The following pages link to Key Terms/gzhan stong:
Displayed 10 items.
- Glossary (← links)
- Shentong (redirect page) (← links)
- Gzhan stong (redirect page) (← links)
- Articles/Onto-theology and Emptiness: The Nature of Buddha-Nature (← links)
- Books/Luminous Heart (← links)
- Texts/Gzhan stong dbu ma chen po'i lta khrid rdo rje zla ba dri ma med pa'i 'od zer (← links)
- Books/Visions of Unity (← links)
- Books/The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows (← links)
- Books/A Direct Path to the Buddha Within: Go Lotsāwa's Mahāmudrā Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhāga (← links)
- Books/Mahamudra and the Middle Way - Vol. 2 (← links)
- Books/Mountain Doctrine: Tibet's Fundamental Treatise on Other-Emptiness and the Buddha-Matrix (← links)
- Books/The Buddha from Dolpo (2010) (← links)
- Books/Le Bouddha du Dolpo (← links)
- Books/The Lion's Roar That Proclaims Zhantong (← links)
- Books/The Buddha Within (Hookham) (← links)
- Books/Progressive Stages of Meditation on Emptiness (2016) (← links)
- Articles/How Can a Momentary and Conditioned Mind Be Integral to Gzhan Stong? (← links)
- Articles/Non-representational Language in Mipam's Representation of Other-emptiness (← links)
- Articles/Other-Emptiness in the Jonang School: The Theo-logic of Buddhist Dualism (← links)
- Books/In Praise of Dharmadhātu (← links)
- Articles/Did ’Gos lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal (1392–1481) Espouse a gZhan stong View? (← links)
- Articles/A Look at the Diversity of the Gzhan stong Tradition (← links)
- Articles/Introduction to Other-Emptiness and the Great Middle Way (← links)
- Articles/A Late Proponent of the Jo nang gZhan stong Doctrine: Ngag dbang tshogs gnyis rgya mtsho (1880–1940) (← links)
- Texts/Gzhan stong chen mo (← links)
- Media/On the Future of Buddha-Nature Studies by Karl Brunnhölzl (← links)
- Media/On Jamgon Kongtrul and the Different Approaches to Understanding Buddha-Nature by Ringu Tulku (← links)
- Media/On Rangtong and Shentong Views of Buddha-Nature by Tokpa Tulku (← links)
- Articles/Tokpa Tulku Interview on Buddha-Nature (← links)
- Articles/Kaḥ thog Dge rtse Mahāpaṇḍita's Doxographical Position: The Great Madhyamaka of Other-Emptiness (gzhan stong dbu ma chen po) (← links)
- Articles/The Essence of Zhentong (← links)
- Articles/The Practical Implications of the Doctrine of Buddha-nature (← links)
- Articles/A Tree In The West: Competing Tathāgatagarbha Theories in Tibet (← links)
- Articles/The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine according to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhāga-Review by Need (← links)
- Texts/Gzhan stong lta khrid (← links)
- Texts/Bka' bsdu bzhi pa'i don bstan rtsis chen po (← links)
- Texts/Dpon byang ba'i phyag tu phul ba'i chos kyi shan 'byed (← links)
- Texts/Theg mchog shin tu rgyas pa'i dbu ma chen po rnam par nges pa'i rnam bshad zin bris dbu phyogs legs pa (← links)
- Articles/Can We Speak of Kadam Gzhan Stong? Tracing the Sources for Other-Emptiness in Early-Fourteenth-Century Tibet (← links)
- Texts/Zab mo gzhan stong dbu ma'i brgyud 'debs (← links)
- Articles/Putting Buddha Nature into Practice (← links)
- Articles/We Are All Gzhan stong pas: Reflections on the Reflexive Nature of Awareness: A Tibetan Madhyamaka Defence by Paul Williams (← links)
- Articles/From the Three Natures to the Two Natures: On a Fluid Approach to the Two Versions of Other-Emptiness from Fifteenth-Century Tibet (← links)
- Articles/Introduction: The History of the Rang stong-Gzhan stong Distinction from Its Beginning through the Ris-med Movement (← links)
- Articles/Presenting a Controversial Doctrine in a Conciliatory Way: Mkhan chen Gang shar dbang po's (1925–1958-59?) Inclusion of Gzhan stong ("Emptiness of Other") within Prāsaṅgika (← links)
- Articles/The Gzhan stong Model of Reality: Some More Material on Its Origin, Transmission, and Interpretation (← links)
- Articles/Tāranātha's "Twenty-One Differences with Regard to the Profound Meaning" (← links)
- Articles/The Original Ratnagotravibhāga and Its Yogāçāra Interpretation as Possible Indian Precedents of Gzhan stong ("Empti-ness of Other") (← links)
- Articles/Elucidating the Zhentong View: A Condensation of the Threefold Nature of Reality (← links)
- Books/Mahāyāna Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations (← links)
- Media/Lama Shenpen Speaks on Buddha Nature (← links)
- Articles/Kong sprul on the Great Madhyamaka of Other-Emptiness: Theory and Practice (← links)
