The Bibliography

From Buddha-Nature

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Selected Bibliography & Resources
This is a selected bibliography of academic and related references on the Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra and its commentaries. For the relevant Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese texts, see the Primary Sources.
519 Citations

Academic Sources[edit]

Multimedia Sources

  • Allione, Tsultrim. "Primordial Self Esteem - Being Confident in Our Buddha-Nature." Produced by Tara Mandala, August 25, 2016. Video, 1:17.
  • Schelling, Arne. "About the Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra with Arne Schelling." Produced by Dharma Mati Berlin, October 9, 2020. Video, 3:56.
  • Bardor Tulku. "Loving Kindness and Buddha-Nature." Produced by Kunzang Palchen Ling, July 11, 2009. Video, 9:53.
  • Kalu Rinpoche. "Kalu Rinpoche on Tathāgatagarbha." Excerpt from a four-part lecture titled "The Nature of Mind" given at the Kamalashila-Institut, Wachendorf, Germany, 1982. Filmed and edited by Wolfgang Neugebauer. In Tibetan with English translation by Lama Chökyi Nyima (Richard Barron). Video, 17:06.
  • Brambilla, Filippo. "Empty of True Existence, Yet Full of Qualities. Tshogs gnyis rgya mtsho (1880–1940) on Buddha Nature." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 41:47.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On His First Encounter with the Buddha-Nature Teachings." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 4:58.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. “The Debate over Buddha-Nature.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 4:21.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On the Term Sūtra Mahāmudrā." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 3:13.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "What Can We Learn from Buddha-Nature Teachings?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 2:31.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. “Which Tibetans Wrote about Buddha-Nature?” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 6:58.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On How the Buddha-Nature Teachings Were Transmitted in the Kagyu Tradition." Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 5:04.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On the Relationship between Pariniṣpanna, Trisvabhāvanirdeśa, and Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 2:32.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. “On the Origins and Authorship of the Uttaratantrashastra.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 4:31.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. “What Is the Purpose of Buddha-Nature Teachings?” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 3:58.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On Karma Kagyu Proponents of Buddha-Nature Theory Prior to the 8th Karmapa." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 2:57.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On the Naturally Abiding Gotra and the Developing Gotra." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 4:31.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On the Inspiration Behind His Book When the Clouds Part." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 3:19.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. “On the Future of Buddha-Nature Studies.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 1:33.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On the Term Tathāgatagarbha and Other Terms for Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 3:15.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. “What Is Luminosity?” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 4:21.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "Emptiness or Luminosity: What's the Deal?" Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 2:09.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On the Supposed Commentary on the Uttaratantra by Marpa Chökyi Lodrö. Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 4:39.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On the Views of Dolpopa, the 3rd Karmapa, and Different Views within the Kagyu School." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 5:43.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. “On His Book When the Clouds Part.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 4:12.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. “What Is Buddha-Nature?” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 00:46.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On the Eighth Karmapa Mikyö Dorje's View of Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 8:06.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "Jamgön Kongtrül and Other Influences on the View of Buddha-Nature in the Kagyu Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 3:07.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On How the Uttaratantra Is a Bridge between Sūtra and Tantra." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 5:53.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. “On Chapter 1 Verse 28 of the Uttaratantra.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 5:50.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On the Title of His Talk: What Is My Mind without Me?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 2:48.
  • Tsadra Foundation. "Buddha-Nature Event: 19 September 2020." Buddha-Nature: A Tsadra Foundation Initiative. Recorded September 19, 2020. Video, 2:33:07.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. “Vajrayana Practice & Buddha-Nature.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 7:20.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. “Why Study Buddha-Nature?” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 2:07.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "Buddha-Nature Sings Its Song: Tathāgatagarbha and Its Equivalents in the Indian Dohā Tradition." Old Topic, New Insights: Buddha-Nature at the Crossroads between Doctrine and Practice. The 16th IATS Conference, Prague, July 3–9, 2022. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 15:31.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje's View of Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 4:59.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On the Rang stong/Gzhan stong Debate." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 7:06.
  • Brunnhölzl, Karl. "Is Buddha-Nature a Radical Teaching?" Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 3:26.
  • Burchardi, Anne. "Buddha-Nature in Practice: How the Notion of 'Garbha' Can Be Applied to 'Being in the World'." Old Topic, New Insights: Buddha-Nature at the Crossroads between Doctrine and Practice. The 16th IATS Conference, Prague, July 3–9, 2022. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 18:19.
  • Burchardi, Anne. "On the Provisional or Definitive Nature of the Buddha-Nature Teachings." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 18, 2021. Video, 3:37.
  • Burchardi, Anne. "On Her Work Compiling the Commentaries to the Uttaratantra." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 18, 2021. Video, 3:18.
  • Burchardi, Anne. "On Her First Encounter with Buddha-Nature Teachings." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 18, 2021. Video, 11:42.
  • Burchardi, Anne. "On the Sutra Sources for the Uttaratantra and Her Work on the Dharanishvarajasutra." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 18, 2021. Video, 8:43.
  • Burchardi, Anne. "Advice on Navigating the Plethora of Available Buddha-Nature Teachings." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 18, 2021. Video, 6:11.
  • Burchardi, Anne. "Why the Buddha-Nature Teachings were Taught according to the Uttaratantrashastra." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 18, 2021. Video, 24:22.
  • Burchardi, Anne. "On Turning Hardship into the Path." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 18, 2021. Video, 4:00.
  • Callahan, Elizabeth. “On the Term Ordinary Mind.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 9, 2019. Video, 2:16.
  • Callahan, Elizabeth. “What Is Buddha-Nature?” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 9, 2019. Video, 3:00.
  • Callahan, Elizabeth. “On the Terminology Associated with Buddha-Nature.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 9, 2019. Video, 8:29.
  • Canti, John. "On the Relationship between Buddha-Nature and lhan cig skyes pa'i ye shes." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 25, 2022. Video, 7:57.
  • Canti, John. "How Can We Amplify the Message about Buddha-Nature?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 25, 2022. Video, 7:31.
  • Canti, John. "On the Legends behind the Five Treatises of Maitreya." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 25, 2022. Video, 7:58.
  • Canti, John. "On the Challenges of Translating Terms Like Tathāgatagarbha, Gotra, Dhātu, etc." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 25, 2022. Video, 14:08.
  • Canti, John. "How Does Mipham View the 2nd and 3rd Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 25, 2022. Video, 1:40.
  • Canti, John. "On His First Encounter with Buddhism and Buddha-Nature Teachings." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 25, 2022. Video, 10:49.
  • Canti, John. "On the Uttaratantra in Relation to the Other Works of Maitreya." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 25, 2022. Video, 20:49.
  • Canti, John. "On How Buddha-Nature Teachings Have Affected Him." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 25, 2022. Video, 6:52.
  • Canti, John. "On Luminosity and It's Relationship to the Kāyas and Emptiness." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 25, 2022. Video, 7:22.
  • Canti, John. "On What Inspired Him to Work on the Uttaratantra & Mipham's Commentary." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 25, 2022. Video, 4:19.
  • Charrier, Christian, and Patrick Carré. "Uttaratantraśāstra: A New French Translation from Tibetan According to ‘Jam mgon Kong sprul’s Commentary." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 40:49.
  • Charrier, Christian. "Sagesses Bouddhistes: Traité de la continuité suprême du grand véhicule, un texte exceptionnel du bouddhisme tibétain." Pt. 1 of 2. Interview by Sandrine Colombo. Produced by Claude Darmon and L'Union Bouddhiste de France. November 1, 2020. Video, 14:54.
  • Cholvijarn, Potprecha. "On Book Recommendations for Learning More about the Sammā Arahaṃ Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, March 28, 2022. Video, 3:44.
  • Cholvijarn, Potprecha. "On How Other Theravāda Scholars and Masters View the Sammā Arahaṃ Interpretation of Self." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, March 28, 2022. Video, 2:20.
  • Cholvijarn, Potprecha. "On the Teachings of Achan Man, Achan Maha Boowa, and His Teacher, Achan Sermchai." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, March 28, 2022. Video, 8:28.
  • Cholvijarn, Potprecha. "On the Difference between an Arahant and a Buddha in the Sammā Arahaṃ Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, March 28, 2022. Video, 2:47.
  • Cholvijarn, Potprecha. "On the Sammā Arahaṃ Meditation Tradition and the Concept of Dhammakāya." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, March 28, 2022. Video, 11:40.
