The Bibliography

From Buddha-Nature

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Selected Bibliography & Resources

This is a selected bibliography of academic and related references on the Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra and its commentaries. For the relevant Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese texts, see the Primary Sources.

222 Citations

tono kanren真諦訳•摂大乗論世親釈における如来蔵説:宝性論との関 連(Tathâgatagarbha in Vasubandhu^ Commentary on Mahâyânasarnparigraha [Chinese Translation by Paramàrtha]). In: Yüki kyôju jujukinen: Bukkyô shisô ronshü結城教授頌寿記念:仏教思想史論集.Tokyo: Daizôshuppan. 241-264.