24
- II Dca1 The Word of Buddha (pravacana). (10 b. 4.)
- II Dca1a2 Its Definition (10 b. 5.) — II Dca1b2 Etymology of "subhāṣita" (including the 60 Qualities of the voice of a Buddha). (11 a. 1.) — II Dca1c2 Varieties of the Word of Buddha (B a. 5.)
- II Dca1c2a3 Varieties of the Word with regard to Time. (13a.5.) — II Dca1c2b3 Varieties with regard to the Subject-Matter. (13 a. 6.) — II Dca1c2c3 Varieties of Form. The 12 Classes. (13 b. 3.) II Dca1c2d3. Varieties of the Word from the standpoint of its being an Antidote against Sin. — The 3 Codes. (14 b .3.)
- II Dca1c2d3a4 The 12 Classes of Scripture as contained in the 3 Codes. (14 b. 5.) — II Dca1c2d3b4 Etymology of the word "piṭaka". (15 a. 3.) — II Dca1c2d3c4 The Motives for the Establishment of the 3 Codes of Scripture. (15 a.4.)
- II Dca1c2d3c4a5 The Codes of Scripture as purifying from different forms of Sin. (15 a. 5.) — II Dca1c2d3c4b5 The 3 Codes as corresponding to the 3 Disciplines. (15 b. 2.) — II Dca1c2d3c4c5 The 3 Codes with regard to the Subject studied. (15b.4.)
- II Dca1c2d3c4a5 The Codes of Scripture as purifying from different forms of Sin. (15 a. 5.) — II Dca1c2d3c4b5 The 3 Codes as corresponding to the 3 Disciplines. (15 b. 2.) — II Dca1c2d3c4c5 The 3 Codes with regard to the Subject studied. (15b.4.)
- II Dca1c2d3d4 Etymology of "Sūtra" , "Abhidharma", and "Vinaya". (16 a. 2.)
- II Dca1c2d3a4 The 12 Classes of Scripture as contained in the 3 Codes. (14 b. 5.) — II Dca1c2d3b4 Etymology of the word "piṭaka". (15 a. 3.) — II Dca1c2d3c4 The Motives for the Establishment of the 3 Codes of Scripture. (15 a.4.)
- II Dca1c2e3 Varieties of the Word with regard to the different converts (Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna, Philosophy and Tantra). (16 b. 5) - II Dca1c2f3 Varieties of the Word of Buddha with regard to the opportunity, at which it was pronounced (its principal Cause). (17 b. 5.).
- II Dca1c2f3a4 The Precepts delivered by the Buddha personally. {17 b. 5.) — II Dca1c2f3b4 The Word as the Result of the Buddha's Blessings. (17 b. 5.) — II Dca1c<suub>2f3c4 The Passages containing the Expression of the Will of Buddha. (18 a. 2.).
- II Dca1c2f3a4 The Precepts delivered by the Buddha personally. {17 b. 5.) — II Dca1c2f3b4 The Word as the Result of the Buddha's Blessings. (17 b. 5.) — II Dca1c<suub>2f3c4 The Passages containing the Expression of the Will of Buddha. (18 a. 2.).
- II Dca1c2a3 Varieties of the Word with regard to Time. (13a.5.) — II Dca1c2b3 Varieties with regard to the Subject-Matter. (13 a. 6.) — II Dca1c2c3 Varieties of Form. The 12 Classes. (13 b. 3.) II Dca1c2d3. Varieties of the Word from the standpoint of its being an Antidote against Sin. — The 3 Codes. (14 b .3.)
- II Dca1a2 Its Definition (10 b. 5.) — II Dca1b2 Etymology of "subhāṣita" (including the 60 Qualities of the voice of a Buddha). (11 a. 1.) — II Dca1c2 Varieties of the Word of Buddha (B a. 5.)