  • Cholvijarn, Potprecha. "On the Concepts and Relationship between Āyatana, Nibbāna, and Dhammakāya." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, March 28, 2022. Video, 8:49.
  • Cholvijarn, Potprecha. "On the Inspiration behind His Study of Self & Non-Self Debates in the Thai Theravāda Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, March 28, 2022. Video, 2:18.
  • Cholvijarn, Potprecha. "On How the Dhammakāya Is Conceived of in the Sammā Arahaṃ Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, March 28, 2022. Video, 2:24.
  • Cholvijarn, Potprecha. "On the Prospect of the Idea of Nibbāna as Self Becoming More Widespread in Thai Buddhism." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, March 28, 2022. Video, 2:14.
  • Cholvijarn, Potprecha. "On the Canonical Basis for Nibbāna as Self in the Sammā Arahaṃ Meditation Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, March 28, 2022. Video, 6:12.
  • Cholvijarn, Potprecha. "On the Prominence of Thai Proponents of the Nibbāna-as-Self Perspective." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, March 28, 2022. Video, 6:20.
  • Cholvijarn, Potprecha. "On the Background to the Nibbāna as Self or Not-Self Debate." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, March 28, 2022. Video, 6:49.
  • Cholvijarn, Potprecha. "On the Rational-Philosophical vs. Experiential-Mystical Aspects of the Thai Theravāda Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, March 28, 2022. Video, 5:10.
  • Chonam, Lama, and Sangye Khandro. "Book Launch: Longchenpa's Jewel Treasure of the Dharmadhatu." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 29, 2024. Video, 1:26:36.
  • Suzuki, Shunryu. Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. Read by Peter Coyote. Audio, 2:56:20.
  • Daehaeng Kun Sunim. "It Is Your Buddha Nature That Sees, Hears and Speaks!" Produced by the Hanmaum Seon Center. Video, 7:28.
  • Dahl, Cortland. "Buddha-Nature." Pt. 1 of 4. Recorded at Tergar Madison Meditation Center, Madison, WI, October 10, 2019. Audio, 1:31:21.
  • Dakpa Senge, Khenpo. "Khenpo Dakpa Senge at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 1, Talk 4. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 57:30.
  • Dalai Lama, 14th. "The Dalai Lama Speaks on Nyingma Dzogchen Nature of the Mind." Talk delivered at UC Santa Barbara, April 24, 2009 at the UCSB Events Center. Translation by Thupten Jinpa. Video, 15:58.
  • Dalai Lama, 14th. "Discourse on Uttaratantra." Pt. 1 of 4. Interpreted by Alexander Berzin, Filmed May 1986 in Holland. Produced by Study Buddhism. Video, 1:37:22,
  • Dalai Lama, 14th. "The Fourteenth Dalai Lama on Buddha-Nature." Produced by the Theosophical Society in America, Olcott, Wheaton, Illinois, July 21, 1981. Video, 29:03.
  • Dalai Lama, 14th. "The Furthest Everlasting Continuum and Three Principal Aspects of the Path." Pt. 1 of 3. Produced by the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Recorded at the Main Tibetan Temple, Dharamsala, H.P., India, May 10, 2019. Video, 55:33.
  • Damcho Dorji, Lopen. "Lopen Damcho Dorji at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 1, Talk 3. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 1:02:54.
  • Dawa Tsering, Khenpo. "Khenpo Dawa Tsering at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 2, Talk 2. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu, June 1–3. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 59:21.
  • Dongyal, Khenpo Tsewang. "Revealing Your Buddha-Nature." Filmed January 14, 2012 in West Palm Beach, FL. Video, 9:55,
  • Karmapa, 17th. "Karmapa on the Buddha-Nature School: Celebrating the Buddha-Nature Website Inauguration." Filmed September 19, 2020. Video, 9:23.
  • Karmapa, 17th. "The Nature of Mind: A Teaching at the Root Institute." Filmed January 3, 2013 in Bodhgaya, India. Produced by Tsurphu Labrang Media. Video, 1:04:37.
  • Karmapa, 17th. "All Beings Are Buddha by Nature." Interview with H.H. Karmapa conducted at Vajra Vidja Institute, Sarnath, Varanasi, India, February 2015. Video, 1:41.
  • Draszczyk, Martina. "Buddha Nature as Seen by Early Bka’ brgyud Masters." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 37:27.
  • Drolma, Lama Palden. On "Bringing Tonglen Practice to New Audiences." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 27, 2021. Video, 6:05.
  • Drolma, Lama Palden. "A Guided Tonglen Meditation Practice." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 27, 2021. Video, 15:05.
  • Drolma, Lama Palden. "On Incorporating Vajrayana Practices into a Therapeutic Setting." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 27, 2021. Video, 5:23.
  • Drolma, Lama Palden. "On the Shangpa Kagyu Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 27, 2021. Video, 8:43.
  • Drolma, Lama Palden. "On the Sukhasiddhi Foundation." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 27, 2021. Video, 2:20.
  • Drolma, Lama Palden. "On Doing Tonglen Practice for Oneself." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 27, 2021. Video, 5:37.
  • Drolma, Lama Palden. "On Pharmaceuticals." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 27, 2021. Video, 3:42.
  • Drolma, Lama Palden. "On the Relationship between Tonglen and Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 27, 2021. Video, 7:58.
  • Drolma, Lama Palden. "Is Buddha-Nature a Teaching That Is Universal?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 27, 2021. Video, 4:14.
  • Drolma, Lama Palden. "On Narcissism." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 27, 2021. Video, 2:49.
  • Drolma, Lama Palden. "On The Meaning of Vajrayana and Deity Practice." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 27, 2021. Video, 2:35.
  • Drolma, Lama Palden. "On Her First Encounter with Buddha-Nature Teachings." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 27, 2021. Video, 6:30.
  • Duckworth, Douglas. "On Buddha-Nature and Emptiness." Interview by Alex Gardner. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 20, 2018. Video, 6:58.
  • Duckworth, Douglas. "A Definition of Buddha-Nature." Interview by Alex Gardner. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 20, 2018. Video, 8:45.
  • Duckworth, Douglas. "On the Topic of Buddha-Nature Understood as Luminosity (or as Having Qualities) versus Buddha-Nature Understood as Emptiness." Interview by Alex Gardner. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 20, 2018. Video, 7:24.
  • Duckworth, Douglas. "On the Concepts of Presence and Absence as a Means for Understanding Buddha-Nature." Interview by Alex Gardner. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 20, 2018. Video, 7:40.
  • Duckworth, Douglas S. "Buddha Nature in Tibet: Transformation of the Ground." Recorded 2017 at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Nepal. Audio, 1:24:26.
  • Duckworth, Douglas. "On the Dialectical Relationship between Presence and Absence in Discussions on Buddha-Nature." Interview by Alex Gardner. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 20, 2018. Video, 11:07.
  • Duckworth, Douglas. "Sentient Beings Within: Buddha-Nature and the Great Perfection." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 42:46.
  • Dorjee, Dudjom. "Buddha Nature." Produced by Karma Thegsum Chöling Dallas, February 21, 2010. Video, 8:23.
  • Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, (The 7th). "Compassion, Love, and Buddha Nature." Produced by Rebel Buddha TV, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, May 27, 2013. Video, 3:42.
  • Khensur, Gyumed. "Uttaratantra (Buddha Nature)." Pt. 1 of 16. Streamed live on August 13, 2016 by Do Ngak Kunphen Ling and the Mahayana Sutra and Tantra Center of New Jersey. Video, 1:49:55.
  • Everest, Tsering. "We Are Frozen." Pt. 1 of 2. Filmed April 28, 2019 at Chagdud Gonpa Odsal Ling, Brazil. Video, 8:39.
  • Fletcher, Wulstan. “What Is Buddha-Nature?” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 9, 2019. Video, 4:36.
  • Fletcher, Wulstan. “Longchenpa's View of Buddha-Nature.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 9, 2019. Video, 7:06.
  • Fletcher, Wulstan. “On His Personal Encounter with Buddha-Nature Teachings.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 9, 2019. Video, 7:39.
  • Fletcher, Wulstan. “On Mipham and the Nyingma Approach to Buddha-Nature.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, November 9, 2019. Video, 19:04.
  • Forgues, Gregory. "A Reluctant Expression of the Inexpressible: Klong chen rab 'byams pa dri med 'od zer (1308–1364) on Sugatagarbha." Old Topic, New Insights: Buddha-Nature at the Crossroads between Doctrine and Practice. The 16th IATS Conference, Prague, July 3–9, 2022. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 21:04.
  • Phuntsho, Karma. "The Life and Works of Kyotön Monlam Tsultrim." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Dr. Greg Forgues. With special guests Dr. Klaus-Dieter Mathes and Dr. Zhouyang Ma. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 15, 2024. Video, 1:27:50.
  • Forgues, Gregory. "Towards a Textual Discourse Analysis of Longchenpa's Writings on Buddha Nature." Produced by the University of Oxford's Faculty of Oriental Studies October 2, 2023. University of Oxford Podcasts. Tibetan Graduate Studies Seminar series. Video, 54:14.
  • Germano, David. "On His Current Research Projects." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 27, 2022. Video, 4:49.
  • Germano, David. "On the Concept of Buddha-Nature and the Questions It Generates." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 27, 2022. Video, 5:58.
  • Germano, David. "On the Aesthetics of Dzogchen and the Vajra as a Metaphor for Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 27, 2022. Video, 10:04.
  • Germano, David. "How Does One Actualize Buddha-Nature in the Nyingtik Teachings?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 27, 2022. Video, 9:59.
  • Germano, David. "How Can Dzogchen Teachings and Practices Be Made More Relevant to the Wider World?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 27, 2022. Video, 11:16.
  • Germano, David. "How Does gzhi (ground or base) Relate to bden pa gnyis (two truths) in Madhyamaka?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 27, 2022. Video, 6:41.
  • Germano, David. "On Buddha-Nature in Tibet in the Early Translation Period." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 27, 2022. Video, 3:27.
  • Germano, David. "On Longchenpa and Jigme Lingpa." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 27, 2022. Video, 2:50.
  • Germano, David. "On the Evolution of Dzogchen Practices from the 11th to the 14th Century." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 27, 2022. Video, 9:47.
  • Germano, David. "On His Interest in the Great Perfection and Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 27, 2022. Video, 3:14.
  • Germano, David. "On Longchenpa's View of Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 27, 2022. Video, 3:23.
  • Germano, David. "On How the Dzogchen Nyingtik Tradition Approaches Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 27, 2022. Video, 12:31.
  • Germano, David. "On His Work with the Contemplative Sciences Center at UVA." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 27, 2022. Video, 7:23.
