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8th century
Indian scholiast of the eighth century CE and successor to Bhāvaviveka [alt. Bhāvya] in the Svātantrika school of Madhyamaka. Avalokitavrata wrote the Prajñapradīpaṭīkā, an extensive subcommentary to Bhāvaviveka's Prajñāpradīpa, his commentary on Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, in which he defends Bhāvaviveka from Candrakīrti's critiques. That subcommentary is extant only in Tibetan translation. (Source: "Avalokitavrata." In The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism, 82. Princeton University Press, 2014. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt46n41q.27.)

Affiliations & relations

  • Svātantrika Madhyamaka · religious affiliation