Thupten Jinpa: On the Collection of Buddha-Nature Treatises in the Library of Tibetan Classics

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LibraryMultimediaThupten Jinpa: On the Collection of Buddha-Nature Treatises in the Library of Tibetan Classics

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|RelatedWritings=Texts/Bde gshegs snying po gsal ba'i rgyan; Texts/De bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po bstan pa'i bstan bcos; Texts/Ri chos nges don rgya mtsho zhes bya ba mthar thug thun mong ma yin pa'i man ngag; De bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po bstan pa'i bstan bcos kyi mchan 'grel byams mgon dgyes pa'i zhal lung nor bu dbang gi rgyal po dri ma med pa'i 'od
|RelatedWritings=Texts/Ri chos nges don rgya mtsho zhes bya ba mthar thug thun mong ma yin pa'i man ngag; Texts/Bde gshegs snying po gsal ba'i rgyan; Texts/De bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po bstan pa'i bstan bcos; De bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po bstan pa'i bstan bcos kyi mchan 'grel byams mgon dgyes pa'i zhal lung nor bu dbang gi rgyal po dri ma med pa'i 'od
|PeopleMentioned=Dol po pa; Bu ston rin chen grub; Karmapa, 3rd; Karmapa, 15th
|PeopleMentioned=Dol po pa; Bu ston rin chen grub; Karmapa, 3rd; Karmapa, 15th

Revision as of 16:21, 2 February 2022

Thupten Jinpa: On the Collection of Buddha-Nature Treatises in the Library of Tibetan Classics - 3 of 15

Sources Mentioned

People Mentioned

Dölpopa Sherab Gyaltsen
1292 ~ 1361
Butön Rinchen Drup
1290 ~ 1364
Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje
1284 ~ 1339
Fifteenth Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje
1870 ~ 1921
Featuring Thupten Jinpa, Karma Phuntsho
Creator Tsadra Foundation
Director Perman, M.
Producer Tsadra Foundation
Event Emptiness and Buddha-Nature by Thupten Jinpa: Conversations on Buddha-Nature (29 January 2022, Quebec and Bhutan)
Related Website Buddha-Nature
Creation Date 29 January 2022
Citation Jinpa, Thupten. "On the Collection of Buddha-Nature Treatises in the Library of Tibetan Classics." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 5:15.