- Forewordv
- Acknowledgmentsix
- Abbreviationsxi
- Introduction1
- Peter N. Gregory
- I . The Sudden and Gradual Debates
- Peter N. Gregory
- The Mirror of the Mind13
- Paul Demiéville
- Sudden Illumination or Simultaneous Comprehension: Remarks on Chinese and Tibetan Terminology41
- R. A. Stein
- Purifying Gold: The Metaphor of Effort and Intuition in Buddhist Thought and Practice67
- Luis O. Gomez
- II. Sudden and Gradual Enlightenment in Chinese Buddhism
- Tao-sheng’s Theory of Sudden Enlightenment Re-examined169
- Whalen Lai
- Sudden and Gradual Intimately Conjoined: Chih-i’s T’ien-t’ai View201
- Neal Donner
- Shen-hui and the Teaching o f Sudden Enlightenment in Early Ch’an
Buddhism227- John R. McRae
- Sudden Enlightenment Followed by Gradual Cultivation: Tsung-mi’s Analysis
of Mind279- Peter N . Gregory
- The "Short-cut" Approach o f K'an-hua Meditation: The Evolution of a Practical Subitism in Chinese Ch'an Buddhism321
- Robert E . Buswell, Jr.
- III. Analogies in the Cultural Sphere
- The Sudden and the Gradual in Chinese Poetry Criticism: An Examination of the Ch’an-Poetry Analogy381
- Richard John Lynn
- Tung Ch’i-ch'ang's "Southern and Northern Schools" in the History and Theory of Painting: A Reconsideration429
- James Cahill
- Afterword by Tu Wei-ming447
- Contributors457
- Index461