Buddhism's Journey to Tibet

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Buddhism's Journey to Tibet

Jamgön Kongtrül’s ten-volume Treasury of Knowledge is a unique, encyclopedic masterpiece embodying the entire range of Buddhist teachings as they were preserved in Tibet. Tibetan Buddhist teachers expected their students to study Buddhist philosophical texts as well as practice reflection and meditation; present-day students have also realized that awakening has its source in study as well as in reflection and practice. Buddhism’s Journey to Tibet presents Kongtrül's masterful history of Buddhism in India and Tibet. Beginning with the appearance of the Buddha in our world (Book Two), it describes the Buddha's life, his enlightenment, and what he taught (Book Three) from a multitude of Buddhist viewpoints. Buddhism's transmission to and preservation in Tibet is the focus of the main part of this volume (Book Four), which describes the scriptural transmissions and lineages of meditation practice as well as the Buddhist arts that together make up the world of Tibetan Buddhism. (Source: Shambhala Publications)

Citation Zangpo, Ngawang (Kalu Rinpoché Translation Group), trans. The Treasury of Knowledge, Books Two, Three, and Four: Buddhism's Journey to Tibet. By Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé ('jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas). Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2010.

  • Foreword by Yangsi Kalu Rinpochéxi
  • Translator's Introduction1
    • An Overview of The Treasury of Knowledge4
    • Jamgön Kongtrul and the Purpose of The Treasury of Knowledge9
    • Kalu Rinpoché and the Purpose of the Translation of The Treasury of Knowledge18
    • Paying for the Translation of The Treasury of Knowledge26
    • The Treasury in Translation33
    • Translating and Reading Buddhism's Journey to Tibet35
    • Acknowledgments38
  • Book Two: The Light of the World41
    • 1: Our Teacher's Path to Awakening43
    • 2: The Buddha's Enlightenment61
    • 3: The Buddha's Twelve Deeds75
    • 4: Enlightenment's Bodies and Pure Realms93
  • Book Three: What the Buddha Taught113
    • 1: What Are the Sacred Teachings?115
    • 2: Cycles of Scriptural Transmission145
    • 3: Compilations of the Buddha's Word167
    • 4: The Origins of the Early Translations' Ancient Tradition183
  • Book Four: Buddhism Resplendent in the World197
    • 1: Buddhism in the Land of Exalted Beings199
    • 2: How Buddhist Monastic Discipline and Scriptural Transmissions Came to
    • 3: The History of Lineages of Meditation Practice in Tibet, the Eight Major Chariots321
    • 4: A History of Buddhist Culture377
  • Appendix 1: The Root Text of Books Two, Three, and Four437
  • Appendix 2: The Outline of Books Two, Three, and Four479
  • Translator's Postscript: Reflections on Each Chapter491
    • Myriad Worlds Revisited491
    • Book Two: The Light of the World495
      • 1: Our Teacher's Path to Awakening495
      • 2: The Buddha's Enlightenment500
      • 3: The Buddha's Twelve Deeds509
      • 4: Enlightenment's Bodies and Pure Realms513
    • Book Three: What the Buddha Taught519
      • 1: What Are the Sacred Teachings?519
      • 2: Cycles of Scriptural Transmission528
      • 3: Compilations of the Buddha's Word536
      • 4: The Origins of the Early Translations' Ancient Tradition538
    • Book Four: Buddhism Resplendent in the World546
      • 1: Buddhism in the Land of Exalted Beings546
      • 2: How Buddhist Monastic Discipline and Scriptural Transmissions
        Came to Tibet
      • 3: The History of Lineages of Meditation Practice in Tibet, the Eight Major Chariots577
      • 4: A History of Buddhist Culture597
  • Bibliography605
  • List of Names609
  • List of Names of Nonhuman Beings633
  • List of Place Names639
  • List of Texts Cited645
  • Subject Index663

  1. 'jam mgon kong sprul. shes bya kun khyab mdzod, The Infinite Ocean of Knoweldge (shes bya mtha' yas pa'i rgya mtsho), Books Two, Three and Four. Delhi: Shechen Publications, 1997. Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg
    1. Also Beijing: People's Press, 2002 (paperback edition). Further citation not given.
    2. rdo rje rgyal po and thub bstan nyi ma, eds. 3 vols. Beijing: mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1982/1985.
    3. Lotsawa Tony Duff, Padma Karpo Translation Committee, ed. "The Treasury which is an Encyclopedia of Knowledge." Published electronically by PKTC, 2003. PKTC