- Articles/The Ornament of the Buddha-Nature: Dge rtse Mahāpaṇḍita's Exposition of the Great Madhyamaka of Other-Emptiness (← links)
- Articles/Tathāgatagarbha from the Perspective of Karma pa Mi bskyod rdo rje as Presented in His Lamp that Eloquently Highlights the Tradition of the Gzhan stong Madhyamaka Proponents (← links)
- Media/The Shentong Interpretation of Tathagatagarbha Doctrine (← links)
- Articles/Shentong – An Introduction (← links)
- Texts/Chen po gzhan stong gi lta ba dang 'brel ba'i phyag rgya chen po'i smon lam gyi rnam bshad nges don dbyings kyi rol mo (← links)
- Texts/Kun mkhyen jo nang pa chen po'i dgongs pa gzhan stong dbu ma'i tshul legs pa bshad mthar 'dzin gdung 'phrog (← links)
- Articles/The Sky Dragon's Profound Roar (← links)
- Texts/Gzhan stong dbu ma'i rnam gzhag snying por dril ba (← links)
- Articles/The Logic of Liberation: Epistemology as a Path to the Realization of Mahāmudrā (← links)
- Articles/The Role of Rang Rig in the Pramāṇa-Based Gzhan Stong of the Seventh Karma pa (← links)
- Articles/Buddha by Nature or Buddha by Nurture: Deliberations on the Buddha-Nature Theory in the Nyingma Tradition by Dorji Wangchuk: Conversations on Buddha-Nature (← links)
- Media/Dorji Wangchuk: Is "Other-Emptiness" Taught as Part of the Curriculum in Nyingma Shedras Today? (← links)
- Media/Dorji Wangchuk: Buddha by Nature or Buddha by Nurture? On the Views of Rongzompa, Longchenpa, and Mipam (← links)
- Articles/What Is My Mind without Me? Buddha-Nature in the Karma Kagyu School by Karl Brunnhölzl (← links)
- Media/Karl Brunnhölzl: On the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje's View of Buddha-Nature (← links)
- Media/Karl Brunnhölzl: On the Rang stong-Gzhan stong Debate (← links)
- Media/Khenpo Tenzin Norgay: On the Position of Mipam vis-à-vis the Rang stong and Gzhan stong Debate (← links)
- Articles/Practical Implications of Shentong Interpretations of Tathāgatagarbha by Lama Shenpen Hookham (← links)
- Media/Lama Shenpen Hookham: On Her Approach to the Rangtong and Shentong Debate over the Nature of Reality (← links)
- Media/Lama Shenpen Hookham: On Explaining the Shentong View to Beginners (← links)
- Media/Lama Shenpen Hookham: On How the Prajñāpāramitā Tradition Promotes a Shentong View (← links)
- Books/The Other Emptiness: Entering Wisdom Beyond Emptiness of Self (← links)
- Books/Dolopopa's Mountian Dharma (Thrangu 2023) (← links)
- Key Terms/zhentong (redirect page) (← links)
- Zhentong (redirect page) (← links)
- Texts/Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos legs bshad nyi ma'i 'od zer (← links)
- Texts/Dbu ma gzhan stong smra ba'i srol legs par phye ba'i sgron me (← links)
- Texts/Rgyud bla ma'i 'grel pa mdo dang sbyar ba nges pa'i don gyi snang ba (← links)
- Texts/Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma rgyan gyi me tog (← links)
- Books/The Center of the Sunlit Sky (← links)
- Articles/Emptiness–Buddhanature (← links)
- Articles/Grounds of Buddha-Nature in Tibet (← links)
- Articles/The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine according to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga-Review by Griffiths (← links)
- Articles/The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine According to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhāga-Review by Ehrhard (← links)
- Articles/The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine according to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhāga-Review by Gimello (← links)
- Texts/Gzhan stong dbu ma'i rgyan (← links)
- Texts/Gzhan stong dbu ma'i rgyan gyi lung sbyor (← links)
- Texts/Gzhan stong snying po (← links)
- Texts/Theg mchog shin tu rgyas pa'i dbu ma chen po rnam par nges pa (← links)
- Texts/Gzhan stong khas len seng ge'i nga ro (← links)
- Media/Klaus-Dieter Mathes at the 2019 Tathāgatagarbha Symposium (← links)
- Media/Khenpo Ngawang Jorden at the 2019 Tathāgatagarbha Symposium (← links)
- Media/Douglas Duckworth at the 2019 Tathāgatagarbha Symposium (← links)
- Media/Michael Sheehy at the 2019 Tathāgatagarbha Symposium (← links)
- Media/Filippo Brambilla at the 2019 Tathāgatagarbha Symposium (← links)
- Texts/Ri chos nges don rgya mtsho zhes bya ba mthar thug thun mong ma yin pa'i man ngag (← links)
- Qualified emptiness (redirect page) (← links)
- Emptiness-of-other (redirect page) (← links)
- Emptiness of something else (redirect page) (← links)
- Empty of other (redirect page) (← links)
- User:JeremiP/BuNayData Table (← links)