  • Drime Ozer, Geshe. "Geshe Drime Ozer at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 1, Talk 5. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 57:10.
  • Jigme Gyatso, Geshe. "Geshe Jigme Gyatso at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 3, Talk 6. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 1:00:37.
  • Lobsang Gyatso, Geshe. "Geshe Lobsang Gyatso at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 3, Talk 4. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 57:36.
  • Ngawang Topden, Geshe. "Geshe Ngawang Topden at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 2, Talk 5. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 57:41.
  • Ngawang Tsesang, Geshe. "Geshe Ngawang Tsesang at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 1, Talk 6. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 1:09:44.
  • Geydrak Rinpoche. "Closing Remarks from Geydrak Rinpoche." 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 7:53.
  • Goldstein, Joseph. “The Mind: Intrinsically Empty, Naturally Radiant.” Recorded March 25, 2006 at Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge, Barre, MA. Audio, 13:06.
  • Gyamtso, Khenpo Tsultrim. "Buddha Nature: A Collection of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamsto's Teachings on Buddha Nature. The Marpa Foundation's Digital Library of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche.
  • Handrick, Don. "Maitreya's Sublime Continuum on Buddha Nature." Pt. 1 of 3. Produced by Tse Chen Ling Center, San Francisco, September 20–21, 2019. Video, 2:01:28.
  • Higgins, David. "The Eighth Karmapa and the Primacy of Tantric Buddha-Nature Views." Old Topic, New Insights: Buddha-Nature at the Crossroads between Doctrine and Practice. The 16th IATS Conference, Prague, July 3–9, 2022. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 20:38.
  • Higgins, David. "Buddha-Nature and Selfhood." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 41:28.
  • Holmes, Ken. "The Dharma, Part Six: Buddha Nature." Filmed February 16, 2013 in La Ciotat, France. Video, 22:40.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "On Explaining the Shentong View to Beginners." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 30, 2022. Video, 4:44.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "On Working with Resistance in Practice." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 30, 2022. Video, 2:13.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "On Putting Buddha-Nature into Practice at the Awakened Heart Sangha." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 30, 2022. Video, 2:03.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "The Shentong Interpretation of Tathagatagarbha Doctrine." Recorded April 15, 2019 at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Nepal. Audio, 1:15:34.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "The Heart Sutra and the Shentong View." Produced by Awakened Heart Sangha, May 14, 2018. Video, 1:27:28.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "On Her Approach to the Guru Principle." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 30, 2022. Video, 4:21.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "On How the Prajñāpāramitā Tradition Promotes a Shentong View." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 30, 2022. Video, 7:34.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "Trungpa Rinpoche's Teaching on Maṇḍala Principle in Orderly Chaos and the Innumerable, Inseparable Qualities in the RGV." Old Topic, New Insights: Buddha-Nature at the Crossroads between Doctrine and Practice. The 16th IATS Conference, Prague, July 3–9, 2022. Video, 11:37.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "On Her Name 'Shenpen' and Her First Impressions of the Buddha-Nature Teachings." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 30, 2022. Video, 4:44.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "On Buddha-Nature and the Divine." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 30, 2022. Video, 7:11.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "On Her Approach to the Maṇḍala Principle and Its Relationship to Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 30, 2022. Video, 5:30.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "Lama Shenpen Speaks on Buddha Nature." Produced by Awakened Heart Sangha. Filmed at The Hermitage of The Awakened Heart, Gwynedd, North Wales, July 27, 2019. Video, 1:22:21.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "On the Expectations of Western Students." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 30, 2022. Video, 4:16.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "On Totality and the Analytical Approach." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 30, 2022. Video, 9:11.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "On Her Approach to the Rangtong and Shentong Debate over the Nature of Reality." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 30, 2022. Video, 20:36.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "On Her Approach to Teaching about the Process of Death and Dying." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 30, 2022. Video, 7:35.
  • Hookham, Shenpen. "The Impact of a Shentong Interpretation of Tathāgatagarbha Doctrine from the Point of View of a Western Buddhist Practitioner." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 41:03.
  • Hubbard, Jamie, and Paul Swanson. "On Hakamaya Noriaki and Matsumoto Shiro's Criticism of Tathāgatagarbha." Interview by Marcus Perman, Alex Gardner, and José Cabezón. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 2018. Video, 4:44.
  • Hubbard, Jamie, and Paul Swanson. "On Their Own Position on the Critical Buddhism Debate." Interview by Marcus Perman, Alex Gardner, and José Cabezón. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 2018. Video, 5:31.
  • Hubbard, Jamie, and Paul Swanson. "What Is Buddha-Nature?" Interview by Marcus Perman, Alex Gardner, and José Cabezón. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 2018. Video, 4:04.
  • Hubbard, Jamie, and Paul Swanson. "On Their Book Pruning the Bodhi Tree and Responses to Critical Buddhism." Interview by Marcus Perman, Alex Gardner, and José Cabezón. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 2018. Video, 6:56.
  • Hubbard, Jamie, and Paul Swanson. "Buddha-Nature according to Zhiyi and the T'ien T'ai Tradition." Interview by Marcus Perman, Alex Gardner, and José Cabezón. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 2018. Video, 4:19.
  • Hubbard, Jamie, and Paul Swanson. "On Hakamaya Noriaki and Matsumoto Shiro's Doctrinal Positions, the Japanese Response, and the Legacy of Critical Buddhism." Interview by Marcus Perman, Alex Gardner, and José Cabezón. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 2018. Video, 12:20.
  • Hubbard, Jamie, and Paul Swanson. "Critical Buddhism: An Overview." Interview by Marcus Perman, Alex Gardner, and José Cabezón. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 2018. Video, 10:52.
  • Hubbard, Jamie, and Paul Swanson. "On the Issue of Buddha-Nature and Practice in East Asian Buddhist Traditions." Interview by Marcus Perman, Alex Gardner, and José Cabezón. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 2018. Video, 3:49.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "On the Ratnagotravibhaga and Its Place in the Gelukpa Curriculum." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 1:43.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "On Taking Mind Itself as the Basis for Meditative Practice." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 3:32.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "Tsongkhapa on Emptiness and the Experience of Emptiness." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 11:58.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "Geluk Authors' Perspectives on Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 3:23.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "How Does One Know That the Essence of Buddha-Nature Exists in Oneself?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 1:38.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "On the Collection of Buddha-Nature Treatises in the Library of Tibetan Classics." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 5:15.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "On the Buddha-Nature of Insentient Things." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 4:04.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "Is It Possible for Other Spiritual Traditions to Experience Buddha-Nature?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 4:22.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "How Does Dharmakaya Differ from Buddha-Nature?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 2:44.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "On His First Encounter with the Concept of Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 5:46.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "How Can Buddha-Nature Teachings Be Applied to Politics?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 5:09.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "Buddha-Nature and the Tension between Two Fundamental Concepts of Mahayana Thought." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 13:02.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "On Determining Semantic Arguments vs. Substantive Arguments as a Translator." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 4:02.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "What Is the Relationship between Bliss and Emptiness?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 4:10.
  • Jinpa, Thupten. "Advice for the Younger Generation." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, January 29, 2022. Video, 5:40.
  • Jones, Christopher V. "Selfhood, Secrecy, Singularity: Reassessing the Early Life of the Tathāgatagarbha in India." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 45:01.
  • Jones, Christopher. "Defining a 'Buddha-Nature Discourse': The Case of the Mahāmeghasūtra (Sprin chen po'i mdo)." Old Topic, New Insights: Buddha-Nature at the Crossroads between Doctrine and Practice. The 16th IATS Conference, Prague, July 3–9, 2022. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 17:22.
  • Jones, Christopher V. "Shadows of a Former Self: The 'True Self' Taught by the Tathāgatagarbha Literature." Recorded March 3, 2015 at the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies. Audio, 1:04:11.
  • Joos, Sina. "The Role of the Ratnagotravibhāga in Tā ra nā tha’s dBu ma theg mchog." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 40:46.
  • Jorden, Khenpo Ngawang. "Revisiting Gorampa on Buddha Nature." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 45:05.
  • Ngawang Jorden, Khenpo. "Khenpo Ngawang Jorden at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 3, Talk 3. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu, June 1–3. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 59:30.
  • Schneider, Jeffrey. "Inherent Buddha Nature." Recorded January 16, 2018 at San Francisco Zen Center's City Center. Audio, 32:01.
  • Kalsang Tenkyong, Geshe. "Geshe Kalsang Tenkyong at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 1, Talk 2. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 1:02:15.
