
From Buddha-Nature

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The Blue Annals Parts I & II,The Blue Annals Part II,The Blue Annals Parts I & II (1976, Motilal Banarsidass)  +
Esoteric Instructions,Buddhism's Journey to Tibet,Buddhist Ethics (2003),The Elements of Tantric Practice,Frameworks of Buddhist Philosophy  +
Perfect or Perfected? Rongtön on Buddha-Nature  +
The Profound Inner Principles  +
Distinguishing Phenomena from Their Intrinsic Nature,Maitreya's Distinguishing Phenomena and Pure Being  +
The Awakening of Faith (2005),Açvagosha's Discourse on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna,Treatise on Awakening Mahāyāna Faith,The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana Doctrine,The Awakening of Faith (1967)  +
When the Clouds Part,A Gathering of Brilliant Moons  +
Mipam on Buddha-Nature  +
When the Clouds Part  +
Transmission of Light,The Record of Transmitting the Light,The Denkōroku,The Record of Transmission of Light,Record of the Transmission of Illumination by the Great Ancestor, Zen Master Keizan  +
Illuminator, a Light of Gnosis,The Buddha's Single Intention,Gongchig: The Single Intent, the Sacred Dharma,The Single Intention: The Root Text, a Commentary by Khenpo Kunpal, and an Overview by Rinchen Jangchub  +
Mipham's Beacon of Certainty,The Lion’s Roar Proclaiming Emptiness of Other,The Lion's Roar That Proclaims Zhantong  +