Sodargye, Khenpo

From Buddha-Nature
PeopleSodargye, Khenpo
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Khenpo Sodargye
After being ordained at Larung Gar Serthar Buddhist Institute in 1985, Khenpo Sodargye relied on Kyabje Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche as his root guru.

After intensive study of the five principle treatises on Madhyamaka, Prajnaparamita, Abhidharma, Vinaya, and Buddhist logic, Khenpo received direct transmissions of tantric teachings such as the Dzogchen, Kalachakra, and the Web of Magical Illusion from Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and gained unshakable faith in the Omniscient Longchenpa and Mipham Rinpoche. Through his practice, he obtained supreme realization of these teachings.

After engaging in classic Tibetan Buddhist debate and undergoing oral and written examination, he obtained his khenpo degree. Khenpo Sodargye was then placed in charge of the institute by Kyabje Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and became Kyabje’s chief translator for Chinese disciples.

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Other names

  • མཁན་པོ་བསོད་ནམས་དར་རྒྱས་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • mkhan po bsod nams dar rgyas · other names (Wylie)

Affiliations & relations

  • Nyingma · religious affiliation
  • Larung Buddhist Institue · primary professional affiliation
  • Mkhan po 'jigs med phun tshogs · teacher