- Acknowledgements6
- Citation and Romanization Protocals6
- About the Chinese Text6
- Directory to Chapter Subsections9
- The Translator's Introduction15
- The Translation: The Six Dharma Gates to the Sublime21
- Dhyāna Master Zhiyi's Preface23
- Ch. 1: The Six Gates in Relation to the Dhyāna Absorptions29
- Ch. 2: The Six Gates in Terms of Sequential Development37
- Ch. 3: The Six Gates in Accordance with Suitability51
- Ch. 4: The Six Gates as Means of Counteraction61
- Ch. 5: The Six Gates in Terms of Mutual Inclusion71
- Ch. 6: The Six Gates in Terms of Identities and Differences79
- Ch. 7: The Six Gates in Accordance with Reversed Orientation91
- Ch. 8: The Six Gates According to Contemplation of Mind109
- Ch. 9: The Six Gates According to the Perfect Contemplation115
- Ch. 10: The Six Gates According to Signs of Realization119
- Endnotes141
- About the Translator157