Bu ston rin chen grub

From Buddha-Nature
PeopleBu ston rin chen grub
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Butön Rinchen Drup
1290 - 1364
Butön Rinchen Drup, a Sakya lama raised in a Nyingma family, was the eleventh abbot of Zhalu Monastery, from 1320 to 1356. Some enumerations list him as the first abbot, as he significantly expanded the institution. He was an important teacher of the Prajñāpāramitā, and a key lineage holder of the Guhyasamāja and Kālacakra tantras as transmitted in the Geluk tradition, and the Kālacakra, Hevajra and Sampuṭa tantras as transmitted in the Sakya tradition. He is generally credited as the creator of the Tibetan Buddhist canon, the Kangyur and Tengyur, and his History of Buddhism is still widely read. In addition to his Sakya training he also studied in the Kadam and Kagyu traditions.
... read more at The Treasury of Lives

Philosophical positions of this person

Other names

  • bu ston kha che · other names (Wylie)
  • bu ston thams cad mkhyen pa · other names (Wylie)
  • Buton Khache · other names
  • Butön Tamche Khyenpa · other names
  • Rinchen Drub · other names

Affiliations & relations

  • Sakya · religious affiliation
  • Zhalu Monastery (zhwa lu) · primary professional affiliation
  • Ripuk Hermitage (ri phug) · other professional affiliation
  • Dka' bzhi pa grags pa gzhon nu · teacher
  • nil · student