- Prefacevii
- Acknowledgmentxiii
- I: Essence of Tantra
- by The Dalai Lama1
- II: The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra
- by Tsongkhapa63
- Reasons for Faith65
- Paths to Buddhahood73
- Vajra Vehicle87
- Deity Yoga101
- Method in the Four Tantras115
- One Goal127
- Identifying the Four Tantras139
- Preparation for Mantra155
- III: Supplement
- by Jeffrey Hopkins161
- Rehearsing the Differences between the Vehicles163
- Quintessential Points on the Difference between the Lesser Vehicle and
Great Vehicle and the Two Great Vehicles189 - Emptiness195
- Psychological Transformation211
- Purpose of the Four Tantras223
- Appendix233
- Notes237
- Glossary231
- Bibliography261
- Index276