- II Dcb1 The Exegetical Treatises (çāstra). (18 a. 4.)41
- II Dcb1a2 Definition. (18 a. 4.) — II Dcb1b2 Etymology of "çāstra". (18 a. 5.) — II Dcb1c2 The Varieties of Exegetical Treatises. (18 b. 3.).
- II Dcb1c2a3 Varieties as regards Quality. (18. b.3.) — II Dcb1c2b3 Varieties from the standpoint of the Aim. (18 b. 6.) — II Dcb1c2c3 Varieties of Subject-Matter (19 a. 1.).
- II Dcb1c2c3a4 Works, referring to Empirical Reality (nīti-çāstra and the 5 Sciences). (19 a. 2.) — II Dcb1c2b3 Works, referring to Absolute Reality. (21 a. 5). — II Dcb1c2c3c4 Works, showing the Way to Salvation and Omniscience. (21 a.6.).
- II Dcb1c2d3 Varieties with regard to the Interpretation of Scripture. (21 b. 1.). — 1) Treatises, interpretating Early Scripture. (Hīnayāna). The Works on Vinaya and Abhidharma. (21 b. 2.) — 2. Treatises on Mādhyamika and Prajñāpāramitā. (22 a. 3.) — 3) Treatises, interpreting Scripture of the latest period. The Yogācāra litterature. (23 a. 3.)
- II Dcb1c2c3a4 Works, referring to Empirical Reality (nīti-çāstra and the 5 Sciences). (19 a. 2.) — II Dcb1c2b3 Works, referring to Absolute Reality. (21 a. 5). — II Dcb1c2c3c4 Works, showing the Way to Salvation and Omniscience. (21 a.6.).
- II Dcb1c2e3 The various classes of Exegetical Treatises. (24. b. 5.)
- II Dcb1c2a3 Varieties as regards Quality. (18. b.3.) — II Dcb1c2b3 Varieties from the standpoint of the Aim. (18 b. 6.) — II Dcb1c2c3 Varieties of Subject-Matter (19 a. 1.).
- II Dcb1a2 Definition. (18 a. 4.) — II Dcb1b2 Etymology of "çāstra". (18 a. 5.) — II Dcb1c2 The Varieties of Exegetical Treatises. (18 b. 3.).
- II Dca1 The Word of Buddha (pravacana). (10 b. 4.)
- III. The Consideration and Fulfillment of the Rules, prescribed for Study and Teaching. (25 a. 6.)58
- III A. Character of the Doctrine to be taught. (25 b. 1.)59
- III B. Character of the Methods of Teaching. (26 b. 6.)62
- IIIBa. Definition of the Teacher. (26. b. 6.)62
- III Baa<su>1 The High Wisdom of the Teacher. (27. b. 3.)64
- III Baa1a2 The Teacher's Knowledge of the Subject to be taught. (27 b. 4.) — III Baa1b2 The Teacher's Skill in the Means of expressing himself. (27 b. 5.) — III Baa1c2 His Knowledge as to his own behaviour and as to the Guidance of his Pupils. (29 a. 2.).
- III Baa1a2 The Teacher's Knowledge of the Subject to be taught. (27 b. 4.) — III Baa1b2 The Teacher's Skill in the Means of expressing himself. (27 b. 5.) — III Baa1c2 His Knowledge as to his own behaviour and as to the Guidance of his Pupils. (29 a. 2.).
- III Bab1 The Teacher's Great Commiseration. (29 a. 6.)68
- III Bac1 Correct Methods. (29 b. 4.)69
- III Baa<su>1 The High Wisdom of the Teacher. (27. b. 3.)64
- III Bb. The Means of Teaching. (30 a. 2.)70
- III Bc. The Character of Teaching. (31 a.5.)73
- III Bca1 The Character of Teaching with regard to the students.
(31. a. 5)73 - III Bcb1 The same, with regard to the Aim. (31 b. 4)73
- III Bcc1 The manner of conducting the Teaching. (31 b. 4.)74
- III Bcc1a2. Preparations. (31 b. 4.) — III Bcc1b2 The Teaching Itself.