  • Kano, Kazuo. "Examples of the Term tathāgatagarbha Appearing in Indic Tantric Literature." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 42:13.
  • Forgues, Casey. "The Basis for Buddhahood: The Naturally Luminous Mind and Buddha-Nature in the Early Mahāmudrā Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 27, 2024. Video, 1:09:48.
  • Kemp, Casey. "Buddha-Nature as a Path of Means: The Influence of Buddha-Nature Theory on Eleventh-Century Tibetan Tantric Instructions." Old Topic, New Insights: Buddha-Nature at the Crossroads between Doctrine and Practice. The 16th IATS Conference, Prague, July 3–9, 2022. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 18:48.
  • Kemp, Casey. "The Luminous Basis for Buddhahood: ’Jig rten mgon po’s Pith Instructions for Merging the Nature of Mind with the Dharmakāya." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 41:36.
  • Gyurme Tsultrim, Khenpo. "Closing Remarks from Khenpo Gyurme Tsultrim." 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 16:18.
  • Khenpo Kunga. "The Buddha Within: Buddha Nature and the Path of Meditation." Produced 2017 by the Tergar Meditation Community, Minneapolis, MN. (In Tibetan with English Translation.) Translated by Jeremy Manheim. Audio, 1:45:10.
  • Lhakpa Yeshi, Khenpo. "Khenpo Lhakpa Yeshi at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 3, Talk 2. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 1:00:10.
  • Ngawang Lodoe, Khenpo. "Khenpo Ngawang Lodoe at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 1, Talk 1. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 56:49.
  • Ngawang Thokmey, Khenpo. "Khenpo Ngawang Thokmey at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 2, Talk 3. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu, June 1–3. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 57:07.
  • Khenpo Sodargye. "The Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra." Pt. 1 of 15. In Chinese with English translation. Produced by Khenpo Sodargye's team, May 2019. Video, 1:00:17.
  • Khenpo Sodargye. "The Ideology of Tathagatagarbha." (In Chinese.) Produced by Khenpo Sodargye's Team. University Lecture Series. December 12, 2016, Video, 46:12.
  • Tamphel, Khenpo Könchok. "The Difference Between a Sentient Being and a Buddha: 'Jig rten gsum mgon’s Instruction on the Process of Confusion." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 47:23.
  • Tenpa Tshering, Khenpo. "Khenpo Tenpa Tshering at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 2, Talk 1. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu, June 1–3. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 55:10.
  • Tshewang Sonam, Khenpo. "Khenpo Tshewang Sonam at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 3, Talk 1. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu, June 1–3. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 1:04:45.
  • Tsultrim Norbu, Khenpo. "Khenpo Tsultrim Norbu at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 2, Talk 6. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 58:51.
  • Khyentse, Dzongsar. "Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche Talks about Buddha-Nature." Produced by Vidyaloke. New Delhi, March 18, 2018. Video, 6:45.
  • Soeng, Bon. "Just Seeing Is Buddha-Nature." Filmed March 13, 2013 in Berkeley, CA. Video, 33:05,
  • Klein, Anne. "Buddha-Nature and Permission." Produced by Dawn Mountain Online, July 26, 2016. Video, 1:07.
  • Henkel, Rev. Kokyo. "On the Use of the Term 'Atman' in Buddha-Nature Scriptures." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 26, 2021. Video, 5:02.
  • Henkel, Rev. Kokyo. "On the Famous Mu Koan." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 26, 2021. Video, 4:26.
  • Henkel, Rev. Kokyo. "Zhiyi's Six Dharma Gates to the Sublime and the Relationship between Tiantai and Zen." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 26, 2021. Video, 4:14.
  • Henkel, Rev. Kokyo. "On the Connection between Zen and Dzogchen." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 26, 2021. Video, 7:56.
  • Henkel, Rev. Kokyo. "On His First Encounter with Buddha-Nature Teachings." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 26, 2021. Video, 4:10.
  • Henkel, Rev. Kokyo. "On the Various Early Influences on the Formation of the Zen Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 26, 2021. Video, 8:05.
  • Henkel, Rev. Kokyo. "On Dogen's Articulation of Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 26, 2021. Video, 3:58.
  • Henkel, Rev. Kokyo. "Does the Zen Tradition Have an Equivalent to Mandala Practice in Vajrayana?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 26, 2021. Video, 3:05.
  • Henkel, Rev. Kokyo. "Sources of Buddha-Nature Teachings in the Zen Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 26, 2021. Video, 20:56.
  • Henkel, Rev. Kokyo. "On the Term 'Big Mind'." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 26, 2021. Video, 3:56.
  • Henkel, Rev. Kokyo. "On the Differences between Zen and Dzogchen and the Practice of Shikantaza, or 'Just Sitting'." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 26, 2021. Video, 8:07.
  • Henkel, Rev. Kokyo. "On Mazu's Statements: 'Mind Itself Is Buddha' and 'Ordinary Mind Is the Way'." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 26, 2021. Video, 3:01.
  • Henkel, Rev. Kokyo. "Resource Recommendations for Learning about Buddha-Nature in the Zen Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 26, 2021. Video, 5:25.
  • Komarovski, Yaroslav. "On His First Encounter with the Teachings on Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 30, 2021. Video, 2:53.
  • Komarovski, Yaroslav. "What Does Shakya Chokden Mean by Ultimate Sentient Beings?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 30, 2021. Video, 3:46.
  • Komarovski, Yaroslav. "On Shakya Chokden's Unique Interpretation of Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 30, 2021. Video, 3:12.
  • Komarovski, Yaroslav. "On How Shakya Chokden Inspired His Book Tibetan Buddhism & Mystical Experience." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 30, 2021. Video, 4:50.
  • Komarovski, Yaroslav. "On Buddha-Nature in Shakya Chokden's Tantric Writings." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 30, 2021. Video, 5:10.
  • Komarovski, Yaroslav. "On How He Came to Specialize in the Works of Shakya Chokden." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 30, 2021. Video, 5:08.
  • Komarovski, Yaroslav. "On Shakya Chokden's Understanding of Madhyamaka." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 30, 2021. Video, 5:37.
  • Komarovski, Yaroslav. "Shakya Chokden on Tathāgatagarbha in the Tantric Practice of the Two Stages." Old Topic, New Insights: Buddha-Nature at the Crossroads between Doctrine and Practice. The 16th IATS Conference, Prague, July 3–9, 2022. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 20:42.
  • Komarovski, Yaroslav. "On Where We Find Discussions of Buddha-Nature in Shakya Chokden's Works." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 30, 2021. Video, 4:46.
  • Komarovski, Yaroslav. "On the Various Types of Tathagatagarbha in Shakya Chokden's Writings." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 30, 2021. Video, 10:57.
  • Komarovski, Yaroslav. "On the Life & Works of Shakya Chokden." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 30, 2021. Video, 4:44.
  • Komarovski, Yaroslav. "On the Development of Shakya Chokden's Views." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 30, 2021. Video, 6:51.
  • Komarovski, Yaroslav. "On Shakya Chokden's Terminology in Articulating the Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 30, 2021. Video, 9:56.
  • Kumagai, Seiji. "How the Concepts of 'Buddha-Nature' (Tathāgatagarbha) and 'Innate Enlightenment' (Hongaku) Were Interpreted by Shinran (1173–1263), Founder of the Jōdo-Shin-Shū School of Japanese Pure Land Buddhism." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 47:28.
  • Dawa Zangpo, Lopen. "Lopen Dawa Zangpo at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." Day 2, Talk 4. 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu, June 1–3. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 57:55.
  • Lopez, Donald S., Jr. “Tathāgatagarbha: A Brief History.” Keynote lecture at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 40:17.
  • Luo, Hong. "Observing the Link between Self-awareness and Buddha Nature in Ratnākaraśānti’s Prajñāpāramitopadeśa." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 39:00.
  • Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. "Uttaratantrashastra at Rigpa Shedra East 2009 with Klaus-Dieter Mathes." Rigpa Shedra East, Pharping, Nepal, February 15, 2009. Audio, 1:37:40.
  • Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. “Welcome Speech of the 2019 Tathāgatagarbha Symposium.” Opening remarks presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 5:55.
  • Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. "Maitripa: India's Yogi of Nondual Bliss." A book launch event hosted by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 1, 2021. Video, 1:11:02.
  • Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. "The Three Nature (Trisvabhāva) Theory in the Yogācāra Texts of the Five Maitreya Works." Recorded April 3, 2018 at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Nepal. Audio, 1:23:42.
  • Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. "Tibetan Traditions of Buddha-Nature in the Light of Its Complex Indian Background." Old Topic, New Insights: Buddha-Nature at the Crossroads between Doctrine and Practice. The 16th IATS Conference, Prague, July 3–9, 2022. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 20:27.
  • Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. “Zhang ston Bsod nams grags pa’s Defense of Dol po pa’s Clear-Cut Distinction between Buddha Nature and the Ground Consciousness.” Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 40:48.
  • Das, Surya. "Lama Surya Das at the Garrison Institute." Produced by the Garrison Institute, July 2010. Video, 31:06.
  • Khandro Rinpoche. "Abiding within the Buddha-Nature." Produced by Vidyaloke. Filmed at Vana, Dehradun, India, March 6, 2019. Video, 2:08:29.
  • Mingyur, Yongey, 7th. "Your True Nature." Produced by Tergar Learning Community, February 29, 2012. Video, 4:43.
  • Mingyur, Yongey. "An Introduction to Discovering the Buddha Within." Produced by the Palpung Audio and Visual Archive (PAVA), Feb 19, 2020. Video, 5:45.
  • Mingyur, Yongey, 7th. "Buddha-Nature and Creativity." August 30, 2018, Video, 1:37.
  • Mingyur, Yongey, 7th. "Discovering Buddha Nature." Produced by Tergar Learning Community, April 7, 2014. Video, 1:48.
