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From Buddha-Nature
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*[[Higgins, David]].  [[*Bodhigarbha (byang chub snying po): Preliminary Notes on an Early Rdzogs chen Concept of Buddha Nature. Forthcoming in The Other Emptiness: Perspectives on the Zhentong Buddhist Discourse in India and Tibet|"*Bodhigarbha (''byang chub snying po''): Preliminary Notes on an Early Rdzogs chen Concept of Buddha Nature." In ''The Other Emptiness: Perspectives on the Zhentong Buddhist Discourse in India and Tibet'']]. Edited by [[Klaus-Dieter Mathes]] and [[Michael Sheehy]]. New York: State University of New York Press. (Forthcoming)
*[[Higgins, David]].  [[*Bodhigarbha (byang chub snying po): Preliminary Notes on an Early Rdzogs chen Concept of Buddha Nature. Forthcoming in The Other Emptiness: Perspectives on the Zhentong Buddhist Discourse in India and Tibet|"*Bodhigarbha (''byang chub snying po''): Preliminary Notes on an Early Rdzogs chen Concept of Buddha Nature." In ''The Other Emptiness: Perspectives on the Zhentong Buddhist Discourse in India and Tibet'']]. Edited by [[Klaus-Dieter Mathes]] and [[Michael Sheehy]]. New York: State University of New York Press. (Forthcoming)
*[[Jones, Christopher V.]] "[[The Use of, and Controversy Surrounding, the Term Ātman in the Indian Buddhist Tathāgatagarbha Literature|The Use of, and Controversy Surrounding, the Term ''Ātman'' in the Indian Buddhist ''Tathāgatagarbha'' Literature]]." PhD diss. St. Peter’s College, Oxford University, 2015.
*[[Jones, Christopher V.]] "[[The Use of, and Controversy Surrounding, the Term Ātman in the Indian Buddhist Tathāgatagarbha Literature|The Use of, and Controversy Surrounding, the Term ''Ātman'' in the Indian Buddhist ''Tathāgatagarbha'' Literature]]." PhD diss. St. Peter’s College, Oxford University, 2015.
*[[Mathes, Klaus-Dieter]] "[[The Original Ratnagotravibhāga and its Yogācāra Interpretation as Possible Indian Precedents of Gzhan stong (“Empti[ness] of Other”)|The Original ''Ratnagotravibhāga'' and its Yogācāra Interpretation as Possible Indian Precedents of ''Gzhan stong'' (“Empti[ness] of Other”)]]" In ''[[Hōrin]]'' 18, (2017): 119–140.  
*[[Mathes, Klaus-Dieter]] "[[The Original Ratnagotravibhāga and its Yogācāra Interpretation as Possible Indian Precedents of Gzhan stong (“Empti[ness] of Other”)]]" In ''[[Hōrin]]'' 18, (2017): 119–140.  

Revision as of 14:15, 12 September 2019

Selected Bibliography & Resources

This is a selected bibliography of academic and related references on the Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra and its commentaries. For the relevant Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese texts, see the Primary Sources.

222 Citations