(32 b. 5.) — III Bcc<sub1c2 The Conclusion of Study. (33 a. 2.)
- III Bcc1a2. Preparations. (31 b. 4.) — III Bcc1b2 The Teaching Itself.
- III Bca1 The Character of Teaching with regard to the students.
- IIIBa. Definition of the Teacher. (26. b. 6.)62
- III C. Character of the Methods of Study. (33 a. 3.)76
- III Ca. Character of the Student. (33 a. 3.)77
- III Caa1 The Student of acute faculties. (33. a. 3)
- III Caa1a2 His Defects. (33 a. 4.)77
- III Caa1a2a313 Defects according to Vyākhyāyukti (33 a. 4) — III Caa1a2b3 6 Defects. (33 b. 3). — III Caa1a2c3 3 Defects (34 a. 1.)
- III Caa1a2a313 Defects according to Vyākhyāyukti (33 a. 4) — III Caa1a2b3 6 Defects. (33 b. 3). — III Caa1a2c3 3 Defects (34 a. 1.)
- III Caa1b2 Definition of the Student of acute faculties (34 a. 6.)
- III Caa1b2a3 The Student's Intelligence. (34 b. 1.) — III Caab2b3 Zeal and Desire to study. (34. b. 4.) — III Caa1b2c3 Devotion and Absence of Arrogance. (34 b. 5.)
- III Caa1a2 His Defects. (33 a. 4.)77
- III Cab1 The Hearer of mediocre Faculties. (34. b. 6.)81
- III Cac1 The Hearer of feeble Faculties. (35. a. 3.)82
- III Caa1 The Student of acute faculties. (33. a. 3)
- III Cb. The Means of Study. (35 a. 6.)82
- III Cc. The Manner of Studying. (36 a. 1.)83
- III Cca1 Preparations. (36 a. 1.)83
- III Ccb1 The Study by itself. (36 b. 3.)85
- III Ccc1 Conclusion of the Study. (36. b. 4.)85
- III Ca. Character of the Student. (33 a. 3.)77
- IIID. The Instructions for realising the Aim of the Doctrine. (36. b. 5.)85
- IV. The History of Buddhism. (39 a. 2)90
- IV A. The Rise of Buddhism in Indien. (39 a. 2.)90
- IV Aa. The different Aeons. (39 a. 4)90
- IV Ab. The Buddhas of the Fortunate Aeon. (39 a. 6)91
- IV Aba1 The Version of the Karuṇā-puṇḍarīka. (1005 Buddhas) (41 b. . .) — IV Abb1 The Version of the Tathāgata-acintya-guhya-nirdeça. (1000 Buddhas) (41 b. 3.)
- IV Aba1 The Version of the Karuṇā-puṇḍarīka. (1005 Buddhas) (41 b. . .) — IV Abb1 The Version of the Tathāgata-acintya-guhya-nirdeça. (1000 Buddhas) (41 b. 3.)
- IV Ac. The Rise of the Buddha in this World. (44 b. 5.)100
- IV Aca1d2 The first Creative Effort (citta-utpāda), according to the Hīnayānistic Tradition. (45 b. 2.) — IV Acb1a2 The Buddha's Accumulation of Merit, according to Hīnayāna. (46 a. 2.) — IV Acc1a2 The Hīnayānistic Tradition, concerning the Buddha's Attainment of Enlightenment. (47 a. 1.) — IV Aca1b2 The Creative Effort according to the Mahāyānistic Tradition. (47 a. 2.)
- IV Aca1b1a3 Its essential Character. (47 a. 3.) — IV Aca1b2b3 Its Causes. (47 a. 6.) — IV Aca1b2c3 Its Result. (47 b. 2.) — IV Aca1b2d3 Its VarietIes from different points of view. (47 b. 4.) — IV Aca1b2e3 The Mahāyānistic Tradition, concerning the Buddha's first Creative Effort. (48 b. 3.)