  • Mingyur, Yongey, 7th. "Uncovering the Buddha Within with Mingyur Rinpoche." Produced by Tergar Meditation Community, November 7, 2020. Video, 10:56.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "How Is Buddha-Nature Presented in the Nyingma Tradition?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 10:08.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "Is It Possible to Experience Buddha-Nature outside of an Ārya's Meditative Equipoise?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 1:30.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "On Candrakīrti and Nāgārjuna and Why They Emphasized Emptiness over Clarity." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 5:41.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "What Books, Programs, or Retreats Would You Recommend to Others?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 2:54.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "On His First Encounter with the Teachings of Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 5:34.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "When One Gets a Glimpse of Buddha-Nature, Does It Require Effort to Sustain It?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 2:26.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "What Inspired Figures Like Khenpo Shenga and Mipam to Embrace a Sūtra Perspective?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 6:50.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "How Do We Balance Practice and Study in Our Lives?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 3:13.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "Pot Is Not Empty of Pot, but Empty of Inherent Existence. What Is the Fault in This Statement?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 4:59.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "What Is Our True Nature?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 2:52.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "On the Difference between the Hindu Notion of Ātman and the Nyingma Understanding of Tathāgatagarbha." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 6:41.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "On the Position of Mipam vis-à-vis the Rang stong and Gzhan stong Debate." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 4:13.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "What Advice Would You Give to Students Who Don't Have the Luxury of Going to a Shedra?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 4:52.
  • Norgay, Khenpo Tenzin. "How Does the Nyingma Tradition Think of Buddha-Nature in Terms of Practice?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 30, 2022. Video, 6:38.
  • Phuntsok, Tulku Orgyen. "Buddha Nature." A Six-Part Teaching on the Uttaratantra Shastra. Pt. 1 of 6. Produced by the Odiyana Institute, 2018. Video, 1:20:20.
  • Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin. "On Balancing Practice with Daily Life." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, September 25, 2021. Video, 3:15.
  • Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin. "On Her Childhood Belief in Innate Perfection and Her Early Spiritual Journey." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, September 25, 2021. Video, 6:40.
  • Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin. "How Does One Actualize Buddha-Nature As a Layperson?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, September 25, 2021. Video, 5:20.
  • Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin. "What Improvements Can Be Made in Transmitting Teachings Such As Buddha-Nature?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, September 25, 2021. Video, 5:19.
  • Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin. "On Guru Devotion." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, September 25, 2021. Video, 8:22.
  • Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin. "On the Value of Reclusion vs. Engagement and Starting a Nunnery." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, September 25, 2021. Video, 8:25.
  • Palmo, Tenzin. "Dealing with Depression." Interview by Matt Linden and Yura Milyutin. Produced by Study Buddhism (Website), September 2016. Video, 3:30.
  • Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin. "What Is Innate Perfection or Buddha-Nature?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, September 25, 2021. Video, 8:00.
  • Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin. "Advice on Daily Practice." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, September 25, 2021. Video, 3:11.
  • Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin. "Is the Traditional Tibetan Approach the Best Method for Westerners to Train in Tibetan Buddhism?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, September 25, 2021. Video, 4:04.
  • Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin. "How Do We Transform Difficult Circumstances into a Catalyst for Spiritual Transformation and Human Flourishing?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, September 25, 2021. Video, 4:38.
  • Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin. "Reflecting on Her Activism for the Status of Nuns and the Patriarchal Element of Vajrayana Buddhism." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, September 25, 2021. Video, 5:21.
  • Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin. "How to Convince People of Their Innate Goodness?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, September 25, 2021. Video, 3:48.
  • Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin. "How Can Women and Girls Formulate a Buddhist-Inspired Feminism?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, September 25, 2021. Video, 3:43.
  • Pettit, John W. "Basics of Buddha-Nature: Mipham's Roaring Lions Public." Recorded March 27, 2019 at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Nepal. Audio, 1:14:20.
  • Wangchuk, Dorji. "Resources for the Nyingma Understanding of Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 31, 2021. Video, 2:59.
  • Phuntsho, Karma. "Buddha-Nature and Dying: Clear Light at the Point of Death." Old Topic, New Insights: Buddha-Nature at the Crossroads between Doctrine and Practice. The 16th IATS Conference, Prague, July 3–9, 2022. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 15:47.
  • Wangchuk, Dorji. "The Textual Sources and Advocates of Buddha-Nature Theory in the Early Transmission Period." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 31, 2021. Video, 3:56.
  • Skilling, Peter. "On the Cuḷasuññata Sutta and Its Relationship to Maitreya's Madhyāntavibhāga." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 8:05.
  • Ricard, Matthieu. "On What Has Made His Life Meaningful." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 1. October 24, 2020. Video, 2:59.
  • Ricard, Matthieu. "Matthieu Ricard: On His First Encounter with Buddha-Nature Teachings." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 1. October 24, 2020. Video, 13:35.
  • Thurman, Robert. "On Buddha-Nature as a Positive Philosophical Concept." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Buddha-Nature as the Foundation of Freedom: Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 2. November 28, 2020. Video, 12:36.
  • Wangchuk, Dorji. "On the Relationship between Tathāgatagarbha Theory and Pratītyasamutpāda." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 31, 2021. Video, 7:34.
  • Wangchuk, Dorji "Is "Other-Emptiness" Taught as Part of the Curriculum in Nyingma Shedras Today?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 31, 2021. Video, 3:54.
  • Ricard, Matthieu. "Is it Possible to Enhance the Qualities of Buddha-Nature without Meditation and Practice?" Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 1. October 24, 2020. Video, 5:11.
  • Skilling, Peter. "On the Relationship between the Early Pāli Sūtras and the Kangyur." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 3:11.
  • Ricard, Matthieu. "On Overcoming 'Wicked-World' Syndrome." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 1. October 24, 2020.
  • Skilling, Peter. "On How He Started His Career in Buddhist Studies." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 3:49.
  • Thurman, Robert. "On the Different Conceptions of Buddha-Nature within the Various Schools of Tibetan Buddhism." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Buddha-Nature as the Foundation of Freedom: Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 2. November 28, 2020. Video, 12:13.
  • Wangchuk, Dorji. "How Can Ordinary Buddhists Access the Profound Teachings on Buddha-Nature?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 31, 2021. Video, 3:17.
  • Skilling, Peter. "On the Concept of Self (atta) in Pāli Sources." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 5:43.
  • Ricard, Matthieu. "How Can We Reconcile the Teachings on Buddha-Nature with the Prasangika Madhyamaka System?" Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 1. October 24, 2020. Video, 5:40.
  • Skilling, Peter. "Which Pāli Sūtras Should be Translated into Tibetan?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 1:57.
  • Thurman, Robert. "On the Reception of Buddhism in the West." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Buddha-Nature as the Foundation of Freedom: Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 2. November 28, 2020. Video, 5:53.
  • Karma Phuntsho. "Lopon Karma Phuntso's Introduction of Kyoton's Life and Works." 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video,
  • Wangchuk, Dorji. "Rongzompa and His Position on Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 31, 2021. Video, 10:03.
  • Skilling, Peter. "On the Importance of Luminosity in the Early Stages of the Pāli Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 2:41.
  • Ricard, Matthieu. "Is Buddha-Nature a Seed to Be Cultivated or Something that Must Be Revealed?" Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 1. October 24, 2020. Video, 4:40.
  • Thurman, Robert. "On His Own Spiritual Practice." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Buddha-Nature as the Foundation of Freedom: Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 2. November 28, 2020. Video, 7:21.
  • Wangchuk, Dorji. "How Were Rongzompa's Works Received and Integrated in the Nyingma Tradition?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 31, 2021. Video, 4:26.
  • Ricard, Matthieu. "On His Experience Writing about the Life Stories of Enlightened Masters." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 1. October 24, 2020. Video, 7:18.
  • Skilling, Peter. "On the Source of the Luminous Mind in the Aṅguttara Nikāya & the Prajñāpāramitā Sūtras." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 2:23.
  • Thurman, Robert. "On His First Encounter with the Concept of Buddha-Nature." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Buddha-Nature as the Foundation of Freedom: Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 2. November 28, 2020. Video, 7:42.
  • Skilling, Peter. "On Practices Associated with Luminosity in the Early Pāli & Theravāda Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 4:40.
  • Thurman, Robert. "On How Buddha-Nature Can Help Us to Cope with Depression and Stress." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Buddha-Nature as the Foundation of Freedom: Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 2. November 28, 2020. Video, 7:46.
  • Wangchuk, Dorji. "Buddha by Nature or Buddha by Nurture? On the Views of Rongzompa, Longchenpa, and Mipam." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 31, 2021. Video, 10:19.
  • Phuntsho, Karma. "Buddha-Nature: Theoretical Understanding and Practical Application." Recorded at Dharma Gate Buddhist College in Budapest, Hungary, Sep 22, 2022. Video, 1:52:27.
  • Wangchuk, Dorji. "On His First Encounter with the Concept of Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 31, 2021. Video, 2:38.
  • Skilling, Peter. "On the Concept of the Three Bodhis and Its Historical Evolution." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 7:05.
