- List of Illustrationsxiii
- Foreword by Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche (Tibetan)xv
- Foreword by Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche (English)xxi
- Foreword by Khenchen Tsultrim Lodrö (Tibetan)xxix
- Foreword by Khenchen Tsultrim Lodrö (English)xxxv
- Foreword by Khenchen Sodargye (Tibetan)xli
- Foreword by Khenchen Sodargye (English)xliii
- Translators' Prefacexlv
- Introduction3
- Chapter One: How Saṃsāra and Enlightenment Never Move from the Dhātu5
- Chapter Two: Phenomenal Existence Arising as Pure Realms9
- Chapter Three: Symbolic Indications for Bodhicitta13
- Chapter Four: The Nature of Bodhicitta17
- Chapter Five: The Transcendence of Effort, Achievement, Cause, and Result21
- Chapter Six: All Is Contained within Bodhicitta25
- Chapter Seven: Everything Is Spontaneously Accomplished within Bodhicitta from the Beginning29
- Chapter Eight: Nonduality within Bodhicitta33
- Chapter Nine: How All Phenomena Are Determined to Be the Profound Expanse of Bodhicitta37
- Chapter Ten: How the Transcendent State Never Departs from Dharmatā43
- Chapter Eleven: How Circumstantial Appearances Are Pure and Even like Space53
- Chapter Twelve: How the Nature of Phenomena Is Originally Liberated in Bodhicitta from the Beginning57
- Chapter Thirteen: How All Phenomena Awaken in Bodhicitta from the Beginning, Yet without Concerted Effort, Awakening
Occurs Again65 - Conclusion69
- Introduction73
- Chapter One: How Saṃsāra and Enlightenment Never Move from the Dhātu81
- Chapter Two: Phenomenal Existence Arising as Pure Realms101
- Chapter Three: Symbolic Indications for Bodhicitta117
- Chapter Four: The Nature of Bodhicitta135
- Chapter Five: The Transcendence of Effort, Achievement, Cause, and Result149
- Chapter Six: All Is Contained within Bodhicitta177
- Chapter Seven: Everything Is Spontaneously Accomplished within Bodhicitta from the Beginning189
- Chapter Eight: Nonduality within Bodhicitta201
- Chapter Nine: How All Phenomena Are Determined to Be the Profound Expanse of Bodhicitta221
- Chapter Ten: How the Transcendent State Never Departs from Dharmatā259
- Chapter Eleven: How Circumstantial Appearances Are Pure and Even like Space319
- Chapter Twelve: How the Nature of Phenomena Is Originally Liberated in Bodhicitta from the Beginning347
- Chapter Thirteen: How All Phenomena Awaken in Bodhicitta from the Beginning, Yet without Concerted Effort, Awakening
Occurs Again409 - Conclusion443
- Glossary of Terms, Phrases, and Categories455
- Notes461
- Works Cited469
- Index473
- Other Translations by Light of Berotsana475