- Charts and Illustrationsix
- Prefacexi
- Acknowledgmentsxv
- Abbreviations and Conventionsxix
- Chapter One: What Is "Original Enlightenment Thought"?3
- Chapter Two: Tendai Hongaku Thought and the New Kamakura
Buddhism: Rival Theories55
- Chapter Three: The Culture of Secret Transmission97
- Chapter Four: Hermeneutics, Doctrine, and "Mind-Contemplation"153
- Chapter Five: Tendai Hongaku Thought and the New Kamakura
Buddhism: A Reappraisal190
- Chapter Six: Nichiren and the New Paradigm239
- Chapter Seven: Hokke-Tendai Interactions and the
Emergence of a Nichiren Hongaku Discourse300 - Conclusion356
- Notes369
- Character Glossary461
- Bibliography481
- Index523