Verse I.21

From Buddha-Nature
Ratnagotravibhāga Root Verse I.21

Verse I.21 Variations

जगच्छरणमेकत्र बुद्धत्वं पारमार्थिकम्
मुनेर्धर्मशरीरत्वात् तन्निष्ठत्वाद्‍गणस्य च
jagaccharaṇamekatra buddhatvaṃ pāramārthikam
munerdharmaśarīratvāt tanniṣṭhatvādgaṇasya ca
E. H. Johnston as input by the University of the West.[1]
Ultimately, however, the single refuge
Of the world is buddhahood
Because the sage possesses the body of the dharma
And because it is the consummation of the assembly.
Au sens le plus sacré, les êtres
N’ont qu’un seul refuge : le Bouddha,
Car le Sage a pour corps le Dharma
Et qu’il est le but ultime de la Communauté.

RGVV Commentary on Verse I.21