The Heart of Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō

From Buddha-Nature

The Heart of Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō

The Heart of Dogen's Shobogenzo provides exhaustively annotated translations of the difficult core essays of Shobogenzo, the masterwork of Japanese Zen master Dogen Kigen, the founder of Soto Zen. This book is centered around those essays that generations have regarded as containing the essence of Dogen's teaching. These translations, revised from those that first appeared in the 1970s, clarify and enrich the understanding of Dogen's religious thought and his basic ideas about Zen practice and doctrine. Dogen's uncommon intellectual gifts, combined with a profound religious attainment and an extraordinary ability to articulate it, make Shobogenzo unique even in the vast literature the Zen school has produced over the centuries, securing it a special place in the history of world religious literature. (Source: SUNY Press)

Citation Waddell, Norman, and Masao Abe, trans. The Heart of Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002.

Abbreviations vii
Translators’ Introduction ix

Fukanzazengi 普勧坐禅儀
(Universal Promotion of the Principles of Zazen) 1

Bendōwa 辦道話
(Negotiating the Way) 7

Ikka Myōju 一 顆明珠
(One Bright Pearl) 31

Genjōkōan 現成公案
(Manifesting Suchness) 39

Uji 有時
(Being-Time) 47

Busshō 仏性
(Buddha-nature) 59

Sammai-Ō-Zammai 三昧王三昧
(The King of Samadhis Samadhi) 99

Shōji 生死
(Birth and Death) 105

Zazengi 坐禅儀
(The Principles of Zazen) 109

Bibliography 111
Index 113

Dōgen. 正法眼蔵 (Shōbōgenzō). In Dōgen zenji zenshū (道元禅師全集). 2 vols. Edited by OKUBO Dōshū. Tōkyō: Chikumashobō, 1969-1970.