  • Ricard, Matthieu. "Reading Recommendations for Learning about Buddha-Nature." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 1. October 24, 2020. Video, 2:02.
  • Thurman, Robert. "Robert Thurman: On Buddha-Nature as a Potential Unifying Concept among the World's Religions." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Buddha-Nature as the Foundation of Freedom: Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 2. November 28, 2020. Video, 11:10.
  • Wangchuk, Dorji. "Longchenpa and His Position on Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 31, 2021. Video, 3:28.
  • Phuntsho, Karma. "Karma Phuntsho Introduction to the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video, 13:17.
  • Wangchuk, Dorji. "On the Impact of Rongzompa, Longchenpa, and Mipam on the Nyingma Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 31, 2021. Video, 8:44.
  • Skilling, Peter. "On the Origins and Dating of the Concept of Prabhāsvara (Luminosity)." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 8:15.
  • Ricard, Matthieu. "On the Transition from a Western Scientific and Philosophical Perspective to a Buddhist One." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 1. October 24, 2020.
  • Skilling, Peter. "Is Prabhāsvaracitta (Luminous Mind) Conditioned or Unconditioned?" Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 2:14.
  • Thurman, Robert. "On Buddha-Nature and the Risk of It Being Used to Build Further Egoism." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Buddha-Nature as the Foundation of Freedom: Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 2. November 28, 2020. Video, 7:33.
  • Wangchuk, Dorji. "On How Buddha-Nature Theory May Be Shaped by Western Studies and Practice and the Implications of Tathāgatagarbha Theory." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 31, 2021. Video, 8:15.
  • Roberts, Peter Alan. "Buddha-Nature in the Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Aug 31, 2024. Video, 1:07:45.
  • Ricard, Matthieu. "On the Importance of the Preliminary Practices and Cultivating Compassion and Altruism." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 1. October 24, 2020. Video, 8:17.
  • Skilling, Peter. "Reflections on a Middle Indic Verse from a Ratnagotravibhāga Commentary." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 17:28.
  • Thurman, Robert. "On the Western Understanding of Buddha-Nature." Interview by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Buddha-Nature as the Foundation of Freedom: Conversations on Buddha-Nature Series 2. November 28, 2020. Video, 5:01.
  • Skilling, Peter. "On the Concept of Luminosity in the Aṅguttara Nikāya." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 5:09.
  • Querl, Katrin. "Preliminary Notes on the Notion of Buddha Nature in the Single Intention." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 43:53.
  • Finch, Rev. George Kosho. "Buddha-Nature." True Words: A Shingon Buddhist Podcast, episode 22. Produced by the Foundation for Shingon Buddhism. August 5, 2017. Audio, 15:34.
  • Ringu Tulku. “On the Relationship between a Sentient Being and a Buddha” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 10, 2019. Video, 5:07.
  • Ringu Tulku. “On the Nature of Mind and Its Relationship to Buddha-Nature.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 10, 2019. Video, 7:46.
  • Ringu Tulku. "Buddha Nature." Pt. 1 of 3. Produced by and filmed at Karma Sonam Dargye Ling Temple, December 1, 2015. Video, 1:37:22.
  • Ringu Tulku. “On the Uttaratantrashastra as a Bridge between Sutra and Tantra” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 10, 2019. Video, 2:10.
  • Ringu Tulku. “On His First Encounter with Buddha-Nature Teachings.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 10, 2019. Video, 2:08.
  • Ringu Tulku. “On Various Texts That Teach about Buddha-Nature.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Produced by Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 10, 2019. Video, 5:24.
  • Ringu Tulku. “On How Beginning Students Might Engage with Buddha-Nature Teachings.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 10, 2019. Video, 9:05.
  • Ringu Tulku. “Why Was Buddha-Nature Taught as Part of the Third Turning of the Wheel of the Dharma?” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 10, 2019. Video, 2:32.
  • Ringu Tulku. “On Jamgon Kongtrul and the Different Approaches to Understanding Buddha-Nature.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 10, 2019. Video, 9:10.
  • Ringu Tulku. “What Is Buddha-Nature?” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 10, 2019. Video, 8:14.
  • Ringu Tulku. “On the Meaning of Chapter 1 Verse 28 of the Ratnagotravibhāga.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 10, 2019. Video, 13:26.
  • Ringu Tulku. “On Teaching Buddha-Nature to Beginners.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 10, 2019. Video, 3:18.
  • Sattizahn, Rinso Ed. "Trusting in Our Own Buddha Nature." Recorded December 8, 2018 at San Francisco Zen Center's City Center. Audio, 36:22.
  • Sangpo, Khenpo Sherab. "Khenpo Sherab Sangpo: Teachings on Buddha Nature." pt. 1 of 4. Produced by Bodhicitta Sangha: Heart of Enlightenment Institute, February 15, 2020. Video, 55:57,
  • Schaeffer, Kurtis. "Notes from the Cave: 'Jigs med gling pa on Buddha-Nature." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 37:04.
  • Sheehy, Michael. "Tantric Zhentong Visions of Tathāgatagarbha in Tibetan Kālacakra Yoga Manuals." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 46:01.
  • Sheng Yen. "Buddhism's Buddha-Nature and Confucianism's Idea of Inherent Goodness." Produced by Dharma Drum Mountain, January 3, 2016. Video, 8:33.
  • Sheng Yen. "One's True Mind and Inherent Nature: How to Take Refuge in Oneself." Produced by Dharma Drum Mountain, December 28, 2012. Video, 8:43.
  • Sherab Phuntsho, Khenpo. "Khenpo Sherab Phuntsho at the 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference." 2023 Buddha-Nature Conference, Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department. Video,
  • Sonam, Khenpo Tshewang. "Buddha-Nature." Produced by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho, Thimphu, Bhutan, 2021. Video, 16:14.
  • Stone, Jacqueline. "From Buddha Nature to Original Enlightenment: 'Contemplating Suchness' in Medieval Japan." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 47:26.
  • Anderson, Tenshin Reb. "Does a Dog Have Buddha Nature?" Recorded July 22, 2018 at San Francisco Zen Center's Green Gulch Farm. Audio, 47:06.
  • Tenzin, Khenpo Tsultrim. "Teachings on Buddha-Nature: Commentary on the Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra." Pt. 1 of 20. Produced by Tibetan Meditation Center, Frederick, MD, September 27, 2015. Video, 1:49:02.
  • Tharchin, Lama. "Recognizing Our True Nature." Produced by Heart Teachings by Lama Tharchin Rinpoche. Recorded at Bodhi House, Olympia, Washington, Nov. 8, 2011. Heart Teachings Video Series. Video, 1:38:08.
  • Dzigar Kongtrul, 2nd. "We Are Enlightened by Nature." Modern Day Bodhisattva Seminar, Talk 3. Produced by Wisdom Productions at Mangala Shri Bhuti, June 7, 2015. Video, 5:14.
  • Chodron, T. "Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions. Chapter 14: Buddha Nature." Pt. 1 of 4. Produced by Sravasti Abbey, November 15, 2017. Video, 1:15:30,
  • Tokpa Tulku. “On Buddha-Nature as a Topic of Debate.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 22, 2019. Video, 2:32.
  • Tokpa Tulku. "Khenpo Tokpa Tulku: The Sublime Continuum." 2 pts. A talk given to students during RYI's Buddhist philosophy class on The Sublime Continuum by Arya Maitreya. In Tibetan, with English translation by Anna Zilman. Produced by the Rangjung Yeshe Institute, n.d. Video, pt. 1, 1:26:38; pt. 2, 1:30:21.
  • Tokpa Tulku. “On the Three Reasons That All Beings Have Buddha-Nature.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 22, 2019. Video, 6:29.
  • Tokpa Tulku. “On Rangtong and Shentong Views of Buddha-Nature.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 22, 2019. Video, 4:12.
  • Tokpa Tulku. “On Learning about the Uttaratantrashastra in the Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Shedra.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 22, 2019. Video, 4:13.
  • Tokpa Tulku. “On How to Approach Buddha-Nature in Practice.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 22, 2019. Video, 7:47.
  • Tsenshab, Kirti. "Buddha Potential 2: Uttaratantra by Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche." Pt. 1 of 7. Filmed at Land of Medicine Buddha, Soquel, CA, 2004. Video, 1:35:47.
  • Tsenshab, Kirti. "Buddha Potential 1: Uttaratantra by Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche." Pt. 1 of 9. Filmed at Land of Medicine Buddha, Soquel, CA, 2003. Video, 1:27:14.
  • Tai Situpa, 12th. "Introduction to Discovering the Buddha Within Program." Produced by the Palpung Audio and Visual Archive (PAVA), June 3, 2023. Video, 8:52.
  • Ajahn Brahm. "Buddha Nature by Ven. Ajahn Brahm." Recorded December 27, 2002. Audio, 55:18.
  • Thero, Ven. Dhammadipa. "On the Roots of Tathāgatagarbha and His Position on the Concept." Interview by Marcus Perman. Salon Tibétain, Tsadra Foundation, Boulder, CO, Jan 30, 2019. Video, 7:35.
  • Thero, Ven. Dhammadipa. "On the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna." Interview by Marcus Perman. Salon Tibétain, Tsadra Foundation, Boulder, CO, Jan 30, 2019. Video, 15:45.
  • Thero, Ven. Dhammadipa. "On Yogachara, Shamatha and Vipashyana Meditation, and Tathāgatagarbha as Skillful Means." Interview by Marcus Perman. Salon Tibétain, Tsadra Foundation, Boulder, CO, Jan 30, 2019. Video, 3:22.
  • Thero, Ven. Dhammadipa. "On How He Came to Study the Yogachara Tradition." Interview by Marcus Perman. Salon Tibétain, Tsadra Foundation, Boulder, CO, Jan 30, 2019. Video, 6:15.
  • Thero, Ven. Dhammadipa. "On the Nature of Mind in Yogachara." Interview by Marcus Perman. Salon Tibétain, Tsadra Foundation, Boulder, CO, Jan 30, 2019. Video, 10:17.
  • Thero, Ven. Dhammadipa. "Buddha Nature and the Yogācāra Analysis of Mind in The Awakening of Faith." Recorded October 6, 2015 at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Nepal. Audio, 1:43:28.
  • Wallace, B. Alan. "Essence of Buddha-Nature." Produced by Jeffrey Khoo, Claudio Li Caizi, Brenton Palmer-Angell, and Diogo Rolo. Filmed during a Spring eight-week retreat on Shamatha, Vipashyana, and Mahamudra held April–May 2016 at Lama Tsongkhapa Institute, Pomaia, Italy. Video, 27:53.
  • Wangchuk, Dorji. "Rong-zom-pa on the Tathāgatagarbha and Pratītyasamutpāda Theories." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 45:33.
  • Guan, Yin. "About Faith: Everyone Has Buddha-Nature." Produced by Jade Rei Sylvan. Video, 1:38.
  • Zasep Tulku. "Buddha Nature: What Is It? How Is It Different from Soul?" Produced by Buddha Weekly, February 5, 2018. Video, 13:03.
  • Zimmermann, Michael. "All Living Beings Have Buddha-Nature: The Genesis of the Concept of Universal Buddhahood." Produced by Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies and FROGBEAR, October 7, 2019, at The University of British Columbia. Glorisun Distinguished Lecture Series. Video, 1:06:34.
  • Zimmermann, Michael. "New Research on the Concept of Buddha-Nature in India: The Beginnings." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 45:00.
  • Sutra Sources

