
From Buddha-Nature

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Just as, through the conditions of water, sunlight, wind, earth, time, and space,<br>A tree grows forth from within the sheath of palm fruits and mangos,<br>So the germ in the seed of the perfect buddha lodged inside the peel of the fruit of sentient beings’ afflictions<br>Will grow into the shootof dharma through such and such conditions of virtue.  +
Suppose an image of the victor made of a precious substance<br>And wrapped in a filthy foul-smelling cloth<br>Were left on the road, and a deity, upon seeing it,<br>Speaks about this matter to those traveling by in order to set it free.  +
Similarly, the one with unimpeded vision sees the body of a sugata<br>Concealed by the stains of various kinds of afflictions<br>Even in animals and demonstrates<br>The means for its liberation.  +
Because of being inscrutable, because of being inexpressible,<br>And because of being the wisdom of the noble ones, it is inconceivable.<br>Because of being peaceful, it is free from the dual and without conceptions.<br>[In its] three [qualities] such as being pure, it is like the sun.  +
Just as the form of the Tathāgata made of a precious substance, wrapped in a foul-smelling garment,<br>And left on the road would be seen by someone with the divine eye and shown to people in order to set it free,<br>So the basic element wrapped in the filthy garment of the afflictions and left on the road of saṃsāra<br>Is seen by the victor even in animals, upon which he teaches the dharma for the sake of liberating it.  +
Suppose an ugly woman without a protector,<br>Dwelling in a shelter for those without protection<br>And bearing the glory of royalty as an embryo,<br>Were not to know about the king in her own womb.  +
Being born in [saṃsāric] existence is like a place for those without protection,<br>Impure sentient beings resemble the pregnant woman,<br>The stainless basic element in them is similar to her embryo,<br>And due to its existence, these [beings] do have a protector.  +
Just as this woman whose body is covered with a dirty garment and who has an unsightly body<br>Would experience the greatest suffering in a shelter for those without protection despite this king’s residing in her womb,<br>So beings dwell in the abode of suffering due to their minds’ not being at peace through the power of the afflictions<br>And deem themselves to be without a protector despite the excellent protectors residing right within themselves.  +
Suppose an image filled with molten gold inside<br>But consisting of clay on the outside, after having settled,<br>Were seen by someone who knows about this [gold inside],<br>Who would then remove the outer covering to purify the inner gold.  +
Similarly, always seeing the luminosity of [mind’s] nature<br>And that the stains are adventitious,<br>The one with the highest awakening purifies beings,<br>Who are like a jewel mine, from the obscurations.  +
Just as an image made of stainless shining gold enclosed in clay would settle<br>And a skillful jeweler, knowing about this [gold], would remove the clay,<br>So the omniscient one sees that the mind, which resembles pure gold, is settled<br>And removes its obscurations by way of the strokes that are the means of teaching the dharma.  +
Like within a lotus, insects that are bees,<br>Husks, excrement, the earth,<br>The peel of a fruit, a filthy garment,<br>The womb of a woman, and a covering of clay,  +
Like a buddha, like honey, like a kernel,<br>Gold, a treasure, and a tree,<br>Like a precious statue, like a cakravartin,<br>And like a golden image,  +
The beginningless stainlessness of the nature<br>Of the mind within the beginningless cocoons<br>Of the afflictions that are not connected to<br>The basic element of sentient beings is declared to be.  +
They perfectly realize that the endpoint of the identitylessness of the entire world is peace<br>Because they see that, by virtue of the natural luminosity of the minds in this [world], the afflictions are without nature.<br>I pay homage to those who see that perfect buddhahood is all-pervading, whose intelligence is unobscured,<br>And whose wisdom vision has the purity and infinitude of beings as its objects.  +
Desire, hatred, ignorance,<br>Their intense outbursts, latent tendencies,<br>The stains pertaining to the paths of seeing and familiarization<br>As well as to the impure and the pure bhūmis  +
Are elucidated by the nine examples<br>Of the sheath of a lotus and so on,<br>But the cocoons of the proximate afflictions<br>In all their variety are infinite millions.  +
Nine afflictions such as desire,<br>In brief and in due order,<br>Are elucidated by the nine examples<br>Of the sheath of a lotus and so on.  +
The impurities of naive beings,<br>Arhats, learners, and the intelligent<br>Are [explained] in due order by these four,<br>One, two, and two stains, respectively.  +
Just as a lotus grown from mud<br>Is so beautiful at first<br>But is no longer attractive later,<br>So is the delight of desire.  +