- Forewordvii
- Prefacexiii
- Translators' Notexv
- Introduction1
- I. Śrī-Mālā as a Text1
- Literary History1
- Historical Setting of the Text1
The Title of the Scripture 4 The Text in Asian Countries $ Importance in India $ Importance in China 9 Importance in Japan 13 Importance in Tibet 16 The Structure of the §ri-Mala 17 Chapter Divisions 17 Synopsis of the Scripture 21 II. Classification of Persons 24 The Characters in the 6rI-Mala 24 Persons on Stages 26 Stages of the "Bodies Made of Mind" 29 The Last Three Bodhisattva Stages 33 Stages of the Lady Bodhisattva 35 III. Doctrine of Sri-Mala 37 Vehicle and Nirvana 37 One Vehicle 37 Nirvana and Enlightenment 39 Tathagatagarbha 42 The Tathagatagarbha Theory and Scriptures 42 Synonyms and Alternate References to the Tathagatagarbha 44 Universality of Tathagatagarbha 46 Voidness Knowledge of the Tathagatagarbha 48 Tathagatagarbha and Alayavijnana 52 The Lion's Roar of Queen Srimala 57
Prologue 59 Chapter One 60 Eliminating All Doubts 60 1. Praises of the Infinite Merit of the Tathagata 60 2. Ten Great Vows 64 Chapter Two 67 Deciding the Cause 67 3. Three All-inclusive Aspirations 67 4. Embrace of the Illustrious Doctrine 68 [a. Teaching in the Scope of the Great Aspirations] 69 [b. Teaching the Far-ranging Meaning] 72 [c. Teaching the Great Meaning] 74 Chapter Three 78 Clarifying the Final Meaning 78 5. One Vehicle 78 [re Vehicles of Disciples and the Self-Enlightened] 78 [re Arhats and Pratyekabuddhas] 80 ["Attended with Remainder" and "Not Final Meaning"] 83 ["Final Meaning" and "One Vehicle"] 89 6. The Boundless Noble Truths 95 7. The Tathagatagarbha 96 8-9. The Dharmakaya and the Meaning of Voidness 98 10. The One Truth 100 11-12. The One Refuge and Wayward Stage 100 13. Intrinsic Purity of the Mind 104 Chapter Four 107 Entering the One Vehicle Path 107 14. The True Son of the Tathagata 107 15. The Lion's Roar of Queen Srimala 109 Epilogue hi Appendix I. The Chinese Section Titles of Sri-Mala and Japanese Diagram Analyses of Four Classical Commentaries 115 Appendix II. Works Cited in Chi-tsang's Commentary 125 Glossary 131 Bibliography 133 Index 139