Entire Being Is Buddha-Nature: Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō Busshō

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Entire Being Is Buddha-Nature: Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō Busshō
Kokyo Henkel

In this series of talks, Rev. Kokyo Henkel teaches on Dōgen's Busshō 仏性 (buddha-nature), part of his major work Shōbōgenzō. Parts 1 through 7 consist of class lectures. The following seven segments are part of a corresponding Sesshin, or meditation retreat. These talks were recorded at the Santa Cruz Zen Center from October–December, 2012.

For an English translation of Busshō by Norman Waddell and Masao Abe, click here

Busshō class 1
Busshō class 2
Busshō class 3
Busshō class 4
Busshō class 5
Busshō class 6
Busshō class 7
Sesshin 1
Sesshin 2
Sesshin 3
Sesshin 4
Sesshin 5
Sesshin 6
Sesshin 7

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