
From Buddha-Nature

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A great master of the Nyingma Lineage. ''Chetsun'' means "Noble-Tongued," someone who never lied, slandered, or gossiped. At the verge of passing away in the rainbow body of five-colored light, at Oyuk Lung in Central Tibet, he imparted his last instructions, the epitome of the Dzogchen teachings, to the dakini Palgyi Lodrö. Many centuries later, the great nonsectarian master Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo had a visionary experience recalling his former incarnation as Chetsun Senge Wangchuk and was given the teachings back by the dakini. He wrote them down as the ''Chetsun Nyingthig'', the Heart Essence of Chetsun, a cycle of teachings that is one of the most important Dzogchen tantras to be practiced in the coming generations.  +
The "Translated Words" of Buddha Shakyamuni. The Buddhist canon of about 108 volumes of scriptures.  +
A tantra and a vajrayana system taught by Buddha Shakyamuni and later preserved in the kingdom of Shambhala.  +
"Individual Liberation ," the seven sets of precepts for ordained and lay people according to the vmaya.  +
The teachings beyond the vehicles of causation, first taught in the world of human beings by the great vidyadhara Garab Dorje.  +
All the experiences of ordinary people which, like the dream state, are regarded as being real and solid.  +
Path and Fruition/Result. The main teaching of the Sakya School.  +
The Indian master Phadampa Sangye, who brought the teachings ofShije to Tibet.  +
The accomplishment of being able to go to a celestial realm. Can also refer to the pure realm of Vajra Yogini.  +
The abbot of Ka-Nying Shedrup Ling Monastery in the Kathmandu valley of Nepal and the oldest son of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche.  +
Kshitigarbha, Akashagarbha, Avalokiteshvara, Vajrapani, Maitreya, Sarvanirvarana- vishkambin, Samatabhadra, and Manjushri.  +