His major publications include A Direct Path to the Buddha Within: Gö Lotsāwa's Mahāmudrā Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhāga (Wisdom, 2008), A Fine Blend of Mahāmudrā and Madhyamaka: Maitrīpa's Collection of Texts on Non-conceptual Realization (Amanasikāra) (Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2015), and Maitrīpa: India's Yogi of Nondual Bliss (Shambhala, 2021). He is also a regular contributor to the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, and is the co-editor of the Vienna Series for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies.
About this person
- Recent Writing of Interest from Doctor Mathes:
- "The Other Emptiness: Rethinking the Zhentong Buddhist Discourse in Tibet. Edited with Michael Sheehy. Albany, New York: SUNY Press, 2019.
- "Introduction: The Philosophical Grounds and Literary History of Zhentong.’” The Other Emptiness: Rethinking the Zhentong Discourse in Tibet. Albany: SUNY Press, 1-27 , 2019.
- "Liberation through Realizing the Emptiness of Dependent Origination: A Modern Interpretation of the Buddhist “Beyond” in the Light of Quantum Physics." Experiencing the Beyond: Intercultural Approaches. Ed. by Gert Melville and Carlos Ruta (Challenges of Life: Essays on Philosophical and Cultural Anthropology 4). Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 198-211, 2018.
- "The Eighth Karmapa Mi bskyod rdo rje (1507-1554) on the Relation between Buddha Nature and its Adventitious Stains." Critical Review for Buddhist Studies 22 (2017. 12), 63-104.
- "Did ‘Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal (1392-1481) Espouse a gZhan sTong View?" In: Fifteenth Century Tibet: Cultural Blossoming and Political Unrest. LIRI Seminar Proceedings Series 8. Lumbini 2017, 291-311.
- "Introduction: The History of the Rang stong/Gzhan stong Distinction from Its Beginning through the Ris-med Movement". Journal of Buddhist Philosophy 2 (2016), 4-8.
- "Presenting a Controversial Doctrine in a Conciliatory Way: Mkhan chen Gang shar dbang po's (1925-1958/59?) Inclusion of Gzhan Stong ("Emptiness of Other") within Prāsaṅgika". Journal of Buddhist Philosophy 2 (2016), 114-131.
Affiliations & relations
- University of Hong Kong · workplace affiliation
- nil · secondary affiliation
- http://www.tantric-studies.uni-hamburg.de/people/klaus-dieter-mathes/ · websites