Dam chos yid bzhin gyi nor bu thar pa rin po che'i rgyan

From Buddha-Nature

dam chos yid bzhin gyi nor bu thar pa rin po che'i rgyan
Ornament of Precious Liberation: A Wish-Fulfilling Gem of Sublime Dharma

One of Gampopa's most enduring works. It was one of the first "stages of the path" (lam rim) texts to be written by a Tibetan, after the genre was introduced by Atiśa through his famous composition Bodhipathapradīpa, The Stages of the Path to Enlightenment.

Philosophical positions of this text

Other Titles ~ dwags po thar rgyan
~ Jewel Ornament of Precious Liberation
~ The Jewel Ornament of Liberation

Text exists in ~ Tibetan
~ English
Literary Genre ~ Stages of the Teachings - bstan rim
~ Stages of the Path - lam rim

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