Soûtra du dévoilement du sens profond

From Buddha-Nature
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|citation=Cornu, Philippe. Soûtra du dévoilement du sens profond. Paris: Fayard, 2005.
|fulltitle=Soûtra du dévoilement du sens profond
|translator=Cornu, P.
|series=Trésors du bouddhisme
|description=The Sūtra of the Unveiling of the Profound Meaning or Saṃdhinirmocana is one of the most important sūtras of the Great Vehicle. It is considered to be the founding text of one of the two main philosophical currents of the Indian Mahâyâna, the idealist current of "Mind-Only" which developed from the 4th century onwards under the influence of Asanga and Vasubandhu. The Sūtra of the Unveiling of the Profound Meaning emphasizes the role of consciousness in the genesis of illusion and a more moderate interpretation of emptiness. But it is presented above all as a meditation manual that will inspire many Indian, Chinese and Tibetan practitioners. The meditations of tranquility (shamatha) and eminent vision (vipashyanâ) are described here with precision, in their relation to the Ten Stages that bodhisattvas must go through to attain the ultimate awakening. The translation presented in this volume was made from the Tibetan version of the 8th century. (Source: Fayard)
|frontcoverimg=File:Soûtra du dévoilement du sens profond.jpg
|refnotes=No notes
|glossary=No glossary
|translatedfrom=Tibetan to English
|citationofsourcetexts=#[[Saṃdhinirmocanasūtra]] - [[Ārya-Saṃdhinirmocana-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra]] ([['phags pa dgongs pa nges par 'grel pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo]]). (D 106) [[mdo sde]], ca 1b1-55b7 (vol. 49). [ Columbia AIBS] [ ACIP] {{bdrc|W22084}}.
|sourcetitle='phags pa dgongs pa nges par 'grel pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo
|sourcetitleskt=Saṃdhinirmocanasūtra; Āryasaṃdhinirmocananāmamahāyānasūtra
|drltranspages=Wisdom of Buddha: The Saṁdhinirmocana Mahāyāna Sūtra; The Scripture on the Explication of Underlying Meaning; Unraveling the Intent: Saṃdhinirmocana (Forgues, G.)
|CanonicalGenreRevised=Kangyur · Sūtra · mdo sde · Sūtranta
|keywords=Great Vehicle; Sūtra; Definitive Meaning, View, Meditation; Insight Meditation; Two Truths; three natures; Pramāṇa
|pagestatus=Temporary stub only

Revision as of 08:53, 25 January 2021

Soûtra du dévoilement du sens profond

The Unveiling of Deep Meaning Sutra or Sandhinirmocanassutra is one of the most important of the Great Vehicle sutras . It is indeed considered as the founding text of one of the two main philosophical currents of Indian Mahâyâna, the idealist current of "Nothing but spirit" which will develop from the 4th century under the influence of the writings of Asanga and by Vasubandhu. Unlike the radically vacuist Prajñâpâramitâsûtras like the Diamond Sutra already published in this collection, the Unveiling of Deep Meaning Sutra emphasizes the role of consciousness in the genesis of illusion and a more moderate interpretation of emptiness. But it is presented above all as a meditation manual that will inspire many Indian, Chinese and Tibetan practitioners. The meditations of stillness (shamatha) and of eminent vision (vipashyana) are described here with precision, in their relation to the crossing of the Ten Grounds which the bodhisattva must traverse to reach the final Awakening of a Buddha. What is this deeper meaning that the Sutra claims to reveal? The true intention of the Buddha, that is to say a teaching whose definitive meaning eliminates any temptation or attempt at a nihilistic interpretation of Buddhism.

Echoing the Sutra of the Ten Lands, the Sutra of the Unveiling of Deep Meaning is part of the logic of a collection which aims to introduce lovers of wisdom to the jewels of Buddhist thought and mysticism.

The translation presented in this volume was made from the Tibetan version of the eighth century. (Source: Fayard)

Citation Cornu, Philippe, trans. Soûtra du dévoilement du sens profond. Paris: Fayard, 2005.