    Rig pa rang shar chen po'i rgyud



    Kun tu bzang po thugs kyi me long gi rgyud

    Rdo rje sems dpa' snying gi me long gi rgyud




    Sgra thal 'gyur chen po'i rgyud

    Bkra shis mdzes ldan chen po'i rgyud

    Nyi ma dang zla ba kha sbyor ba chen po gsang ba'i rgyud












    Fanwang jing

    Hevajra Tantra

    Commentary Sources

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos legs bshad nyi ma'i 'od zer

    Chos dbyings rin po che'i mdzod kyi 'grel pa lung gi gter mdzod

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma rgyan gyi me tog

    Ratnagotravibhāga Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra

    Ri chos nges don rgya mtsho zhes bya ba mthar thug thun mong ma yin pa'i man ngag

    Kun mkhyen chen pos mdzad pa'i grub mtha'i rnam bzhag don gsal gyi 'grel ba phyogs lhung mun sel

    Chos dbyings rnam par nges pa'i gter sgo brgya 'byed

    Yon tan rin po che'i mdzod dga' ba'i char

    Gzhan stong dbu ma'i rgyan gyi lung sbyor

    Kun mkhyen jo nang pa chen po'i dgongs pa gzhan stong dbu ma'i tshul legs pa bshad mthar 'dzin gdung 'phrog

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i zin bris byams mgon gyi dgongs pa phyin ci ma log pa

    Mdo rgyud rin po che'i mdzod

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i 'grel pa nges don gsal bar byed pa'i 'od zer

    De bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po bstan pa'i bstan bcos kyi mchan 'grel

    Sangs rgyas kyi snying po'i rnam bshad mdo rgyud snying po

    Dam pa'i chos dgongs pa gcig pa'i rnam bshad lung don gsal byed legs bshad nyi ma'i snang ba

    Dbu ma la 'jug pa'i rnam bshad dgongs pa rab gsal

    Dbu ma'i byung tshul rnam par bshad pa'i gtam yid bzhin lhun po zhes bya ba'i bstan bcos

    Gzhan stong snying po

    De bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po bstan pa'i bstan bcos kyi rnam 'grel rang byung dgongs gsal

    RKTST 2725

    Phyag rgya chen po gsal bar byed pa'i bstan bcos tshangs pa'i 'khor los gzhan blo'i dregs pa nyams byed

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i ṭīkka

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos zhes bya ba'i mchan 'grel gyi mchan bu

    Phyag rgya chen po'i man ngag gi bshad sbyar rgyal ba'i gan mdzod

    Bde gshegs snying po gsal ba'i rgyan

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos legs par bshad pa

    De bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po bstan pa'i bstan bcos