- IV Aca1b1a3 Its essential Character. (47 a. 3.) — IV Aca1b2b3 Its Causes. (47 a. 6.) — IV Aca1b2c3 Its Result. (47 b. 2.) — IV Aca1b2d3 Its VarietIes from different points of view. (47 b. 4.) — IV Aca1b2e3 The Mahāyānistic Tradition, concerning the Buddha's first Creative Effort. (48 b. 3.)
- IV Acb1b2 The Accumulation of Merit, according to Mahayana.
(49 a. 3.)108- IV Acb1b2c3 Its Character. (49 a. 3.)
- IV Acb1b2a3a4 Its Definition (49 a. 4.) — IV Acb1b2a3b4 Connection with the 6 Transcendental Virtues. (49 a. 5.) — IV Acb1b2a3c4 The Etymology of "saṃbhāra". (49 a. 6.) IV Acb1b2a3d4 The Functions of the Accumulation (49 b. 1.) — IV Acb1b2a3e4 Its Modes.(49 b. 1.) IV Acb1b2a3f4 Its Result. (49 b. 3.) — IV Acb1b2a3g4 Its Sphere of Activity. (49 b. 5.) — IV Acb1b2a3h4, The Accumulation from different points of view. (49 b. 5.).
- IV Acb1b2c3 Its Character. (49 a. 3.)
- IV Acb1b2b3 The Time of Accumulation (the 3 asaṁkhya). (3 a. 3.) — IV Acb1b2c3 The Mahāyānlstic Traditions, concerning the Buddha's Accumulation of Merit. The Account of the Bodhisattva-piṭaka. (55 b. 2.).
- IV Aca1d2 The first Creative Effort (citta-utpāda), according to the Hīnayānistic Tradition. (45 b. 2.) — IV Acb1a2 The Buddha's Accumulation of Merit, according to Hīnayāna. (46 a. 2.) — IV Acc1a2 The Hīnayānistic Tradition, concerning the Buddha's Attainment of Enlightenment. (47 a. 1.) — IV Aca1b2 The Creative Effort according to the Mahāyānistic Tradition. (47 a. 2.)
- IV Acc1b2 The Attainment of Buddhahood-Mahāyānlstic Version
(56 b. 4)127- IV Acc1b2a3 The Essence of Buddhahoad. (56 b. 5.)
- IV Acc1b2a3a4 The Essential Character of the 3 Bodies. (57 a. 2.) — IV Acc1b2a3b4 The Etymology of "dharmakāya" , "saṁbhogakāya", and "nirmāṇakāya". (57 a. 3.) — IV Acc1b2a3c4 The 3 Bodies as corresponding to their Aim. (57 b. 3.) — IV Acc1b2a3d4 The 3 Bodies as the Objects of Cognition of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. (57 b. 4.) — IV Acc1b2a3e4 The various Aspects of the 3 Bodies. (58 a. 4.).
- IV Acc1b2a3a4 The Essential Character of the 3 Bodies. (57 a. 2.) — IV Acc1b2a3b4 The Etymology of "dharmakāya" , "saṁbhogakāya", and "nirmāṇakāya". (57 a. 3.) — IV Acc1b2a3c4 The 3 Bodies as corresponding to their Aim. (57 b. 3.) — IV Acc1b2a3d4 The 3 Bodies as the Objects of Cognition of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. (57 b. 4.) — IV Acc1b2a3e4 The various Aspects of the 3 Bodies. (58 a. 4.).
- IV Acc1b2b3 The Acts of the Buddha. (59 a. 3.)
- IV Acc1b2a3 The Essence of Buddhahoad. (56 b. 5.)
- IV A. The Rise of Buddhism in Indien. (39 a. 2.)90