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long

    Theg chen rgyud bla ma'i gdams pa

    Ye shes kyi 'jog sa

    'da' ka ye shes kyi 'chi kha ma'i man ngag

    Gzhan stong dbu ma chen po'i lta khrid rdo rje zla ba dri ma med pa'i 'od zer

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel pa byams mgon dgyes pa'i mchod sprin

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel ba gsal ba nyi ma'i snying po

    Lam rim chen mo


    Rgyud bla ma'i tshig don rnam par 'grel pa

    Sdom gsum rab dbye

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi rnam par bshad pa nges don rab gsal snang ba

    Byams pa dang 'brel chos kyi byung tshul

    Rgyud bla ma'i rnam bshad sngon med nyi ma sogs chos tshan bzhi

    Gzhan stong lta khrid

    Bar do spyi'i don thams cad rnam pa gsal bar byed pa dran pa'i me long

    Sdom pa gsum rnam par nges pa'i 'grel pa legs bshad ngo mtshar dpag bsam gyi snye ma


    Lta ba mdor bsdus pa

    Bde gshegs snying po la bstod pa dad gus kyi gter chen po

    Bde gshegs snying po'i bkra shis

    Nges don phyag rgya chen po'i smon lam

    De bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po gtan la dbab pa'i bstan bcos mchan can

    Stong thun gnad kyi zin thun

    Rgyud bla ma'i 'grel pa mdo dang sbyar ba nges pa'i don gyi snang ba

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi bshad pa nges don nor bu'i mdzod

    Rgyud bla ma'i sa bcad mtshungs med legs bshad

    Mdo sde rgyan dang rgyud bla ma spyod 'jug rnams kyi 'grel TIk+ka gi dbu zhabs kyi tshigs bcad

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi tshig dang don gyi cha rgya cher bsnyad pa phra ba'i don gsal ba

    Theg chen bstan pa'i snying po'i 'grel pa nyi ma'i 'od zer

    Rājopadeśadarśanamālā (RKTST 2725)


    Dam chos yid bzhin gyi nor bu thar pa rin po che'i rgyan

    Chos kyi dbyings su bstod pa zhes bya ba'i bstan bcos rnam par bshad pa chos kyi dbyings rnam par nges pa

    De bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po bstan pa zhis bya ba'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel pa don gsal lung gi 'od zer

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i tshig don rnam par bshad pa rin chen sgron me

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi nges don gsal bar byed pa'i rin po che'i gron me

    Chen po gzhan stong gi lta ba dang 'brel ba'i phyag rgya chen po'i smon lam gyi rnam bshad nges don dbyings kyi rol mo

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos zhes bya ba'i mchan 'grel

    Sde snod bcud bsdus man ngag gi snying po

    Chos nyid kyi lam khrid

    Theg pa chen po'i bstan bcos rgyud bla ma'i 'grel pa

    Dam pa'i chos dgongs pa gcig pa'i 'grel chen snang mdzad ye shes sgron me

    Fo xing lun

    De bzhin gshegs pa snying po'i don rgya bod kyi mkhas pa'i bzhed srol ma 'dres par gsal bar byed pa'i zla gzhon

    Kun mkhyen jo nang pa'i bzhes dgongs dbu tshad kyi gzhung spyi dang gung bsgrigs te spyod pa'i spyi don rab gsal snang ba

    Dam chos dgongs pa gcig pa'i kar TIka chen mo

    Chos dang chos ma yin par rnam par 'byed pa'i gtam chen po zab mor nang don 'khrul par ngo sprod par byed pa grub mtha'i spyi ching

    Gzhan stong dbu ma'i rnam gzhag snying por dril ba

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i rnam bshad don dam rnam nges bsdus pa'i snying po'i snying po

    Phyir mi ldog pa seng ge'i nga ro

    Gzhan stong dbu ma'i rgyan

    Theg mchog shin tu rgyas pa'i dbu ma chen po rnam par nges pa

    Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po'i mdo rnam par bshad pa sngon med legs bshad

    Rgyud bla ma'i don bsdus bde gshegs snying po'i don gsal

    Rgyud bla ma'i sgom rim mi pham dgongs don

    Kun tu bzang po'i smon lam stobs po che

    Yid bzhin mdzod kyi 'grel pa pad+ma dkar po

    Grub mtha' mdzod

    Dbu ma chos dbyings bstod pa'i rnam par bshad pa

    Theg pa chen po'i bstan bcos rgyud bla ma'i sa bcad

    Gzhan stong khas len seng ge'i nga ro

    Sher snying gi tshig 'grel

    'phags ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po'i dka' 'grel 'gran zla med pa'i rgyal po tshig le'ur byas pa

    Lung rigs gnyis kyis phyag rgya chen po'i bzhed tshul la 'khrul pa sel ba'i bstan bcos zung 'jug gru chen

    Phyag rgya chen po'i shan 'byed ces bya ba'i bstan bcos

    Dasheng qixin lun

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bsdus don

    Dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i rnam bshad rin po che'i gter mdzod bdun pa

    Gzhan stong chen mo

    Bka' yang dag pa'i tshad ma zhes bya ba mkha' 'gro ma'i man ngag

    Phyag rgya chen po lnga ldan rtogs pa'i mgur

    Chos dang chos nyid rnam par 'byed pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa'i 'grel pa ye shes snang ba rnam 'byed

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bsdus pa'i don

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi bsdus pa'i don

    Rgyud bla ma'i dka' 'grel gnad kyi zla 'od

    Rgyud bla ma'i 'grel pa Ti ka nyi 'od gsal ba

    Rgyud bla ma'i bsdus don rton pa bzhi ldan mkhas pa dga' byed

    Rgyud bla ma'i 'grel pa rton pa bzhi ldan mkhas pa dga' byed

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i 'grel pa dgongs pa nges gsal

    Rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos gsal byed

    Rgyud bla ma'i gsal byed bsam mi khyab pa'i yi ge

    Rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel mchan

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i don gyi snying po gsal byed kyi snang ba chen po

    Rang stong dang gzhan stong gi khyad par cung zad brjod pa tshul gnyis rnam gsal lung rigs sgron me

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i zin bris tI kA

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi mchan 'grel

    Rgyud bla ma'i bsdus don rin chen sgron me

    Rgyud bla ma'i 'grel bka' 'khor lo tha ma'i gsal byed

    Rgyud bla ma'i 'grel ba rin po che'i snang ba

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi tshig 'grel thub bstan yar rgyas

    Rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi rnam bshad bde gshegs snying po'i mdzes rgyan

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i dka' gnad kyi mtha' dpyad mun sel

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i TIk+ka de nyid snang ba

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi mchan 'grel legs bshad thogs med zhal lung

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel ba rigs khams bde gshegs snying po'i me long

    De bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po'i mdo'i 'grel pa snying po rab gsal

    Bde gshegs snying po'i skor zin bris

    Drang nges legs bshad snying po

    Legs bshad gser phreng


    Dam chos dgongs pa gcig pa

    Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi mchan 'grel mi pham zhal lung

    Bde gshegs snying po'i stong thun chen mo seng+ge'i nga ro

    Dbu ma gzhan stong smra ba'i srol legs par phye ba'i sgron me

    Chos dbyings du ma ro gcig bde gshegs snying po'i yon tan can gyi mdo sde



    Deb ther sngon po

    Rgyud bla rong ston 'grel pa'i kha skong

    Bka' bsdu bzhi pa'i don bstan rtsis chen po

    Dpon byang ba'i phyag tu phul ba'i chos kyi shan 'byed

    Theg mchog shin tu rgyas pa'i dbu ma chen po rnam par nges pa'i rnam bshad zin bris dbu phyogs legs pa

    Phyi nang grub mtha'i rnam bzhag gi bsdus don blo gsal yid kyi rgyan bzang

    Dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i chos bskor gyi byung khungs nyer mkho

    Dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i nges don gsal bar byed pa rin po che'i sgron ma

    Nges don dbu ma chen po'i tshul rnam par nges pa'i gtam bde gshegs snying po'i rgyan

    Zab mo nang don

    Shes bya kun la khyab pa'i mdzod

    Nges don gyi lta sgom nyams su len tshul ji lta bar ston pa rdo rje'i mdo 'dzin

    Mnyam med dwags po'i chos bzhir grags pa'i gzhung gi 'grel pa snying po gsal ba'i rgyan

    Chos kyi 'khor lo legs par gtan la phab pa theg pa chen po'i tshul 'ong ges zhus pa

    Zab lam khrid kyi man ngag 'phrad tshad rang grol

    Dbu ma la 'jug pa'i rnam bshad dpal ldan dus gsum mkhyen pa'i zhal lung dwags brgyud grub pa'i shing rta

    Springs yig bdud rtsi'i thig le

    Zab mo gzhan stong dbu ma'i brgyud 'debs